The Week Ahead With Community Ed
Boise's Choice for Lifelong Learning!
Here's a list of Community Education classes beginning next week (Feb. 10-14):
A, B, C & Ds of Medicare: Medicare can be confusing! This class will clarify the benefits and regulations surrounding Medicare, allowing students to maximize participation in this program. Click here to learn more and register.
Create Your Own Passion-Filled Career: Retired or out of work? Create your own passion-driven career with just a computer and the internet. Discover how to create income by transforming your talents, skills, and life experiences into a profitable online business with an award-winning Internet Entrepreneur. Click here to learn more and register.
Journal Writing: Beyond Dear Diary: Journal writing is much more than "Dear Diary". In this class, you will learn creative writing techniques to help you tap into thoughts, feelings, and ideas for the purpose of self discovery, healing, recording your personal journey or documenting travel, hobbies, family stories, and much more. Click here to learn more and register.
The Business Guide to Video Marketing: YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine. Learn the value of producing engaging and persuasive video content & how to effectively implement it and leverage it online. We'll discuss content strategy, distribution plans, production, synergy between SEO and video, analyzing metrics, video as a social media tool, and more. Click here to learn more and register.
Total Athletic Conditioning: Are you ready to get fit? This challenging class uses intense interval training to build strength, burn calories, and increase fitness, while you learn how to make healthy living choices and reach your fitness goals. Click here to learn more and register.
Affordable Care Act - How it Affects You: This class will help you understand how the new Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) affects individuals under age 65 who are not eligible for group insurance. Overview of the ACA law, eligibility, penalties. advanceable tax credit/subsidies for premiums and out of pocket expenses to those who qualify. Discussion on the NEW Health Care Marketplace (Exchanges) including the new Open Enrollment Period, and how to apply for coverage to meet the March 31, 2014 deadline for coverage. Click here to learn more and register.
American Red Cross: Dog First Aid: This course will teach you how to handle canine breathing and cardiac emergencies, how to identify symptoms of stress and illness, how to prepare for an emergency and so much more! Click here to learn more and register.
Budgeting for Beginniners: This class enables students to track and begin to control their spending and saving habits. Materials fee includes a take home budgeting book. Click here to learn more and register.
Eat Better, Live Longer: Whole Foods Nutrition: Explore delicious whole foods and how to combine them to balance your weight, and fuel your body and brain with sustainable energy. Come with questions and enjoy some tasty delicious whole foods!
Click here to learn more and register.
Hand Writing Analysis: Come learn about this fascinating topic! This introductory course studies how handwriting strokes reflect distinct personality traits of each person. Click here to learn more and register.
Hivebugs - Easy to Build Robots!: At the Hivebugs workshop, you will have the opportunity to make your own custom made version of these incredible creatures! These robots resemble a firefly that flickers different colors of light when it sees others of its kind doing the same, and can attract or repel other Hivebugs with its magnetic antennae. Click here to learn more and register.
HP Life Training - Basics of Marketing: This class introduces the novice entrepreneur to the marketing concept of a SWOT Analysis and gives them the opportunity to apply that concept to a real business case. Students will work together on a SWOT Analysis in a word processing program. Click here to learn more and register.
Mum's the Word: Death the Final Frontier: Join us for an evening of conversation, sharing thoughts, ideas, and concerns about difficult, but inevitable end-of-life issues. Our objective is to facilitate an open and frank discussion about final rites and personal rights. Click here to learn more and register.
Organizing Your Financial Paperwork: Managing personal and financial paperwork is an essential task. Wouldn't it be nice to simplify the process to make it less overwhelming? This class will tell you what paper you must keep and offer effective solutions to unclutter and manage the paper in your life. Click here to learn more and register.
Selling Your Home: What does it take to get your home sold for the most money and in the fastest possible time?Taught by a proven real estate professional, this class will teach you about choosing the right realtor, de-cluttering and staging your home, internet and traditional marketing, how buyers find homes, costs to sell, local market statistics and more. Click here to learn more and register.
