Mariners Christian School   

All-School E-News
February 12, 2016


"Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education."


     Very Special People On Campus

Over 200 grandparents and special friends were on campus this week and were treated with a snapshot of our middle school program beginning with two melodies presented by a select orchestra ensemble.  With their middle school grandchildren/friends, our guests visited the science fair, history exhibits, and a sampling of art projects. Middle School students also presented a demonstration of robotics and sphero programming. 

Donuts with Dads was a huge success! Not only did we raise $351 for the students at Christ the Center Ministries in Gulu, Uganda, but equally important was the presence of so many dads on our campus! Dads, grandfathers, and brothers came to enjoy a donut with MCS students and many of them stayed and played with their student in some of MCS's favorite games.  Throughout the campus, these special men were engaged in volleyball, soccer, handball, 4-square, and fun on the playground!  A heart-felt thank you to all who came to make this a special morning for our Mariners students!

Thank You PTF and Middle School ASB

We would like to thank Trish Kaplan and her hospitality committee for providing food and a warm reception for our guests.  Also a big thank you to our Middle School ASB for greeting, escorting, and honoring our guests in many ways.

February Family CommUNITY Connection

-click for February commUNITY connection-
Dear MCS Families - 

Happy February!  This is the perfect month for us to focus on LOVE.  However, we are not just emphasizing love in itself as a virtue, but LOVE IN ACTION.  

I recently heard the story of why Eugene Peterson decided to devote the time and energy to writing "The Message," a now very well known and popular version of the Bible.  It was his desire to write a version of the Bible that his grandchildren would be able to read and understand.  I love this!  May we take the well known words from 1 Corinthians 13 and put them into our own words and into action over and over this month.  "Love is patient when I am frustrated.  Love is kind to a friend on the playground.  It doesn't brag, but cheers for others ...

"We have also provided some conversation starters for your dinner table and the challenge to commit to praying for the people in our lives who model LOVE IN ACTION (pastors, teachers, school leaders, etc.).

-click for conversation starters-

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18

Wishing you a LOVELY February,

Ali Bray
Community Connector 

No School February 15-19th - Mid-Winter Break

Enjoy your week off with family and friends.  School resumes February 22nd.

Intentional Parenting Study for Moms
Final Registration Window- Sign up by 2/22 (or before)

Important Details:
  • Study launches Thursday, 2/25 and will meet on 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24 in the MPR from 9:30-11 am.
  • Sign up at  to reserve a spot in the study and we will contact you with details
  • Cost for the workbook is $12

Questions?  Email Ali Bray at

-click for flyer-
Raising kids is a difficult challenge and it requires a plan -- without a plan, we often default to what Doug Fields calls "Quick-Fix Parenting." 

Surviving each day is much easier than taking the time and energy to consider how our current parenting actions are impacting our child's future. Unfortunately, quick and easy isn't the same as good and effective.

To be an exceptional parent, we need to be an "intentional parent." 

Fortunately, help is available by veteran parents and best-selling authors, Doug and Cathy Fields, - - they want to help us move from Quick-Fix Parenting to Intentional Parenting. This Intentional Parenting workbook is a combination book & study guide. Read, reflect, write, practice and change. Join us for this 5 week study! We will break the "Quick Fix Cycle" together.

Our children will be glad we did!


Ali Bray
Community Connector
Mariners Christian School

Patriotic Mini Concerts & 
Curriculum Overview
3rd Grade - Wednesday (2/24) 8:30AM - SNEAK PEEK
2nd Grade - Thursday (2/25) 8:30AM - SNEAK PEEK

Parents, Grandparents, and special friends of 2nd and 3rd grade students are cordially invited to attend these special Patriotic Concerts.  Please note the date for your grade level.  Here's a SNEAK PEEK for 2nd Grade and a SNEAK PEEK for 3rd Grade.  You won't want to miss these concerts.

2nd Grade Concert
Thursday, February 25, at 8:30AM 

-click for flyer-

3rd Grade Concert
Wednesday, February 24, at 8:30AM

-click for flyer-

Student performers are to report to their classroom at 8:00AM the day of their performance.

Dress for 2nd and 3rd student performers:

Girls: Please wear dresses or nice skirts and tops in the colors red, white, and navy.

Please wear white collared shirts (MCS Polo is acceptable) and dark slacks (blue, black, gray). No jeans please.

