National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
NCSM eNews February 2013
Welcome the February 2013 eNews
Welcome to a new year of NCSM eNews. The coming year is sure to be filled with exciting opportunities for math leaders to continue their impact on their constituents. This issue of the eNews if filled with details about the annual conference in April, summer opportunities, and leadership tips. If you have any questions or anything to add, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
President's Message


Welcome to a new year of challenges that require mathematics leaders to rise above the mundane tasks that eat up time and energy.  Leadership requires vision, inspiration and stamina.  Success in a mathematics leadership role begins long before an individual takes charge.  Much of a leader's most critical skills begin in the classroom, in mentoring relationships, and in the company of other vibrant minds.  Mathematics leaders in 2013 will face great challenges in the mission of moving people, organizations, and community and business relationships toward acceptance of the Common Core State Standards in a rapidly evolving world.  This year commit yourself to mentoring a new leader who will need more than natural ability.  Each of you will need the benefit of continuous leadership training and developing the tools of your leadership trade.  Use the tools that NCSM provides to make you a more effective and efficient leader.  As a mathematics leader you have more influence than you realize. 
Marshall Memo
The Marshall Memo is a great resource for current mathematics leadership and education content. The memo is a members only feature, but click here for a sample of this fabulous content.



Check out the latest news on equity from the Education Trust at



-For up-to-date information regarding equity in mathematics education, please check out the TODOS homepage at for all of your equity needs.


Leadership Corner


This months leadership corner comes from the NCSM Newsletter via Lynn Columba

Every teacher is a leader. Whether in a formal leadership role or in a classroom, great teachers are by nature great leaders. Teacher leaders work on the front lines, but guide and facilitate from behind the scenes, to support their colleagues in teaching and learning. Often accomplished through a peer network, teacher leaders spread goodwill in every classroom and nurture one-to-one relationships. To accomplish this, teacher leaders:
 * Volunteer to help formal leaders by sending email or completing other tasks.
 * Arrive early for meetings and greet everyone by name. 
* Disclose a personal anecdote of learning from a mistake. 
* Share a favorite website for learning mathematics. 
* Treat others with kindness and respect.


Educational Technology
For an update on the latest in educational technology, check out EdTech Weekly Report
Call For Manuscripts
The NSCM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership is requesting individuals submit manuscripts for publication. See Call for Manuscripts for more details
In This Issue
President's Message
Marshall Memo
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Sponsor for this Edition of the eNews is Explore Learning

Mathematical Education of Teachers (MET II)

CBMS Releases New Report on the Mathematical Education of Teachers 

What mathematics do teachers need to know?

How can mathematicians aid teachers in learning this mathematics, in collaboration with others responsible for teacher education?


Find out more at CBMS MET II Report

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics

[email protected]