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What's Happening in Boise School District

February 2:  Community Education's Winter Session continues with a wide variety of classes from which to choose. Register up to the day a class begins! With more than 300 lifelong learning classes, including courses in business and finance, arts and crafts, culinary arts, landscaping, music, dance, travel, health and fitness, there's something for everyone! Click here to review The Week Ahead With Commmunity Ed.  

February 6:  Roosevelt Elementary School 5th grade students will visit the Idaho Capitol at 10 a.m. as part of a civic education field trip. Students will tour the Capitol and then sit in on a portion of the 2015 session of the Idaho Legislature. 


March 12: Kindergarten students new to the District for the 2015-16 school year are encouraged to attend the District's annual Kindergarten Registration/Open House on Thursday, March 12th. Click here to learn more. 

TVMSC Students Recieve "Opportunity of Lifetime" to Send Experiments into Space:  Thanks to a generous donation from a Boise family, students at Boise District's Treasure Valley Mathematics and Science Center will design and implement experiments that will be sent to the International Space Station (ISS).  The Frandson family - Dan, Pattie, Daniel and Kristina - heard that TVMSC's staff and students had an opportunity to become involved in the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Mission 8, where students create experiments with the assistance of ISS astronauts.  To help make that dream come true, the Frandon family donated $23,000 on behalf of Mrs. Frandson's father, Jerry Gliksman, who retired from a rewarding aerospace career. 


"We are very thankful for this most generous donation," explained Dr. Holly MacLean, Principal, TVMSC.  "It will allow TVMSC students to be directly involved in relevant and real-world research that contributes to a growing international body of scientific knowledge from the International Space Station's research efforts." 


TVMSC students will study topics relating to microgravity, the sustainability of life on the ISS, challenges of long term space travel, and the nature of experimentation on a micro (rather than macro) scale. TVMSC has been accepted to be part of Mission 8, which is scheduled for launch in October 2015. News media interested in covering this story, are encouraged to contact Dr. Holly MacLean at 854-6800 or


Education on the Cutting Edge!:   On January 27th, the Dennis Technical Education Center hosted its annual Rigs and Gigs Event for District ninth grade students to introduce them to professional-technical program areas that they can enroll in for their sophomore year.  The Idaho Department of Labor and Boise School District sponsor this event. Click here to view photos of this event.  



Focus on Academic Rigor Earns Borah Student GPA of 5.0: Borah High Junior (JR) Phillip Cathers, who also plays baseball for Borah, earned a 1st Semester GPA of 5.0. He earned an "A" in the following Advanced Placement classes:  AP Biology, AP Calculus (AB), AP Language Composition, AP Physics, AP Spanish Language and AP History. AP courses are rigorous, college-level classes in a variety of subjects that give students an opportunity to gain the skills and experience colleges recognize. Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Idaho students taking AP exams are from the Boise District, which has 9% of statewide enrollment:  Click here to learn more. 


Hidden Springs Teacher Recognized: Paul Perotto, Physical Education Teacher, Hidden Springs Elementary School, has been chosen as the National Jump Rope For Heart Coordinator of the Year for Idaho.

District Educators Selected to Present at State Conference:  The following District staff members were invited to present at the Idaho Association of Bilingual Education conference held on Friday, January 30th:  Maria Delgado, Kindergarten Teacher, Whittier Elementary School; Sofia Soto, former paraprofessional, Whittier Elementary School (presenting Using the Estrellita Reading Program In Fun and Different Ways);  Maria Castillo and Kelli Rich, First Grade Teachers at Whittier Elementary (presenting Visual Mathematics for the K-2 Classroom). Whittier is one of two elementary schools in the District (the other being Whitney) that offers a Dual Language Immersion Program, which recently was the focus of an in-depth CNN report.  
Sofia Soto 

Maria Delgado

Kelli Rich

Maria Castillo

Mountain View Students Give Back to Community:  The Mountain View Elementary Excel students recently completed a community service project with Book It Forward Idaho. Working closely with their classroom teachers, staff, and headed up by their social worker Jennifer Young, the students created an advertising campaign for their school, distributed materials and encouraged classrooms to collect books. Their efforts paid off and they were able to collect 1001 books! The books were distributed by Book It Forward Idaho in coordination with Idaho Voices for ChildrenExcel students are students in a self-contained classroom whose additional curriculum focuses on the development of appropriate behavioral interactions.

Riverglen Jr. High Selected for Unique Program: CenturyLink and the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has selected Riverglen Jr. High as one of eight schools in Idaho to participate in the 2014-2015 CenturyLink Middle School Philanthropy Program Started in 2012 and made possible by the generosity of CenturyLink, this fun and inspiring program's purpose is to increase awareness among middle/junior high school students about the various needs within their communities and engage them in the activities of the nonprofits working tirelessly to meet those needs.  Click here to learn more. 


Teach, Lead, Inspire in Boise Schools!:  Boise School District will hold a certified applicant orientation on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the District Services Center, located at 8169 W. Victory Rd. Boise. The Orientation is designed to help new applicants understand the District's certified application and hiring process. We encourage student teachers and new applicants interested in working for the Boise School District to attend. Click here to learn more and RSVP.   

AVID = Student Success: In this week's Data Points blog post, Boise District Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly takes an in-depth look at the District's AVID program - a college preparatory program in which secondary students become the facilitator of their own academic success. Data Points is dedicated to providing student achievement and education trend analysis and is available  here or click on the above Data Points image.  The blog is intended for parents and patrons interested in an objective, data-driven look at student performance in Boise and across Idaho. 

Virtual Reading and Storytelling Experiences:  Having a story read aloud to you is a real treat! There are many virtual reading and storytelling experiences that feature video, closed captioning, sound effects and now augmented reality!  Click here to learn more in this week's Active 2 Learn blog post here.

Winter Weather Procedures:   When winter weather strikes, the Boise School District has a plan to keep students safe. Our winter weather procedures begin the night before a storm hits and we consult with a variety of organizations in determining how winter weather impacts our school operations. You can do your part by making sure you are prepared for inclement weather. Learn more by clicking here or click on the adjacent image to view a brief video explaining our procedures. 

Parents -  Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging:  The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Click here to learn more and sign-up.


News Media Contact:


Dan Hollar

Public Affairs Administrator

Boise School District  

(208) 854-4064    


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