Mariners Christian School   

Middle School E-News
December 9, 2013


"Building a firm foundation through Christ-centered education."



"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."  
1 John 3:16, 18 NIV
In This Issue
All-School E-News
Christmas Dance
Winter Tryout
8th Girls
TOT Tacos
Mater Dei
Annual Fund
Looking Ahead 

12: 6P Choral Program
13: 3-5PM All-Middle School Christmas Dance 
20: Red Green Dress 
20: Half Day
23- Jan 3: No School

10: Family Dinner/Bingo 
16: TK-8 Parent Coffee
20: No School
24: MS Talent Show
29-31: MS 1/2 Days Finals
30:AM Parent Enrichment
31: End of Semester

11: MS Grandparents Day (& Science Fair)
14: Red/Pink Dress Day
17-21: No School

  4: Band Concert
  6: Orchestra Concert
14: 7/8 Evening of Honor
17: Green Dress Day
28: Half Day
28: Auction, Island Hotel

  4: 6th Grade Luau
7-11: Terra Nova Testing
11: End of 3rd Quarter
14-18: No School
25: Pastors' Prayer Breakfast & Chapel 

1: Nat'l Day of Prayer
2: ACSI Speech Meet
8: Open House
9: Grandparents Day
14:Teacher Appreciation 
15-17: Bye Bye Birdie
23: Half Day
26: No School

6-12: Character Quality
12: Graduation
13: Last Day - Half Day
Quick Links

registration: mariners 

Uniform Guidelines

Anonymous Suggestion (click below)
VOXopolis logo
~ Celebrate Jesus ~
Instrumental Christmas Concert

All-School E-News - December 9, 2013  - click
.......includes the following:
  1. Annual Fund (scroll to end of this email)
  2. Merry Christmas
  3. Tuition Assistance
  4. Christmas Choral Concert
  5. Thank You Volunteers
  6.  Family Dinner & Bingo 1/10
RSVP/Dress Code & Behavior Guidelines
Due - Wednesday (12/11)
Middle School Winter Wonderland Dance
Friday, December 13, 3:00-5:00PKM 
"His Name shall be called Wonderful..." Isaiah 9:6b
This Friday is our Winter Wonderland event from 3:00-5:00pm!  All students must submit the signed RSVP/Dress Code and Behavior Guidelines form by Wednesday (12/11) to attend (click here for form).  

Students may wear blue, white, and gray/silver clothing or their uniform to school that day.  Food and treats will be provided. Please contact Jamie Mathisrud at  Thank you!
Lion Mascot
Winter Sports Tryout Info

Girls Volleyball
6th Gr:  3-4:30 - Tu (12/10), W (12/11), Th (12/12)
7th/8th: 3-4:30 - M (12/9), Tu (12/10), W (12/11) 
Boys Basketball
6th Gr:  3-4:30 - M (12/16), Tu (12/17), W (12/18)
7th/8th: 3-4:30 - M (12/16), Tu (12/17), Thu (12/19)

Please contact Coach Thompson at with questions. 
8th Grade Girls Kindness Counts  
Continues This Thursday, December 12   Lunch Will Be Provided

Please make sure to cancel Choicelunch for Thursday if you have not already done so.  Questions, contact Mrs. Mathisrud at  Thank you.

Take Out Tuesday - Taco Bell - December 17
Orders Due No Later than Sunday (12/15) 
CLICK to place your order today.

right-arrow-icon2.gif We are still in need of more "Team TOT" members (moms) to help serve and organize the lunches from 11:30 until 12:30 on Take Out Tuesday dates.  It's a fun way to enjoy our awesome middle schoolers.  Please contact Jamie Mathisrud at or Dana Binford at if you are interested.  Thank you.

Corona del Mar High School
Prospective Student Parent Information Night - TONIGHT - Monday, December 9, at 6:30PM
Click for details.  
Reminder: Mater Dei High School on Campus
Tuesday (12/10) for 8th Graders Only
Mater Dei Staff will be on campus tomorrow, Tuesday (12/10), during homeroom and lunch to give a short presentation to 8th graders who are interested in learning more about their school.  This is optional for students and those who are interested must check in with their homeroom teacher and then head to the multipurpose room. 

right-arrow-icon2.gif It is highly recommended that participating students bring a sack lunch so they can stay and enjoy the entire meeting.

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Walker at ext. 157.
Newport Harbor Student Tours
December, January, & February Dates
Click for details.
The MCS faculty, staff, administration, and board appreciate our parents for generously supporting the 2013 Annual Fund! To Watch the New School Video and to Give Online, click here.

 you did not receive the brochure mailed home over Thanksgiving break, additional copies are available at the front desk.  Thank you!

Celebrating 25 years of Christian education.


Mariners Christian School | 300 Fischer Avenue | Costa Mesa, California 92626 | (714) 437-1700