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News Release
For Immediate Release
What's Happening in Boise School District 
Tuesday, January 28:  Ninth grade students from all Boise junior high schools are invited to attend the annual Rigs and Gigs Event at the Dennis Technical Education Center, 8201 W. Victory Rd., from 8:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., showcasing professional-technical programs offered at the high school level. Students will participate in hands-on activities in 19 different program areas. Students will be bused from their junior high school to the Dennis Technical Education Center. For more information: 854-5810.   
Thursday, January 30:  The Dennis Technical Education Center will hold an Open House where ninth, tenth and eleventh grade students are all invited to explore the Dennis Technical Education Center's class options for their upcoming school years. From 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., families are encouraged to attend and experience what DTEC has to offer; 8201 W. Victory Rd. Boise. Information for registration will be provided and instructors will be available to answer questions. For more information: 854-5810.


Friday, January 31:  The Boise High Chamber Orchestra will present its 15th annual Benefit Concert in the Boise High Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.  This year's concert will feature State Senator Cherie Buckner-Webb (voice) and Dr. Del Parkinson (piano), along with the Boise High Chamber Orchestra.   In addition, this will be the final Benefit Concert for Wendy Hartman, Director of the Boise High School Orchestra, as she will be retiring at the end of the school year. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students, teachers and senior citizens and may be purchased in advance through the Boise High Orchestra website  or by phoning 854-4318. Tickets will also be available at the door.


Boise High Girls Basketball Program Announces Fundraising Success: Boise High's Girls Basketball Program is pleased to announce the success of their 6th Annual Pink Zone Game, which was a special event to raise funds and awareness for the Boise local chapter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  The event took place on Friday, January 10th, at Boise's home contest versus the Borah Lions.  In addition to a festive gym decked out in pink, the Lady Braves diligently worked to sell raffle tickets to raise money for this worthy cause.  This year the school is proud to report that $1,502 was raised, the highest total to date, for the local Susan G. Komen Foundation.  


Garfield Students Participate in MLK Activities:  5th grade students from Garfield Elementary School recently participated in Martin Luther King, Jr. activities on Monday, January 20th. Students went to Boise State University to make signs and then marched to the Capitol Building where they performed for the Boise community as part of the Human Rights Day celebration. Students shared songs from Africa, a medley of African American Spirituals and ended with a song about freedom. Click here to view photos from the activities.      


National Study Ranks Boise School District's Breakfast Program #1:  Boise School District and Idaho as a whole are doing a better job than most of the nation when it comes to getting a nutritious breakfast into the hands of low-income students, according to the School Breakfast Scorecard released January 22nd by the Food Research and Action CenterThe state is ranked 16th, and the Boise School District is ranked first among 63 districts studied. Among the surveyed school districts, participation ranged from a high of 92 low-income students in breakfast per 100 in lunch in Boise Public Schools to a low of 35 per 100 in New York City Public Schools. Boise District Food and Nutrition Services Supervisor Peggy Bodnar said they work hard to be creative in offering foods they know kids like. Read more here


Hawthorne Benefits from Partnership with Whole Foods:  Hawthorne Elementary is excited to have been selected for Whole Foods Boise Bag Donation program! From January 20th to April 13th, customers who bring their own reusable shopping bags to Whole Foods get to select a local program to donate 10 cents toward. Please select Hawthorne during your next shopping trips to Whole Foods, and all the proceeds will benefit their first ever school garden, breaking ground this spring! Additionally, Hawthorne was one of the first schools in Idaho to receive a $2,000 garden grant from the Whole Kids Foundation to help start their garden off right. Thanks, Boise Whole Foods!


Borah Symphonic Band Receives State Recognition:  Congratulations to the Borah High School Symphonic Band under the direction of Kevin Sullivan for being selected to perform at the Idaho Music Educators Association All-State In-Service conference this April. The conference is held every other year and being invited to perform is the highest honor you can achieve at the state level.


Direct TV Donates Bicycles to Taft Students:  Kindergarten and first grade students from Taft Elementary School recently each received a brand new bicycle thanks to a generous donation from Direct TV. On January 9th, Wish for Wheels, a nonprofit organization from Colorado, assisted 65 Direct TV employees in putting the bikes together for the kids.  Boise Bicycle Project also assisted.  Students received a free helmet and bike lock compliments of Ada County Highway District. View photos of the event here.


Help Boise Public Schools Education Foundation Earn Donations by Shopping with Your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!  Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington - including the BPSEF.  Sign-up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Boise Public Schools Education Foundation at You can search for us by their name or by their non-profit number 88719.
The Week Ahead with Community Ed:  Community Education kicks off its popular Winter session on Monday, January 27th with a variety of personal enrichment classes. To learn more click here or on the adjacent catalog image.  
Click here for a review of classes starting next week - January 27 - January 30.  
Digital Learning Tip #8 -  Helping Your Child Become Ad Savvy. Young people are targeted by advertisements in a variety of media environments. Many ads are embedded within games, websites, and other online spaces. Common Sense Media challenges families to help young people develop a "critical eye" when it comes to advertisements. You can start the conversation with your family with three important tips:
  • ID the advertisements

    • Help children recognize ads on websites and within games or apps

  • Be Careful Where You Click

    • Remind students to never take a survey or fill out a form without parent permission

  • Resist Peer Pressure

    • Watch advertisements together and point out when an actor is trying to persuade them. Talk about how this information might not always be true

Click on the following image to watch a video regarding how to encourage children to become ad ad savvy.  
In addition, use the following list of Key Vocabulary Words to help guide your ongoing conversations on how to be more "Ad Savvy."


                                                               Key Vocabulary

  • Advertisement: A message that draws attention to a product and encourages people to buy it

  • Brand: a name and identity shared by products that are made by a certain company (e.g., Nike, Pepsi, Disney, etc.)

  • Banner Ad: an online advertisement that looks like a bar or button on the website

  • Advergame: an online advertisement that is also a game you can play

  • Video Ad: an online advertisement that is a video and might look like a TV commercial

  • Pop-up Ad: an online advertisement that "pops up" over the content on the websitesponsorship ad: an ad that specifically supports an event, activity, person, or organization

Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messaging:  The Boise School District offers emergency text messaging. Learn more and sign up by clicking here 


News Media Contact:


Dan Hollar

Public Affairs Administrator

Boise School District  

(208) 854-4064    


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