National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
NCSM eNews November 2013
Welcome the November 2013 eNews
The 2013/14 school year is now in full effect. Many states are working diligently to implement the CCSS while balancing new ideas for assessment as well as teacher evaluation. This should be an exciting time for mathematics leaders to affect others. For more information on the learning opportunities available visit If you have any questions or anything to add, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
President's Message


Marshall Memo
The Marshall Memo is a great resource for current mathematics leadership and education content. The memo is a members only feature, but click here for a sample of this fabulous content.



Check out the latest news on equity from the Education Trust at



-For up-to-date information regarding equity in mathematics education, please check out the TODOS homepage at for all of your equity needs.


Leadership Corner


This months leadership corner comes from the NCSM Newsletter via Suzanne Alejandre

Valuing as the Key to Unsilencing 

Within a school community there are a number of different roles and interactions, including: * 

student <-> teacher * 
teacher <-> teacher * 
teacher <-> professional development provider * teacher <-> school administrator * 
teacher <-> district administrator * 
school administrator <-> district administrator 

Underlying each of these interactions are students and the goal of fully developing their mathematical content knowledge and practices. At the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Initiative is the valued learner, a learner with an active voice in his/her own learning. Under No Child Left Behind practices and assessment many students' voices have fallen silent because there just has not been time to develop or listen to them. Unsilencing students' voices will take effort, but only when this happens will students be demonstrating their full mathematical understanding.

Do the teachers you are working with as colleagues or in a professional development capacity approach teaching with the thought that their students "don't learn" something until they have "taught" them? Or, in contrast, do they wonder if their students have some understanding of a topic before they launch into the unit? For example, teachers might ask themselves: * What have the students already learned about the topic? * What conceptual understanding do they have? * What misconceptions do they have? * What could be the best starting point?

To learn more see the Spring 2013 Newsletter
Iris Carl Travel Grant

(Applications Due 12/1/13)


NCSM honors Iris Carl, NCSM Past President, Glenn Gilbert Awardee, and International Leader, through the NCSM Iris Carl Travel Grant. This grant gives support to mathematics educators and future leaders in mathematics education to attend an NCSM Annual Conference, thus supporting the NCSM vision of a cadre of well trained, broadly informed and perceptive leaders of mathematics education at all levels. NCSM cares greatly about young members and wants them to become the very best leaders they can be.


More information can be found at Iris Carl Travel Grant


Educational Technology
For an update on the latest in educational technology, check out EdTech Weekly Report
Call For Manuscripts
The NSCM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership is requesting individuals submit manuscripts for publication. See Call for Manuscripts for more details
In This Issue
President's Message
Marshall Memo
Leadership Corner

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Mathematical Education of Teachers (MET II)

CBMS Releases New Report on the Mathematical Education of Teachers 

What mathematics do teachers need to know?

How can mathematicians aid teachers in learning this mathematics, in collaboration with others responsible for teacher education?


Find out more at CBMS MET II Report

What's Happening @ NCSM


-Register today for a NCSM Leadership Academy. Learn more at Leadership Academy Information


-Registration is now open for the 46th Annual Conference to be held in New Orleans, LA, April 7-9, 2014 at Annual Conference Registration  


-NCSM is participating
 in the Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership. More information can be found at MTEP 


Leadership Resources


Explore the Standards for Mathematical Practice in Action!


Explore EDC's ( for Illustrations of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Illustrations include 1) a mathematics task and student dialogue that exemplify what student mathematical thinking aligned with the standards looks like when connected to mathematical content, 2) teacher reflection questions and a mathematical overview for teacher learning and 3) student materials related to the dialogue for classroom use. These Illustrations may be used in professional development settings as well as for individual learning and reflection. 

Math Recovery

Math Recovery Recognized by National Center on Response to Intervention Math Recovery is honored to have been listed on the National Center on Response to Intervention web site as an instructional intervention tool. The National Center on RTI publishes this list to assist educators and families in becoming informed consumers who can select instructional intervention programs that best meet their individual needs. Math Recovery was approved by the Center after having undergone a rigorous technical review committee process. The Center's Technical Review Committee (TRC) on Instructional Intervention independently established a set of criteria for evaluating the scientific rigor of studies demonstrating the efficacy of instructional intervention programs. This recognition speaks to USMRC's continued investment in children's education and is a tribute to the dedicated professionals within our organization." See the link for more details

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics

[email protected]