Mariners Christian School   

New Family & New Student Connection
June 30, 2016


"Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education."



MCS Welcomes Our New Families & New Students

Incoming TK and K students and families were welcomed at last month's
Explore TK and Countdown to Kindergarten events.

We would like to welcome you to the MCS Family and pray that your children will thrive and grow in their academic, emotional and spiritual development during their days at Mariners Christian School. We recognize that you are not here by coincidence, but by God's leading in your family's life and we can't wait to begin our partnership with you! 

The information in this newsletter is primarily a repeat of what has already been sent in your New Student Packets, but we hope it is helpful for you to have everything in one place in an electronic format as well. During the school year, you will receive a weekly e-newsletter (sent out on Fridays) to keep you informed of all-school activities and events.

I hope that you will be able to attend the New Family Events being hosted by our New Family Ambassadors in the different grade levels. These provide a wonderful opportunity for your family to connect with other new and existing families in your grade level. Please also save the date for our New Parent Gathering & Orientation which will be on Thursday, August 25th, at 6:30 PM (details below).

May your summer be blessed with lots of sweet family time!


Ashlee Cowell
Admissions Director

Summer 2016

The 2016 Camp Kick It! Soccer Camp Team

We were so happy to see many of your children at this year's Camp Kick It this month. We hope that you were able to connect with other MCS families during the week. 

Lands' End Shop at Sears South Coast Plaza
Uniform Sizing Event: July 1 - September 15th

Not sure what size uniform your child needs?  Stop by the Lands' End Shop at Sears South Coast Plaza and try on shirts and pants to determine the perfect fit for your child's school uniform. Feel free to contact Sears South Coast Plaza Lands' End Shop at 714.850.2140.

Please look for information in our September newsletters about our fall Uniform Wear and Share event. Donations are not required to receive clothing.  This is an opportunity provided by one of our PTF Volunteer Parents and her Team for families to SHARE their outgrown uniform items with other MCS families.

Free Logo Offer from Lands' End through July 19th

You may want to take advantage of the "Free Logo" offer from Lands' End through July 19th. 

Promo Code: LOGO4U
Pin #: 8275

PTF Volunteer Service Interest Form

To indicate where you would like to serve during the 2016-2017 school year, please click on the following Parent Volunteer Interest Form at:  

Top L-R: Shannon Mora, Laura Smith, Tracy Porco, and Ashley Cook; Bottom L-R: Susie Bray, Stephanie Harrington, Kim Bagramian, Ginny Gallagher, and Irene Yonkers

We are excited to serve MCS in the coming year and know that Lord has great plans and blessings in store for our MCS family!  Your 2016-2017 Board

If you have questions, please feel free to contact our PTF President, Kim Bagramian, at or call her at 949.378.5080.

Get On the Bus!

We're gauging interest for the 2016/17 afternoon Bonita Canyon bus service so now is the time to let us know if you're interested. Here are the details:
  • Bonita Canyon M-W-F Afternoon
  • Services provided by JFK Transportation (Families contract directly with JFK, not with Mariners. MCS facilitates the bus as a service for interested families).
  • Cost per rider = $300/year
If you are interested in riding the bus and you have not been contacted by one of our coordinators, please e-mail with the following information:
  • Family name
  • Number of student riders
Thank You!

6th & 7th Grade Online Spanish Summer Courses

Did you know MCS offers online summer Spanish courses? These courses are offered to current 6th and 7th grade students. For all of the important details, click here.

Please contact Terri Rodriguez at if you have questions.

New Family Summer Connecting Events

We hope that your summer is off to a lovely start. Summer days tend to fly by so quickly and before long we will be kicking off the start of the 2016-17 school year! The New Family Summer Connecting Events (CLICK) have been created by our New Family Ambassador Team (CLICK) to provide an opportunity for you and your children to connect with other new and current families in your same grade level. We encourage you to take advantage of these events.

Welcome to the MCS Family! We are looking forward to making memories together over the years to come!


Ali Bray
Community Connector
Mariners Christian School

Save the Date - New Parent Gathering & Orientation
Thursday, August 25th, 6:30PM

Please do make every effort to attend our New Parent Gathering and Orientation on Thursday, August 25th, from 6:30 - 8:00 pm held at MCS. You will receive an official invitation and RSVP details in late July, but we want you to save that date. It will be a sweet time of connection and an opportunity for you to get all of the information you need in order to jump right into life at MCS. 

If you have questions, please contact Community Connector Ali Bray at

Middle School Elective Selections

All new students should have submitted the required Elective Selection Form in June.  For more information, please click on the below links:


6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Starting Line - Tuesday (8/23)
7th & 8th Grade Boot Camp - Wednesday (8/24)

For more information, click for flyer.