Steamed Brown Bread and Butter: In this class you'll learn to steam-cook your own brown bread, using a method that has changed very little for thousands of years. While our bread cooks, we'll discuss the history of grains, what types of flours can be produced from what, and modern ways of incorporating gluten-free flours into ancient bread recipes.In addition to an entire loaf of yummy bread to take home, we'll fast-churn some fresh butter to join it, and you'll receive a handout on basic bread and butter making, along with a booklet of other interesting winter bread recipes. Click here to learn more and register.
A Woman's Guide to Money Matters: A Woman's Guide to Money Matters is a seminar designed for women of all ages to learn how to take control of their financial life by examining their values and setting specific, realistic and measurable goals. The seminar also covers key strategies for three common financial goals: preparing for retirement, living in retirement and paying for education. Click here to learn more and register.
Beginning Woodcarving - Small Dog: Carving is great fun and a hobby you can do anywhere. In class, you will learn tool basics, layout and proper technique. You will be carving a small dog in relief. To see a sample of the project, stop by Woodcraft to take a look. Tools supplied by Woodcraft. Supplies required. Click here to learn more and register.
Butter is Beautiful and Bread is Bad - How to Really Eat: If you think you eat "right" but still have trouble with your weight, if you want to understand how to eat so you never have to "diet" again, and if you want to stop the "yo-yo" effect of gaining it all back after every "diet", then take this course to learn how we are supposed to eat. Click here and here to learn more and register.
Critique Your Creation: This class will focus on one's creative imagination in the field of writing that will provide writers helpful, positive, and inspiring critiquing advice. You will be able to share your story, characters, and plot in a group setting, while getting tips on how to be a better writer. Click here to learn more and register.
Teaching Children to Work: Create a positive atmosphere that will encourage your children to cooperate and fulfill the responsibilities that are required to have a home function efficiently. Methods for teaching children to invest in the family, care for personal possessions and learn obedience while building confidence, dependability, initiative, and lifetime work ethics will be presented. Click here to learn more and register.
Antiques and Collectibles: Learn how to recognize items that are antiques and items that are collectibles. Gain basic skills to assist you in recognizing the value of those items. Instructor will provide hands-on examples. Click here to learn more and register.
Design Your Best Year Ever: Discover the gifts, talents, strengths & uniqueness you have to excel in business and in life. Reassess where you are in your life and where you want to go in the next year. Learn a highly interactive and step-by-step program to get you there. Click here to learn more and register.
Paranormal Investigations 101 - The Basics: Enjoy an evening with an emeritus member of the International Paranormal Research Group. This class outlines the various basic techniques and tools used in the fascinating and scientific investigation of paranormal activity. Click here to learn more and register.
Women's Self-Defense Against Violent Crime: This course focuses on learning the habits and mental preparedness which minimizes the need for violence during self-defense. Click here to learn more and register.
Click on the image below to review our complete Winter catalog and click here to register.
Thank you for your support of our program!
The Community Education Team
Notice of Participation
The Boise School District is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment. Patrons who participate in the Boise Schools District Community Education program agree to abide by Boise School District Policies, as applicable. See www.boiseschools.org for a complete review of Boise School Board policies.
Notice of Risk
Participation in a Boise School District Community Education class may be dangerous and cause injury. Participants and their invitees assume all risk of participation. The Boise School District is not responsible for any injury or damage suffered by a participant/student, or that person's invitees, nor responsible for any medical, dental, chiropractic or hospital bill related to participation in a Community Education activity. By participating in Community Education you are expressly agreeing to assume the risk of participation, to release the District from all claims for liability, injury, or damage, and to hold the District harmless from such.
Community Education classes are authorized to take place on Boise School District property. When appropriate, the class instructor may obtain written authorization to conduct class at another location.
Class Content Disclaimer
The Boise School District Community Education volunteer instructor/presenter is not affiliated with nor endorsed by the Boise School District and the District is not responsible for the accuracy, validity, benefit nor detriment that may result from an instructor's information or presentation.
Religious/Sectarian Program
Attendance and participation in Boise School District Community Education classes are voluntary. Community Education classes may provide information about and discuss sectarian or religious tenants or doctrines. Community Education classes are not part of the District's required curriculum. The District's religious expression policy respects the right of each individual to follow his/her own beliefs, so long as the beliefs do not infringe upon the rights of others.
Each participant consents to the use of photographs or videotapes taken of them for future program promotional or marketing materials.
