Here's a look at some of the events happening in your Boise School District:
Friday, March 22: End of third quarter. Early release for Boise School District students in grades K-6. Early release times are as follows:
Amity, Hawthorne, Hillcrest, Lowell, Madison Early Childhood Center, Morley Nelson, Shadow Hills, Riverside and Whittier:
Kindergarten - 9:15 - 11:00 AM; 12:00 - 1:45 PM
Grades 1-6 - 1:45 PM (lunch served)
All other elementary schools:
Kindergarten - 8:45 - 10:30 AM; 11:30 - 1:15 PM
Grades 1-6 - 1:15 PM (lunch served)
Monday, March 25 - Friday, March 29: Spring Break. No school for Boise School District students.
Tuesday, April 2: PTA meeting, Maple Grove Elementary School, 2800 S. Maple Grove Rd., 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 2: PTO meeting, Cynthia Mann Elementary School, 5401 W. Castle Dr., 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 2 - Friday, April 5: Book Fair, Amity Elementary School, 10000 W. Amity Rd. Don't miss the Book Fair Night, Thursday, April 4 from 5-7 p.m.!
Thursday, April 4: PTO meeting, Garfield Elementary School, 1914 S. Broadway Ave., 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 4: PTA meeting, Liberty Elementary School, 1740 E. Bergesen St., 7-8 p.m.
Friday, April 5: The Boise High School Band presents Boise Jazz Night, a benefit concert to support Boise High Bands, at the Mardi Gras, 615 S. 9th St., 7 p.m. Includes performances by the Kings of Swing and select bands from Boise High, North Jr. High, and Hillside Jr. High. Advance ticket prices are $15/adults, $10/students and seniors, $150/table of eight. All tickets at the door $10. Performers and children under age 3 get in free.
Friday, April 5: During two school assemblies (9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.) representatives from Boise Parks & Recreation's Adaptive Recreation program will talk to Horizon Elementary School students about disability awareness and play a basketball game against school staff. Horizon School will also present the Free Wheelchair Mission with a check for $1,940.76 for 27 wheelchairs to be given away in developing countries. The school will also announce the results of the girls versus boys fundraising challenge. Horizon students have been participating in a campaign called Change For Wheels since March 11. By bringing in their coins, Horizon students will change many peoples' lives by donating low-cost, highly-durable wheelchairs specially designed for the conditions of developing countries.
"During this process, our students have learned about global poverty, compassion and that wheelchairs aren't sad, they are wonderful tools to help people live better lives," said Chris Potter, Horizon School Nurse. "Students have enjoyed several guest speakers from our community who have persevered through adversity and become successful despite profound disability, including Hernan Reyes, a local artist who was injured in a car accident 20 years ago and became paralyzed from his neck down."
Horizon students will also have a chance to experience different types of mobility in their Physical Education classes April 1 through 4. They will experiment with ways to get from one place to another without walking and without the aid of a wheelchair. They will also be using Free Wheelchair Mission wheelchairs and discussing how a wheelchair would make a difference for them and their families if they were unable to walk.
Because of the diverse population of Horizon Elementary School, this campaign has special significance. "Many of our students have come from countries where these wheelchairs are distributed, such as Vietnam, Haiti, China and African countries including Congo and Sudan," said Potter. To learn more, contact Horizon Elementary School Nurse Chris Potter at 472-3394 or the local Free Wheelchair Mission representative, Chris Kulchak, at
or 283-2394 (voice or text).
TVMSC Team Wins Science Bowl: A team of students from the Treasure Valley Mathematics & Science Center (TVMSC) recently competed in the Western Idaho Regional Science Bowl, winning the tournament and the opportunity to compete in the national competition to be held in late April in Washington, D.C. The team consists of the following students: Nate Marshall (North Jr. High), Eddie Smith (Capital High), Parth Raina (Capital High), Karthik Mouli (North Jr. High), Hariank Mistry (Capital High), and Coach Tony Baca.
Borah High School Student Recognized: Borah High School senior Savannah Harrelson was recently awarded the honor State Journalist of the Year by the Idaho State Journalism Association. Harrelson's portfolio will be sent to the national Journalism Education Association competition in San Francisco where six finalists and one winner will be announced. The finalists win a $1,000 scholarship and the champion wins a $3,000 scholarship. The national awards ceremony will be held April 27, 2013.
Borah High School Students Take Honors at Music Competition: The following Borah High School band students participated in the DISTRICT III Solo and Ensemble Festival and were rated as Superior and qualify for the State Competition in May in Post Falls: Automatic Qualifiers (top 2 places): Spencer Esmond- Bari Sax; Sam Carlson- Keyboard Marimba; Ian Hooyboer- Multiple Percussion; Kevan Ash- Euphonium. Alternates: Erin Sandmeyer- Trumpet; Christine Kickel- Flute
Also, the Borah High Jazz Ensemble won the Gene Harris Jazz Festival again and performed last night (March 21) in the Winners Concert. It is the Borah Jazz Ensemble's 12th win in 20 years at the BSU/Gene Harris Jazz Festival.
Timberline High School Student Wins Award: Timberline High School student Evan Fishburn was recently notified that he has won a Silver Award for his poetry collection in the National Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. Fishburn, who won a Gold Award at the State level, was one of only six students from Idaho to receive a national award.
BSD Students Participate in Competition: Boise School District students recently participated in the state MathCounts competition. Four Treasure Valley Mathematics and Science Center (TVMSC) students placed in the top 10 individual competitors: 1st place - Luke Harmon, Boise High and TVMSC; 5th place - Annie Xia, North Jr. High and TVMSC; 6th place - Ben He, East Jr. High and TVMSC; 10th place - Derek Stein, home school and TVMSC. Harmon will advance to the national competition to be held in Washington, D.C. in May, along with the other finishers in the top four individual places.
In addition, the team from North Jr. High School won the team competition. Those students are Annie Xia, Elizabeth Lee, Jusung Lee (also TVMSC students), and Anaise Boucher Browning; the alternate is Paul Faucher (also TVMSC).
Riverside Elementary Students Compete in Tournament: On Saturday, March 16, students from Riverside Elementary School competed in a chess tournament against hundreds of students from around the State of Idaho. Riverside student Dan Duan earned a perfect score and took first place, being named the 4th Grade State Chess Champion. In addition, Duan's teammates Matt O'Meara placed 9th and Jacoby Smith placed 15th, earning Riverside's team enough points to win first place in the 4th Grade Team Competition. In addition, in the Kindergarten Division, Samual Lee earned 3rd place, and in the 2nd Grade Division, Jeiming Mei and Wendy Sou placed 8th and 9th, respectively.
Timberline High School TREE Club Hosts Events: Timberline High School TREE Club members will host two events in April to welcome Christopher Swain to Boise. Swain is the world's leading water advocate and the only person to swim the entire length of the Columbia River. A welcome dinner in Swain's honor will be held on Tuesday, April 9 from 6-8 p.m. at Ben's Crow Inn, 6781 E. Warm Springs Ave. On Thursday, April 11, Swain will give a free presentation at Timberline High School, 701 E. Boise Ave., from 7-8 p.m., with a special introduction by teacher/astronaut Barbara Morgan. Visit for more information.
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