Issue #24
March 2016
Featured Manufacturer: Fluxwerx

Fluxwerx synthesizes industrial design and revolutionary LED optical technology with an obsessive attention to detail to deliver light in a new way that is natural and comfortable. Luminaires, simultaneously clear and beautifully luminous, are transformed from fixtures into fenestration.

Precision crafted performance lighting designed for the intersection of architectural environments and the human experience.

Learn more about Fluxwerx by visiting their website.
Win and Amazon Echo

This month, The MH Companies and Fluxwerx are giving away an Amazon Echo plus a $300 Amazon gift card! If you're not sure what an Amazon Echo is, you've gotta check it out. Quite simply, it's amazing! Maybe you don't need or want an Amazon Echo and an Amazon gift card. That's okay! Our winner can choose to receive a $500 Visa gift card instead! So, what are you waiting for? Enter today, and you could be joining the list of previous monthly giveaway winners! Yes, people really do win! We have photos and videos to prove it!

Entry deadline is March 31, 2016!

Enter to Win!
Twitter Just Turned Ten Years Old
We Remember When They Were Only Five

In February of 2011, when Twitter had just turned five, we sent out our first tweet. Now, five years and almost 6,000 tweets later, The MH Companies relies heavily on Twitter as a valuable tool for keeping our customers informed about what's going on in the lighting and controls industry.

Our followers get regular updates on topics such as:
  • New manufacturers
  • New lighting and controls products
  • Industry trends
  • Project profiles
  • Innovative product applications
  • Much more...
If you're already following us, thank you! We hope you continue to enjoy and learn from our tweets. If you're not following, why not?

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We Want to Hear From You!

We love to hear what our customers think of The MH Companies, and like to include that feedback on our website. Do you have something you'd like to share with us? Why keep it to yourself?


Share your thoughts today!

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We want your feedback. Is there a topic that you'd like covered in a future issue of ILLUMINATE? Are there any great new products that we should spotlight?
