Vol. 3, No. 48                                                                             December 13, 2013 
OAA celebrates grand opening of new Multi-Educational Complex



"This is a truly a dream realized and a vision of excellence that has come to fruition. We are thankful to God for everyone who made it possible," said Mrs. Sharon Lewis, principal (at the microphone, left). Mrs. Delma Harvey, principal of the elementary school, agrees.



The 3.5 million dollar complex is a labor of love and sacrifice that was made possible, by sacrificial giving of nine local Adventist churches in the Huntsville Area Seventh-day Adventist constituency, the school board, and support from the South Central Conference of SDA.
A nearly three-decade long dream has finally come true! School principals and students, South Central Conference and Oakwood University Administrators, and OAA School Board members cut the ribbon at the OAA Multi-Educational Complex on December 8, 2013.
 Some of our elementary schoolers, beneficiaries of the new 33,000 square foot facility, which houses an AHSAA regulation gymnasium (seating capacity of 500), a commercial-grade kitchen and cafeteria/multi-purpose room, and four large classrooms.




2013 PELC: A "Greater" Success!


More than 876 registrants and approximately 1800 evening service attendees created a "Greater" success for this year's 34th annual Pastoral & Evangelism Leadership Council (PELC) conference, the world church's largest continuous annual gathering of pastors.


"We used as this year's theme, 'Greater,' as our goal was for God to prepare us for greater works of ministry and service," recapped PELC director, Dr. Jesse Wilson, School of Religion associate professor.


"Every sermon, plenary session and seminar had been prepared, planned and prayed over to have maximum positive impact on the life and leadership of every attendee." 


Heralded by media as the only "hero" of the 16-day U.S. federal government shutdown earlier this year, U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry Black (left) told SDA pastors Sunday, December 8, that their church "is sleeping through a revolution."

"And the reason why we are not experiencing the miracles that God would have us experience, is because we're not prepared to speak the truth to power," he admonished PELC attendees.


"If you're going to prepare for a miracle where leprosy disappears, you've got to speak the truth to power."


Black gained international attention for his searing, no-holds-barred invocations opening each Senate session during that October congressional stalemate.

In Sunday night's award ceremony, Wilson (far left) and Elders Stephen Richardson and Calvin Watkins (far right) presented awards to Elder Robert Woodfork, George Earle, Charles Joseph (Lifetime Achievement), Patrick Vincent (Evangelism), Joseph McCoy (Church Leadership/Administration) and Calvin Preston (Pastoral Service).




A Holiday Greeting from our family to yours

Oakwood University Holiday Greeting 2013
Oakwood University Holiday Greeting 2013



Strategic Plan Overview, 2013-2017

Installment 5 


At its annual meeting in October, the OU Board of Trustees approved Oakwood's direction for the next five years, called "The Strategic Plan Overview." OU? Oh, Yes! is presenting, in installments, the Organizational Priorities for each division. You are also welcome to view the document in its entirety on the Oakwood website. 



Priority 5: Advancement and Development of the University.


Oakwood University's Division of Advancement and Development will secure the University through increased philanthropy, contracting, and fund development. The Division's professional staff will raise financial resources from alumni and non-alumni sources to fund the educational capital needs of the institution.

Kisha Norris 
Executive Director for Advancement & Developmen


Goals across the next 5 years include:
  1. Federal contracting will increase each year. This means that Oakwood will leverage its ISO 9001 certification to become prime or sub-prime contractor on major contracts;
  2. Cultivate relationships with alumni, board, and external partners to identify projects, secure re-investment in the institution, and increase fundraising outcomes;
  3. Increase and enhance pre-alumni activities;
  4. Create a new operational model that enhances the relationship between the University and the Alumni Association;
  5. Coordinate donor recognition activities (e.g., giving clubs, donor wall);
  6. Utilize the "Oakwood Experience" for more effective marketing of the University; and
  7. Develop and implement marketing standards (e.g. email signature, graphic standards manual, announcements) designed to enhance the institutional brand.




Top performing students highlighted by Department of History and Political Science 


Leandra Joseph, Junior International Studies major, President, OU Pre-Law Society

The Department of History and Political Science is pleased to recognize the achievements of two of its students - Ms. Leandra Joseph and Antoine Southern - who have distinguished themselves through academic excellence and student leadership.


In the summer of 2013, Leandra Joseph won the nationally competitive ETS Presidential Scholarship for HBCU students. The tuition of the recipient of this award is paid in full for the remainder of his or her stay at the respective institution of higher learning. Leandra is the President of the Oakwood University Pre-Law Society, and has held this position for the past two years. Under her leadership, the organization has grown and is poised to reactivate OU's chapter of the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Furthermore, Ms. Joseph currently serves as the Executive Secretary for the United Student Movement (USM).


In the summer of 2013, Antoine Southern was one of 20 students selected nationally to participate in the Training and Recruitment Initiative for Admission to Leading Law Schools (TRIALS) Program in partnership with Harvard Law 

Antonine Southern 
Senior Pre-Law major,
TRIALS participant

School and New York University (NYU) School of Law. From June 30 to August 4, Antoine lived on Harvard's campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, receiving intense instruction on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Moreover, Southern met with law school admissions officers and professors from the University of California-Berkeley Law School, Stanford Law School, Yale Law School, NYU School of Law, and Harvard Law School.


