eNEWS Newsletter
August 2015
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
What's New at NCSM
Registration and housing for the 2016 NCSM Annual Conference (April 11-13, Oakland Marriott City Center) will be open late August. Notification of proposal status is being sent this week.

Happenings in Mathematics Education
The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas in Austin has been awarded a $12.7 million contract by the U.S. Dept. of Defense to advance math education for children on U.S. military bases. The Center will train teachers and administrators. For more info: 

Welcome to the August 2015 eNEWS

The NCSM eNEWS will now be published monthly. Our goal is to provide the NCSM community with current happenings for both the NCSM organization and mathematics education. Please let us know if you have suggestions for future editions. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Babette M. Benken, eNEWS Editor 
Message from the NCSM President, John Staley 

"Mathematics is Life. Life is Mathematics."
While recently attending the MAA MathFest "Celebrating a Century of Advancing Mathematics" I participated in a series of sessions,
"Notes of a Native Son": The Legacy of Dr. Abdulalim A. Shabazz (1927-2014). One speaker made the following statement "Mathematics is Life. Life is Mathematics" (I believe Dr. Shabazz would often say to his students). Another speaker shared that one of Dr. Shabazz's goals was to have students believe that math is "nothing more than a reflection of life, and that life itself is mathematical." Speaker after speaker described how he dedicated his life to helping his students excel in the learning of mathematics by
  • setting high expectations,
  • telling them that it would require dedication and a lot of work,
  • requiring them to give back to others, and
  • expecting them to get involved with the community.
As I reflect on the afternoon the importance of shifting the conversation from an emphasis on "standards and assessments" to making mathematics meaningful, relevant, and accessible for each and every student becomes more urgent. I invite you to join the conversation this month and share ideas (#NCSMHT) to help students understand that "math is a reflection of life.... and life itself is mathematical."

Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award

Colleagues across the nation are engaging in significant work to further ideas and passion regarding mathematics leadership and education. Please consider nominating a person you know who has made significant and describable contributions to the field through a dedication and concern for his/her fellow mathematics educators. This person should demonstrate a clear knowledge of mathematics education as well as contributing to the furthering of the stated purposes of NCSM: the interchange of ideas, cooperation with other professional organizations, and leadership in attacking current problems in mathematics curriculum and supervision. Please visit http://www.mathedleadership.org/about/awards1.html for a nomination form and criteria.

Deadline is November 1, 2015!

Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award

Kay Gilliland gave her time, energy, services and skills to work for equity in mathematics education for all students, especially low-income, black, Latino, and indigenous peoples. Each year NCSM honors her legacy by presenting a person of like mind and work ethic with the Kay Gilliland Equity Lecture Award. The awardee will be invited to present their lecture at the 2016 Annual NCSM conference in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area in April. Please visit
http://www.mathedleadership.org/about/awards7.html to nominate a candidate for this award.

Nominations are open through October 1, 2015.  

NCSM Iris Carl Travel Grant

Do you serve in a mathematics education leadership role? The 48th Annual NCSM Conference will take place in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area in April 2016. If you are a current NCSM member and have not had the opportunity to attend this outstanding conference focused on cutting edge topics in mathematics education in the past three years, please visit  http://www.mathedleadership.org/about/awards3.html to apply for an Iris Carl Travel Grant.

Deadline is December 1, 2015!

Annual Conference: April 11-13, 2016

Annual Conference
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