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News Release
For Immediate Release
What's Happening in Boise School District 


Friday, November 1 - Friday, November 22: Give the gift of reading by donating a new book to the 2013 Operation Wish Book campaign.  From November 1st to 22nd book collection boxes will be located at all Boise and Meridian public schools, as well as many charter schools, private schools and local businesses.  Operation Wish Book is a nonprofit organization operating in Ada County for over 20 years that places new books in the hands of children who do not own books. In December, the books are distributed through the Salvation Army. Donations are also accepted. For more information contact Lucy Leavell (208-870-0254, or Betty Reimann (208-376-8687, 


Friday, November 22:    Maple Grove Elementary School Library and Barnes & Noble present Discovery Friday,  a day of fun and games at Boise's Barnes & Noble for the whole family. Until 8 p.m. tonight enjoy: 

  • Storytimes & activities
  • Duck Dynasty Beard-on-a-stick Station
  • Every Reader is a Writer Station
  • Quote Throw Challenge
  • Hands-on games & activities
  • LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Event (ages 8-14)
  • Kid's Activities & Giveaways
  • Young Reader/Teen Stations
  • Café' Game & Puzzle Play

When making a purchase, mention "Maple Grove School". The school library will then get a percentage of the sales. Sale dates are Nov. 22-26.  On-line purchases will count also. Enter our code, 11234051, at checkout. Specials on Books to Nooks/Giveaways/Enter to win $1,000 B&N gift card! Something for everyone from toddlers to adults!


Monday, November 25 - Friday, November 29:  Thanksgiving Holiday Break.  No school for Boise School District students. 


Tuesday, December 3: Simplot Potato Sack Race., 2:00 p.m.,  Koelsch Elementary School, 2015 N. Curtis Rd. More than 150 students from Koelsch, grades 3-5, will participate in the Simplot Potato Sack Race for a chance to qualify for the finals held on Boise State's blue turf during the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl.  A special assembly will follow the potato sack race with a photo opportunity and interviews.  Boise School District, Simplot and Famous Idaho Potato Bowl personnel will be on hand.   

Friday, December 13 & Saturday, December 14:: 41st Annual Boise High Madrigal dinner, 6:00 p.m, students/seniors- $15.00, adults - $20.00. Contact the Boise High ASB Office at 854-4291 for reservations.   







Boise High Athletic Teams/Individual Champions: Boise High School's Girls Swim Team recently took the State Championship in the 5A division. In addition, the following Boise High

students are individual State Champions: Abbey Erwin - 200m & 500m Freestyle with State Records; Taylor Anderson - 100m Backstroke; Sara Crockett, Randi Anderson, Taylor Anderson and Abbey Erwin - 200m Free Relay. In addition, Boise High Boys' and Girls' Varsity Soccer Teams each won the Idaho 5A Soccer Championship.  

Borah Student Selected:  Borah High School junior Jacie Wilde has been accepted to attend the People to People, Student Ambassador's Celtic Cultures Tour during the summer of 2014. Wilde and 39 other students from Idaho and Oregon will travel to England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Group leaders are state-certified teachers from Boise School District and Meridian School District. During the 19-day tour, students will learn about architecture, art, earth science, geology, history and political science, as well as perform community service.  


Borah Student Awarded:  Borah High School junior Amanda Wester recently won a Governors Council for Suicide Prevention award. Wester received the 2013 Advocacy Award from the Idaho Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health in September.  






Capital High School Fall Athletic Successes:  Capital High School's boys' varsity Cross Country Team won the 5A State Title, surprising the field to win their first state title since 2004, and fifth overall since 1965. Capital's varsity football also won the District championship and advanced to the State Semifinals.  


Timberline High School Fall Athletic Successes:.  Timberline Varsity Volleyball team won the District Championship by defeating Vallivue in 3 straight sets; Timberline Sophomore Volleyball team won the District Championship; Andrew Rafla, a Cross Country Runner at Timbelrine (pictured), won the District Title at Eagle Island Park and also won State Title at Freeman Park in Idaho Falls with a time of 15:54.48.






Boise Fire Fighter Matthew Lutz helps a Taft Elementary School student try on a new coat donated by Fire Fighters Local 149.


Boise Fire Fighters Donate Coats for Kids: A special thank you to members of Boise Fire Fighters Local 149 who distributed 252 new American made coats to 6 local Boise elementary schools.  Members collaborated with Operation Warm to fundraise over $8,000 from union members and local businesses.  The following elementary schools each received between 25 and 50 coats depending on the need at each school: Taft, Whittier, Whitney, Jefferson, Morley Nelson and Lowell.   







Amity Elementary School Girls Win Basketball Championship:  At the conclusion of the 2013 elementary girls' basketball season 17 teams participated in an optional single elimination tournament.  The teams played a regulation game with modified high school rules along with official referees.  The final game included Riverside Elementary vs. Amity Elementary. This was a re-match from last year's tournament championship game. Amity Elementary won the tournament.  All teams showed a great deal of talent, enthusiasm and sportsmanship.  


Winter Weather Procedures:   When winter weather strikes, the Boise School District has a plan to keep students safe. Our winter weather procedures begin the night before a storm hits and we consult with a variety of organizations in determining how winter weather impacts our school operations. You can do your part by making sure you are prepared for inclement weather. Learn more by clicking here.  


Cyberbullying Prevention Tips for Kids
Cyberbullying Prevention Tips for Kids

Digital Learning Tip #2:  Cyberbullying, just like bullying in a face to face experience, is something that we need to educate each other about. Going online is another environment, and we need to be aware of our rights and responsibilities in this space,  just like we are on the school bus, a playground, classroom, and our own living rooms. We can encourage young people to help stop cyberbullying when they witness or experience it  by teaching respect, encouraging empathy, and asking them to speak up and tell an adult about what is happening. When we "share with care" on the Internet, we are modeling a practice that can prevent cyberbullying. Be sure to check out the Cyberbullying Family Tip Sheets, from Common Sense Media, for Elementary, Junior High, and 

Sign-Up Today for Emergency Text Messaging Service: The Boise School District is pleased to announce the launch of a new service that will allow us to deliver important safety and security information to parents via text messaging. To sign-up simply text SUBSCRIBE to the number 68453. To learn more click here.   

Donate to Help Borah Choir Perform at Carnegie Hall: Borah High School men's choir, Tactus, has been invited to sing at Carnegie Hall, in New York City on January 19, 2014, one of only three such choirs in the U.S. to be invited this year and one of the highest honors in music. The group needs to earn approximately $65,000 to be able to participate. To learn more and donate click here.

Click image above to hear Tactus perform.


Community Education Needs You!:  Share your passion and expertise by teaching a class through Boise School District's Community Education!  For more than 40 years, we've been Boise's first choice for life-long learning opportunities. We're currently recruiting volunteer instructors for our winter 2014 session that begins in January.  To learn more, and apply, click here.  

Now Hiring Food & Nutrition Services Staff & Substitute Staff:  Click here to learn more about applying for short hour and substitute positions currently available for the Food & Nutrition Services Department.

Now Hiring Substitute Staff  Members: Click here to learn more about applying to serve as a substitute in the Boise School District. 

News Media Contact:


Dan Hollar

Public Affairs Administrator

Boise School District  

(208) 854-4064    


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