In retrospect, Antoine stated, "It was an eye-opening and enriching experience. I encourage everyone who is considering applying to law school to apply to the TRIALS Program." 




Oakwood "represents" on Huntsville's Tinsel Trail

The Tinsel Trail is a project of The Downtown 47, a nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to support and promote the vitality of downtown Huntsville.

Oakwood is proud to be sharing our school spirit with the Huntsville community by participating in this year's "Tinsel Trail." Over 200 Christmas trees are decorated in Big Spring Park (in downtown Huntsville) for the holiday season. Last year, more than 32,000 visitors stopped by; this year, even more people are expected to view this spectacular display. 


Look for the trees decorated by Oakwood University (left) and the LEAP program (right) along the Tinsel Trail near the Huntsville Museum of Art, lining the lake in the west park.   




Introducing:  Miss UNCF of Oakwood University 2013-2014

Monica Spencer, a junior English major from Bermuda, was crowned Miss UNCF 2013-2014 on December 8, 2013, in a ceremony at the Oakwood Industries Building Auditorium.



The Miss UNCF competition gives students an 

opportunity to represent their school, while


simultaneously raising funds for scholarships that will allow minority students to pursue an education that otherwise would not be possible.


Monica began her quest to become Miss UNCF during the summer of 2013.  Her primary method of raising funds was to send out correspondence to businesses at home in Bermuda, church members, family and friends.


Monica enjoys leading, inspiring others, spending time with family and friends, music (singing and playing the flute), and water activities. As she loves to help others, she plans to be a family lawyer.


Monica will have the chance to meet the other queens from various HBCUs at the National UNCF Pre-Alumni Conference in Memphis, Tennessee, in February, 2014. 


Alumni Relations strikes local G.O.L.D.

by Ms. Edith Pruitt, Alumni Relations Coordinator


Joel Bohannan, class of 2009, updates his contact information.
Jewell Thomas, class of 2012, stopped by to say hello.


More than 160 Huntsville area alumni, family and friends of G.O.L.D. (Graduates of the Last Decade, 2003-2013) re-connected on December 10, at Chipotle Mexican Restaurant in Huntsville. 

Are you Oakwood G.O.L.D.? Are you receiving regular OU information updates (weekly OU? Oh, Yes!, semi-annual Oakwood Magazines, etc.)?


If not, please send your updated information to the Oakwood University Alumni Relations Office, alumni@oakwood.edu.



(L-R) Jermaine Brown, class of 2009, greets Kisha Norris, OU's Executive Director for Advancement & Development.
David Tyler King, III,
class of 2029.

Aeolian-ology 101 CD/DVD available 


The Aeolians' latest CD/DVD project, "Aeolian- ology 101" features 21 tracks, intended to be a blessing. The program was recorded at the Oakwood University Church with the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra on March 30, 2013 (the Saturday night of Alumni Homecoming Weekend).


Cost:  $15.00 each


To order your copy, contact Oakwood's Department of Music, at 256-726-7278 or 




The Aeolians of Oakwood University at their Fall Concert on December 7, 2013. 
Jason Max Ferdinand, Director
Chad Lupoe, one of the Aeolians' many stellar soloists
An Oakwood Elementary Ensemble performed with the Aeolians during the second half of the program. Soloist: Miss Zahra Dulan (2nd from left, at microphone).






"New and improved" YMTF streamlined to one-day, features "speed interviewing"


Oakwood University's Career Services and Testing Department is pleased to announce the "new and improved" Youth Motivation Task Force (YMTF).


YMTF has been streamlined into a one-day conference, scheduled for the Wednesday of Alumni Homecoming Weekend. Participants, formerly known as "consultants," are now considered "mentors," and are encouraged to include this event in your Alumni Weekend itinerary. 



The YMTF concept originated in a program called Plans for Progress, developed in 1961 to work with President Kennedy's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. In 1965, it was determined that a more concentrated effort was necessary. Vice President Hubert Humphrey asked 85 prominent black businessmen to personally visit predominantly black colleges. Out of this desire for a more consistent and concentrated effort, the concept of YMTF began.  


At Oakwood, under the auspices of the Career Services and Testing Department, YMTF continues to provide students with motivation and insight into their specific majors, which reinforces the significance of their education. YMTF exposes Oakwood students to alumni and other professionals through presentation, discussion and mentorship.


After presenting to individual classes, YMTF mentors will participate in "speed interviewing" -- a new and fun concept in developing interviewing skills - where students can share their "elevator speeches."  


To sign up as a YMTF mentor, visit Oakwood's web page, fill out the Mentor Registration Form, save it, then attach it to an email to YMTF@oakwood.edu. Alternatively, it can be printed and faxed to 256.726.7139.  If you have any questions, give us a call at 256-726-7134.   




Oakwood alumna Teleka Patrick, class of 2004, has been missing since December 5, 2013.