Press ReleaseFor Immediate Release


Free Children's Musical Celebrates Boise's Sesquicentennial  

Performance to be held Thursday, March 21, 2013  


Boise, ID  -- 03/20/2013 -- Make plans now to attend a free, dramatic and exciting children's musical commemorating the 150th anniversary of the City of Boise's founding.  Scheduled for 7 p.m. this Thursday night, March 21, 2013, in the Egyptian Theatre, the performance involves talented students from Boise School District who will take center stage and perform Boise:  Its History, People and Places.  


Third grade students in Julie Miner's music class at Morley Nelson Elementary School rehearse for their part in the children's musical Boise: Its History, People and Places.


The musical is a historical chronology and a modern-day tribute to the City of Boise.  Children will present scenes and songs about how Boise became the thriving community it is today.  The musical will be presented by students from Morley Nelson Elementary School, North Junior High School and West Junior High School.  


This performance of a one-act children's musical is written by Marguerite Lawrence, retired Boise School District music educator, with the exception of one song, which is written and used with permission, by former Idaho Governor
Philip E. Batt.     

This one-hour performance is a free event, open to the general public and is funded in part by a BOISE 150 Grant.   


What:    Boise:  Its History, People and Places (Free and open to general public)
When:   Thursday, March 21, 2013, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where:  Egyptian Theatre, 700 Main Street, Boise, ID  83702

About BOISE 150

BOISE 150 commemorates the 150th anniversary of the city's founding. To help residents and visitors learn about and celebrate Boise's past, present, and future, the Boise City Department of Arts & History (A&H) offers a variety of ways for you to explore Boise, through the themes of Community, Environment, and Enterprise. Learn more at  


News Media Contact:


Dan Hollar

Public Affairs Administrator

Boise School District  

(208) 854-4064     


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