Friday, November 1 - Friday, November 22: This holiday season give the gift of reading by donating a new book to the 2013 Operation Wish Book campaign. From November 1st to 22nd book collection boxes will be located at all Boise and Meridian public schools, as well as many charter schools, private schools and local businesses. Operation Wish Book is a nonprofit organization operating in Ada County for over 20 years that places new books in the hands of children who do not own books. In December, the books are distributed through the Salvation Army. Donations are also accepted. For more information contact Lucy Leavell (208-870-0254, or Betty Reimann (208-376-8687,
Saturday, November 9: 12th Annual Boise School District Employee Hosted Holiday Bazaar, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., West Jr. High, 8371 W. Salt Creek Ct.
Monday, November 11: Boise School Board meeting, 6 p.m., District Services Center, 8169 W. Victory Rd, Boise. Public is invited to attend. Review complete agenda here.
Monday, November 11: A number of Veterans' Day programs will be held in Boise Schools. Owyhee-Harbor Elementary School, 3434 Pasadena, will hold a 3rd Grade Veterans' Day program beginning at 2:30 p.m. Garfield Elementary School's Grizzly Honor Choir has been invited to sing at the BSU Veterans' Day Event held at the south end zone of Bronco Stadium at 11:00 a.m. This event is FREE to the public. Check with your local school for further Veterans' Day programs.
Monday, November 11: Second-year and third-year Automotive Repair Technology students from the Dennis Technical Education Center will partner with the following automobile repair facilities to provide free oil changes for veterans from 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m..
Maz-Tech Automotive
3310 W. State St.
Boise, Idaho 83703
Garry's Automotive
2200 S. Cole Rd.
Boise, Idaho 83709
Heritage Automotive
175 N. Linder Rd.
Meridian, ID 83642
Tuesday, November 12: Monroe Elementary School, 3615 W. Cassia St., will host a parent night from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. as part of the school's efforts to move forward with Common Core instruction and bridge the gap between school and home with regard to the school's math instruction. The open dialogue, interactive evening will focus on Mathematical Teaching Instruction (MTI). The guest speaker for the evening will be Sam Strother, Associate Director of the Initiative for Developing Mathematical Thinking (IDMT). Mr. Strother has significant experience in researching best practices for mathematical instruction and works closely with the BSU math department. Daycare at the school will be available if your child needs to attend with you. Call the school at 854-5620 for more information.
Fairmont Jr. High AVID students, AVID tutors and school staff members celebrate being recognized again as an AVID National Demonstration School.
Fairmont Again Named AVID National Demo School: Fairmont Jr. High has once again earned the distinction of being named one of approximately 100 AVID National Demonstration Schools worldwide. AVID is a college preparatory program offered within the District where secondary students become the facilitator of their own academic success. AVID inspires, encourages and prepares students to succeed in college and beyond! AVID National Demonstration Schools are exemplary models of the program and demonstrate the very best AVID methodologies and strategies. On Thursday, November 7, 2013 Fairmont hosted a team of AVID evaluators who observed the school's AVID program as part of a re-validation process. AVID officials were once again impressed with the school's commitment to AVID and the benefits the program provides students. Fairmont earned a 3-year validation, which means the school will be recognized as an AVID National Demonstration School through 2016, the longest validation term provided. "This distinction serves as recognition of the hard work of our students and staff to provide academic rigor that leads to college and career success for our students," said Fairmont Principal Brian Walker.
Capital Student Nominated for State Award: Capital High 11th grade student Lainey Reay has been nominated for the 2013 Governor's Brightest Stars Award. Lainey was nominated for her community service and promotion with the 4-H and Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse Project and her first place win at 4-H Nationals in public speaking.
Sign-Up Today for Emergency Text Messaging Service: The Boise School District is pleased to announce the launch of a new service that will allow us to deliver important safety and security information to parents via text messaging. To sign-up simply text SUBSCRIBE to the number 68453. To learn more click here.