Mariners Christian School   

Middle School E-News
February 10, 2014


"Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education."


"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."  
1 John 3:16, 18 NIV
In This Issue
Encourage One Another
All-School E-News
Parking Lot
Grandparents Day
Thoughts from Heart
Winter Athletics
2/14 Dress Day
Art Club
Mid-Winter Break
Evening of Honor
Looking Ahead 

11: ScienceEgypt Fair
11: MS Grandparents Day
14: Valentine's Dress 
17-21: No School

4: Band Concert
5: Red Cross Blood Drive
6: Parent Enrichment (Scott Burnett 8:30AM)
6: 7PM Orchestra Concert
14: 7/8 Evening of Honor
17: Green Dress Day
28: Half Day
28: Auction, Island Hotel

4: 6th Grade Luau
7-11: Terra Nova Testing
14-18: No School
25: Pastors' Prayer Breakfast & Chapel 

1: Nat'l Day of Prayer
8: Open House
9: Grandparents Day
14: Teacher Appreciation 
15-17: Bye Bye Birdie
22: Instrumental Concert
23: No School (MCS Hosts ACSI Speech Meet)
26: No School

6-12: Character Quality
12: Graduation
13: Last Day - Half Day
Quick Links

registration: mariners 

Uniform Guidelines

Anonymous Suggestion (click below)
VOXopolis logo
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,
 just as in fact you are doing." 
1 Thessalonians 5:11
The middle school "Transitioning New Students" class teamed up with Mrs. Meyer's 2nd grade class for some hands-on science activities.  

All-School E-News - February 10, 2014  - click
  1. Lost & Found is Overflowing
  2. Wear & Share Uniform Exchange - February 26th
  3. Upcoming Parent Enrichment with Scott Burnett - March 6th
  4. Sign Up Your Ralphs Card
MCS Parking Lot Reserved Tomorrow
Tuesday (2/11) from 9:00AM - 1:00PM 
Please do not park in the parking lot from 9AM-1PM tomorrow, Tuesday (2/11) to allow our middle school Grandparents and Guests to have preferred parking.  Thank you for your understanding.
We look forward to spending the morning and noon hour with your student's Grandparents and Special Friends.
Valentine's Day Thoughts From the Heart
Return Card + $1 to LobbyTomorrow
Bless your children and anyone you love at MCS.  
  1. Pick up a card from the lobby area (or print one - CLICK),
  2. Write a note (indicate recipient)
  3. Enclose $1 per card.
  4. Return the card to the front lobby by tomorrow, February 11
  5. ASB will deliver the card(s) and candy this Friday, Valentine's Day, February 14.

If you have questions, please contact our Student Life Director, Jamie Mathisrud, at  Thank you.

Winter Athletics
Girls' Volleyball and Boys Basketball are in full swing!  Come out and support your Lions!  Schedules are attached.

Tuesday (2/11) 3:15PM: Girls' Volleyball 6th Grade Team Teal  
Wednesday (2/12) 3:00PM:  Girls' Volleyball 7th/8th Team Teal 
Wednesday (2/12) 4:00PM: Girls' Volleyball 7th Grade Team Black 
Friday (2/14) 3:15PM:  Boys' Basketball 7th Grade 

Lion Mascot  
Come out and support your Lions!
TK-7th Dedication Ads - ONLY 10 Spaces Left!
Deadline - This Thursday, February 13th

Straight from the heart & into the yearbook!  Regardless of the occasion, your ad provides a great way to recognize a student in a special and unique way.  Click for details.
graphic-heart.gif All-School Valentine's Theme Dress Day 
Friday, February 14th 

We celebrate Valentine's Day in honor of the great love that God has lavished on us (1 John 3:1).  In celebration, Friday will be a Valentine Theme Dress Day.  All students (elementary and middle school) may come to school decked out from head to tow in red, pink, and Valentine themed attire.  Students may wear 
dress-code approved blue jeans.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"  1 John 3:1a
New After-School Art Club Coming Soon!
If you are interested in expanding your artistic gifts, or if you just want a fun place to hang out after school, join the middle school Art Club!  This new club will be held Fridays after school from February 28 through March 28.  See the attached flyer for all of the important details.  We hope to see you there!

Mid-Winter Break - Next Week February 17 - 22
Enjoy your week off with family and friends.  School resumes on February 24th.
Reminder for 7th Grade Parents
DC/NY Registration Due February 18 
Click for Registration Letter & Overview.  Everyone interested in chaperoning must contact Jamie Mathisrud at prior to registering.  Thank you.

7th & 8th Grade Evening of Honor - March 14
Parent Reminders & RSVP Due 2/21

Parents, please be sure to read the overview letter with important schedule, dress code, and RSVP information: CLICK "Evening of Honor Parent Overview" .  Reminder to RSVP by 2/21 or sooner!  Thank you.

If you have questions, please contact Jamie Mathisrud at
Newport Harbor Student Tours
January, & February Dates
Click for details.
Celebrating 25 years of Christian education.


Mariners Christian School | 300 Fischer Avenue | Costa Mesa, California 92626 | (714) 437-1700