The Week Ahead With Community Ed  
Boise's Choice for Lifelong Learning! 


Here's a list of Community Education classes beginning next week (Feb. 18-20). Register up to the day a class begins!
Hot Spots in World Travel:  Southeast Asia:  Explore areas of Southeast Asia that have experienced great changes in the past few decades. See travel photographs of Myanmar (formerly Burma) to better understand its development and American relationships to it. What role has Buddhism played in Southeast Asia? Learn some of the issues in traveling to the area. See Bhutan, a very interesting country. Learn some of the issues in traveling to India, Thailand, and Nepal from Robert Green, who has traveled in more that 70 countries in the past 50 years. Click here to learn more and register. 
HP Life Training - Basics of Operations:  This class introduces the novice entrepreneur to the organization of a business and provides an opportunity to apply this concept to a real business case. Students will work together on a Supply Chain Analysis, including using word processing software to create a flowchart. Click here to learn more and register. 
Internet Investing/Trading:  This class is designed to answer a wide variety of questions including:  Why invest in the stock market?; what is a market?; what is a stock; an equity; a security?; how do I buy a stock(s)?; and what order types can I use to trade stocks?  Click here to learn more and register. 
Sharing Women's Wisdom:  Learn to be comfortable with your life lessons and acknowledge the wisdom you have acquired. This workshop for women will help you recognize your circle of influence and use your wisdom in daily life. Click here  for information on the February 18th class and to register or here for information on the February 20th class and to register. 
Tales of Four Italian Cities: This class introduces the audience to the brief journey in the history, art and architecture of four Italian cities: Milan, Turin, Venice and Florence. The focus is on particularly interesting periods in the history of each city. Click here to learn more and register. 
Attract Customers to Any Business: Tired of chasing customers for your direct sales, home or small business? Join an award-winning internet marketing expert to learn simple and inexpensive marketing strategies that will allow you to attract clients and customers to your business! Click here to learn more and register. 
Eat Better for Less:  Less time, less money, less stress! Increase your rainy day food reserves while you decrease your grocery budget and prepare well-rounded, nutritious meals for less. Click here to learn more and register. 
Ponds for Beginners:  An introduction to backyard ponds and pond construction.  If you are considering installing a pond, or inherited a pond with your home, this is the class for you! Our instructor, a local Koi and pond expert affiliated with the Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society, will guide students through proper installation of a small or large pond, with an emphasis on safety, winter maintenance tips that will keep it simple and easy, and adding plants and fish. Most important, you'll learn the tips and tricks to do this as affordable as possible! Click here to learn more and register. 
Clean Your Home With Essential Oils: Want to save money, improve your health and throw away those caustic chemicals under your sink? Essential oils are more effective, safer for your family and pets, and can be used all over your home! In this class you will learn how to use essential oils and other "green" products to replace all of the cleaning chemicals in your home. You will learn how essential oils can be used to clean everything in your home from your floors, to counter tops, wood furniture, kids' toys, bathrooms, bedrooms, linens, and much more! Click here to learn more and register. 
Conversational Sign Language:  Learn the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) to be able to converse with the deaf or hard-of-hearing. Each evening will include information sharing and hands-on practice time. Click here to learn more and register. 
Personal Safety and Self Defense:  This one-night personal safety and self-defense class is taught by a Boise Police Crime Prevention Unit representative. This class will give you the tools to keep yourself, your property, and your family safe! For women only. Click here to learn more and register. 
Residential Remodeling 101:  Is a remodel in your future? Bring your questions, and get answers from an expert! Learn the pros & cons of remodeling: picking a qualified remodeler, green building, cost vs. value, lead paint information, subcontractors, contracts, and so much more! Click here to learn more and register.  
Make Your Own Glass Bowl:  In this workshop, you and an instructor work together to create your own glass bowl. You will learn basic functions in the glass blowing studio and how to use certain tools, all while creating your very own bowl! This is a great way to satisfy your curiosity about playing with molten glass. Click here to learn more and register. 
Click on the image below to review our complete Winter catalog and click here to register.  

Thank you for your support of our program!


The Community Education Team

Notice of Participation

The Boise School District is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Patrons who participate in the Boise Schools District Community Education program agree to abide by Boise School District Policies, as applicable. See for a complete review of Boise School Board policies.


Notice of Risk

Participation in a Boise School District Community Education class may be dangerous and cause injury. Participants and their invitees assume all risk of participation. The Boise School District is not responsible for any injury or damage suffered by a participant/student, or that person's invitees, nor responsible for any medical, dental, chiropractic or hospital bill related to participation in a Community Education activity. By participating in Community Education you are expressly agreeing to assume the risk of participation, to release the District from all claims for liability, injury, or damage, and to hold the District harmless from such.


Community Education classes are authorized to take place on Boise School District property. When appropriate, the class instructor may obtain written authorization to conduct class at another location.

Class Content Disclaimer

The Boise School District Community Education volunteer instructor/presenter is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Boise School District and the District is not responsible for the accuracy, validity, benefit nor detriment that may result from an instructor's information or presentation.


Religious/Sectarian Program

Attendance and participation in Boise School District Community Education classes are voluntary. Community Education classes may provide information about and discuss sectarian or religious doctrines. Community Education classes are not part of the District's required curriculum. The District's religious expression policy respects the right of each individual to follow his/her own beliefs, so long as the beliefs do not infringe upon the rights of others.



Each participant consents to the use of photographs or videotapes taken of them for future program promotional or marketing materials.


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