eNews Newsletter
January 2016
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
Leadership Resources
NCSM has a new resource available on the website! Visit Coaching Corner to hear what experts have to say about coaching! Two video interviews have recently been posted!  One interview with Skip Fennell, Beth Kobett and Kay Sammons and a second interview with Steve Leinwand address questions regarding philosophies, components of successful coaching models, and aspects that may be particularly challenging. View these interviews to hear perspectives and suggestions from respected leaders in the field. Additional interviews will be posted in the coming months along with "It Worked" stories from teacher leaders and coaches in the field.

The Maryland Council of Teachers of Mathematics will hold a live panel discussion on Wednesday, January 20, at 3:30 pm (ET) via Periscope. Math coaches will share their experiences and answer live questions that are submitted via chat and twitter. Download the free Periscope app and follow Jenny Novak to engage in the free discussion. All are welcome!

What's Happening in Mathematics Education
The Annual Conference for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) will be held January 28-30, 2016, in Irvine, CA. Drs. Ed Dickey and Francis (Skip) Fennell will be featured speakers. This year marks the 25th Anniversary for the organization.

What's New at NCSM
The 2016 NCSM Annual Conference (April 10-13), Oakland, CA, is quickly approaching! Advanced registration deadline is March 15, 2016. Meal tickets are almost sold out, so register today! 

Over 250 outstanding sessions will be available including a keynote by Kevin Devlin and major presentations by Jo Boaler, Uri Treisman, and Cathy Seeley, among others. The program and and session information will be posted on the website this month. We hope to see you in April!

Welcome to the January 2016

The NCSM eNews is published monthly. Our goal is to provide the NCSM community with current happenings for both the NCSM organization and mathematics education. Please let us know if you have suggestions for future editions. Happy New Year and best of luck as you enter Spring semester!

Babette M. Benken, eNews Editor 
Message from the NCSM President, John Staley 

"Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" 

Happy New Year and my hope is that everyone had a chance to relax, refresh, and renew over the winter break. It was great to have time with family and friends. It was also nice to make time to step away from the hustle and bustle of work to reflect on the past and plan for the future. 
As I reflected I am reminded of the many individuals who have somehow influenced my life directly or indirectly. Maybe it was a handshake, kind/encouraging word, note, email, text, or phone call just when you needed it. It reminded me of the responsibility that comes when one takes on a leadership role-the importance of showing others that you care.

Leadership truly is about relationships. Relationships that many of us learned how to build and develop while in the classroom teaching mathematics. Relationships that we have developed, nurtured, and come to cherish over the years as mathematics educators and leaders. Leadership is also about legacy. As you look to the future and continue to write your story, what will the pages of history say about your legacy as a mathematics education leader? Will they tell stories of how you tried to address the following question: "How will you change Mathematics Education?" Will it tell about how you championed the cause for "Leading Systemic Change: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned."

As we continue on our leadership journey I ask that we pause in remembrance of one of our Giants who recently passed on January 13, 2016-NCSM past President (1999-2001) Jerry Cummins. Jerry, thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your legacy. Thank you for being one of the Giants. You will be missed. 

Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Volunteer at the 48th NCSM Annual Conference!

Whatever your reason to volunteer, please consider helping your organization at the 48th NCSM Annual Conference in Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area, April 11-13, 2016. There are opportunities before the conference starts with bag preparation on Sunday, during the conference at registration, ticket taking for meal functions, helping non-members complete a registration form for a free 1-year membership at the membership booth, assisting at the book store, and after the conference at the NCSM membership booth for the NCTM conference. 

This year we are excited to help our volunteers with "Building Bridges Between Leadership and Learning Mathematics" T-shirts created to honor their service. Wear them while volunteering at the conference and take them home to remember the new connections you make in Oakland. We encourage everyone interested in volunteering at the conference to visit the volunteer site on the NCSM website. For additional information, contact Mona Toncheff, NCSM 2nd Vice President.

Annual Conference: April 11-13, 2016

Annual Conference
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