Summer Reading (6th-8th Grade)
Assignments Due - September 7, 2016

Middle School summer reading assignments are due the first day of school.  Click the appropriate grade level for your student's assignment.

6th Grade Summer Reading

7th Grade Summer Reading

8th Grade Summer Reading

Supply Lists

Enclosed you will find the Supply Lists for TK-8th Grade: Click for TK-8th Grade Supply Lists

ADDITIONALLY: Today is that last day to take advantage of the online pre-packaged school supplies.  Click on the following link:

From the Health Office - Immunizations Due Before 8/31

Dear Families -

We hope your family is enjoying some fun and relaxation now that summer is here!  

There are certain health requirements that are grade specific for MCS students. Please see below and submit any forms or documentation that apply to your student(s). Student attendance may be affected if these documents are not submitted prior to that date. These documents are linked below and may be found on our website under Current Families.

TK-8th Grade Immunization Updates:
On January 1, 2016 the law SB277 went into effect. 

This law will:
  • no longer permit immunization exemptions based on personal beliefs for children in child care and public and private schools;
  • permit personal belief exemptions submitted before January 1, 2016 to remain valid until a pupil reaches kindergarten or 7th grade;
  • allow medical exemption for any new immunization requirement initiated by CDPH for attendance at school or child care. A medical exemption must be written by a licensed Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)
7th Grade Tdap Immunization Requirement
All students entering 7th grade (and students entering 8th grade who have not yet met the requirement), will need to show proof of an adolescent booster immunization (Tdap) in order to attend school in the fall. For more information about this booster, visit Please give proof of this immunization to the Health Office via mail, fax (714.437.7976), or email before August 31st.

Kindergarten/1st Grade Health Exam Requirement
This form is not an immunization record, but a physical exam by a health care provider. It can be done as early as 18 months prior to the start of First Grade. Your physician will have the appropriate form. The Health Office must have this form by the first day of school.It is required by the State of California that Kindergarten/1st Grade students must present a Report of Health Exam for School Entry. If this has not already been given to the MCS Health Office, please fax (714.437.7976), mail, or email it to our Health Services Coordinator Krissie Matus at before August 31, 2016.

Any questions about health requirements, changes in Immunization law and special medical concerns may be directed to Krissie Matus, our Health Services Coordinator at

Summertime Travels

Is your Family going on an exciting vacation or having a stay-cation in beautiful Orange County this summer? Send a postcard to Mrs. Matus in the health office so she can decorate her bulletin board for all to enjoy.

Please address postcard to:

MCS Health Office
300 Fischer Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA  92626

Stay Connected Throughout the Year


2016-2017 School Year


Quick Links

For important New Family information, please see the Quick Links at the top of this email.  Refer to the "Current Families" section of our website for the latest updates.

Meet The Teacher Day - September 6, 2016

All families will have an opportunity to meet their child's teacher, visit the classrooms, tour the campus, drop off supplies, meet new friends and reconnect with friends and classmates.

You will also have an opportunity meet the After School Program staff and the Music Department staff will also be available.

Save the date and look for more information coming your way in August.

4th Grade Sacramento Trip

The dates for the 2016-17 Fourth Grade Sacramento Trip will be April 19-21, 2017. Please click for a letter with more details from Mrs. Biancalani our Elementary Principal.

6th Grade Pine Valley Science Camp

The 6th Grade Pine Valley Science Camp will be held October 25-28, 2016. If you have questions, please contact Miss Seaman at

8th Grade DC Trip

The dates for 8th GradeWashington DC trip are October 21-27, 2016. If you have questions, please contact Paulette Seaman at

Every family will need a FACTS accout for payment of tuition and incidental fees.  Please review the enclosed for details.
MCS Lunch Program

Choicelunch is available the first day of school.  Online orders must be received by 9:00 a.m. one day in advance to ensure your child receives lunch. Visit, sign up. 

Mariners' Students may also bring their own packed lunch. In the unlikely event a student forgets his/her lunch in the morning, parents may deliver a lunch no later than 11:30 AM. You may deliver it to the front lobby lunch cart next to the receptionist desk.  Label the lunch with your student's name and homeroom teacher. Please do not bring glass bottles or drinks without lids. 
Save the Date - Sunday, November 9th
MCS Fall Family Picnic

Save the date of November 6th in the afternoon at MCS for our annual Fall Family Picnic.

This is a fun-filled time for the whole family!  More details coming in September.
MCS Scouting

K-5th Grade Girl Scouts: contact Vicki Carney at

Boy Scouts: Please email
Indian Guides

For information about Indian Guides for Boys in K-4th Grade, please contact Nick Trautman at 714.425.3511
Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education since 1987.

Mariners Christian School | 300 Fischer Avenue | Costa Mesa, California 92626 | (714) 437-1700