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News Release
For Immediate Release
What's Happening in Boise School District


September 1:  Labor Day. No school for students in Boise School District. 

September 2:  Boise School Board Trustee Election.  Polls are open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Click here for complete election information, including candidate profile information, polling locations and voter registration information.

September 3:  Deadline to register for the September 8th free preschool screening offered by Boise School District's Special Education Department for children ages 3-5 with developmental concerns.  Click here to learn more.  

September 8: Boise School Board meeting, 6:00 p.m., District Services Center, 8169 W. Victory Rd., Boise. Agenda will be posted here.  Public is invited to attend. 

September 15:  Fall 2014 Community Education session begins and runs through October 23rd. Click here to register for classes.  

High School Senior Receives Perfect Score on College Entrance Exam:  Boise High senior Kate Tsourmas recently received a perfect score of 36 out of 36 on her American College Test.  Click here to learn more. 

Boise Schools' Commitment to Academic Rigor Featured on Local Radio Program: Boise School District's Vision of graduating each student prepared for college, career and citizenship took center stage on Thursday, August 28th. That's when two Borah High Advanced Placement and AVID students joined Superintendent Dr. Don Coberly and District Math Coach Tatia Totorica to talk about Boise's commitment to raising the bar for all students. Students Nick Johnson and George Kanku Ngalamulume explained how taking AP and AVID classes are helping prepare them for post-secondary success. Nick and George also shared some tips for parents on motivating students to do well in school.  Click here to listen to the program.   

Boise Schools' College Go-On Rate Exceeds State and Nation:  Figures released from show a higher percentage of Boise District graduates going on to college (64%) compared to the state (54%) and nation (62%). Click on the adjacent image to learn more.   

Calling all Interested 11th Grade Students:  Student-Led Service Organization One Stone is looking for 150 Treasure Valley 11th graders to participate in its two-day Think Challenge Oct. 2nd & 3rd. The event pits the creative brainpower of high school juniors against issues of systemic complexity created by adults. Registration deadline is September 15th

Enroll Today in a Fall Community Education Class:  Click here to enroll in a Fall Community Education class - Boise's choice for life long learning. With more than 280 classes, there's a class for everyone! Click on the adjacent image to review our class catalog. 

Help Boise Public Schools Education Foundation Earn Donations by Shopping with Your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!  Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington - including the BPSEF.  Sign-up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Boise Public Schools Education Foundation at You can search for us by their name or by their non-profit number 88719.

Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging:  The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging for parents/guardians. Learn more and sign-up by clicking here.  


News Media Contact:


Dan Hollar

Public Affairs Administrator

Boise School District  

(208) 854-4064    


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