Auction 2016 Underwriting Opportunities

There are many ways to be involved in this year's Auction. Please take a moment to review the Underwriting Opportunities and Volunteer Opportunities for Auction 2016.

If you have questions, please contact the Auction Office at or 714.437.1700, ext. 150.  

MCS In the News!

Enjoy these articles from this week's Daily Pilot featuring Mrs. Knecht and our Gulu Outreach.


Elementary Talent Show 2016

The Elementary Talent Show was a hit with 25 acts featuring 75 students - what a sweet evening for families as our boys and girls shined their talent for the Lord!

Upcoming Faculty & Staff Birthdays

Happy Birthday candles balloon shape isolated on back background

February Birthdays
Brandi Becker 2/17
Amy Green 2/27
Jan Bryant 2/28

March Birthdays
Sophia Band 3/1
Jene Streeter 3/4
Angie Nakamoto 3/19
Bing Liu 3/21
Karri Meyer 3/21

This list is provided by your Parent Teacher Fellowship.


Student Wellness

In an effort to keep our students healthy, please note the following wellness guidelines relating to keeping your children home when they are ill.  Thank you in advance for abiding by our school policy.

Deadline Approaching for Applications
Needs Based Tuition Assistance for 2016-17

Current families interested in receiving needs-based tuition assistance for the 2016/17 school year may now apply at  This is the first mandatory step in applying for aid. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2016. If you have questions, please contact Todd Perkins at  Thank you!

Middle School E-News
February 12, 2016


STEM & The Arts

Grandparents enjoyed demonstrations in Robotics and Sphero programming led by Mrs. Rodriguez and heard some beautiful instrumental selections at this week's event.

$ Dress Day - Tuesday, February 23rd
BLUE 8th, RED 7th, GREEN 6th

Our next $ Dress Day will be happening on Tuesday, February 23.  Bring in your dollar to participate in Monochromatic Day!  Each grade has been designated a color:  8th Grade: BLUE; 7th Grade: RED, and 6th Grade: GREEN.  For pants, you are welcome to wear jeans, the school uniform, or your grade's color. Let's see which color we see the most of on Tuesday (2/23)!

1st Place Science Fiar Winners - 2016

Congratulations to the following 7th and 8th Grade 1st Place Science Fair Winners who have qualified to compete in the ACSI Science Fair at Biola University on April 15th and/or the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair April 12th-17th.

 1st Place - 8th Grade:
  • GRAND PRIZE - Nolan Rhodes: "Can you create electricity using various kinds of water?"
  • Vanessa Royal: "Are dogs more commonly dominated by the brains' left hemisphere?"
  • Ava Mowery: "Do people really know the back of their hand?"
  • Caroline Brewster: "Do celebrities whose facial measurements come close to the Golden Rule look more attractive?"
  • Natasha Hill: "Which type of light effects plant growth the most?"
  • Olivia Krum: "Does the 5 second rule prevent the transfer of bacteria?"
  • Sophie Stameson: "What is the relationship between input current and output voltage?"

1st Place - 7th Grade:
  • GRAND PRIZE - Karsyn Cook: "What type of bird-resembled fin allows someone to swim the fastest?"
  • Thomas Pfaff: "Do different types of background music (classical, pop, worship) affect elementary students' scores on a math test?"
  • Gigi Ganem: "Can dog saliva kill bacteria?"
  • Madison Laskey: "Are inheriting physical traits gender specific?"
  • Grace Jones: "How are the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio displayed in nature?"
  • Anna Hammond: "Which grass needs the least water to grow?"

Winter Athletics Schedule

6th Grade Teal Volleyball prays with Shoreline team before their game
Girls Volleyball and Boys Basketball!

Come out and support our home games!

Home Games Week of February 22nd

Tuesday (2/23) at 3:30: 6th Black Basketball vs. Bethany
Thursday (2/25) at 3:15: JH Teal Volleyball vs. Harbor Day
Friday (2/26) at 3:15: 7th Grade Basketball vs. Calvary C.M.
Friday (2/26) at 4:15: 8th Grade Basketball vs. Calvary C.M.


Lunch Time Clubs Continue

The middle school lunch time art club was a huge success and we have launched two additional lunch time clubs for our students. Joining a club is a great way to explore a passion and connect with other students! These exciting new clubs are: 

Word Nerds Book Club
For 8th graders only, this lunch time club will meet on Tuesday's in Mrs. Thurston's room. Together, club members will select a novel to read together and journey through that reading with thoughtful lunch time discussions. Meet in Mrs. Thurston's room this Thursday for more details. 6th and 7th grade students can look forward to a Word Nerds Book Club offered to them at a later time. 

Chess Club
This is for all 6th through 8th grade students! Do you love chess? Do you want to learn how to play chess? Whether you are a novice or an expert, if you have an interest in chess, this club is for you. Chess club meets every Thursday in Mr. Bahadoor's room. 




Schoology Video Tutorials for Parents

We believe Schoology is a tremendous support for all parents and want you to know how to access and use all it has to offer. Below you will find six video tutorials to explain a different aspect of Schoology. We are confident this support will ensure all parents are becoming fully trained and Schoology experts: 


Weekly Wednesday Worship Discipleship Group
Continues Wednesdays Weekly, 8:00-8:45AM

Held in the Learning Commons (formerly the library) every Wednesday morning from 8:00-8:45AM, just show up ready with a heart for worship (no need to sign up in advance).

During this time, students will learn what it truly means to be a worshipper of God with a lens for applying that knowledge toward leading worship. It will include reading and discussions on systematic theology, servant leadership, and biblical understanding of who God is and why He's worthy of worship. 

Students participating in this discipleship group do not need to be on the worship team but all who want to learn more about worshipping our God are invited to attend. All middle school students, 6th through 8th grade are invited to participate! If you have any questions, please contact Mr. McCall at

The Student Success Center

Did you know the middle school has a Student Success Center? The goal of SSC is to support students in achieving academic goals by providing homework help and strengthening skills in organization, time management, and test preparation. We want to teach students strategies that will help them achieve success in both their academic careers and for the rest of their lives beyond MCS. Students who want to take advantage of this tremendous resource can stop by the SSC located upstairs next to the administration office to meet Mrs. Willis, receive more information, and sign up for the after school help. The SSC is open to students during the following times:
  • Tuesday- 6th grade only: 3:00-3:30
  • Wednesday-8th grade only: 3:00-3:30
  • Thursday-7th grade only: 3:00-3:30 
  • Friday- Any grade: 3:00-3:30
To provide the best support, it is imperative students sign up prior to attending. We are excited to provide this great resource to our students and are thrilled to work with students throughout the year!

From The MCS Musical Theatre Director

Attention Middle School Students:  

If you are interested in receiving the announcement regarding the title of this year's Middle School Musical and information regarding the audition process, please see Miss Spurgin, MCS Musical Theater Director, or email her at  

An Invitation to Moms of 8th Grade Girls

Moms of 8th Grade girls are cordially invited to an informational tea on February 26, 2016, at 10AM, to hear more about Young Women of Vision.  If you have questions, please contact MCS Mom Kelley O'Bryan at  

Pacifica Christian High School Open House-
Sunday (2/28) from 3:00-5:30PM

Open House is designed for families to become more familiar with Pacifica. Here are some things you will experience:
  • Ask our students questions about what life is like at Pacifica
  • Sit in on mock-classes as you experience first hand what it is like to be a Pacifica student
  • Become familiar with our arts and athletic programs
  • Meet our Head of School, Principal, Director of Academics, Athletic Director, and Visual & Performing Arts Director
  • Learn more about the Pacifica application process
Please RSVP at For questions, please contact the Pacifica Admissions Office at (949) 887-2070 or

Local High Schools

Periodically, high schools ask us to promote events and/or admissions/registration information which we will include in this section. 

Extracurricular Information Night: On Monday, February 29 from 5:30-7:00pm prospective students and parents are invited to meet with program leaders and learn more about the many extracurricular opportunities available at Crean Lutheran High School. Come early at 5:15pm and enjoy free In-N-Out burgers and CLHS shirts. Free shirts are available for the first 200 students only.

Please contact Cornelia Connelly School at 714.776.1717 ext. 221 or email for more information.

For admissions information call (714) 754-1175 or visit their website at: and go to Admissions.


Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education since 1987.

Mariners Christian School | 300 Fischer Avenue | Costa Mesa, California 92626 | (714) 437-1700