Vol  055
 April  2015
The CSLEA Alert

2016 Ballot Measure Attacking California's Public Pensions

The fight to protect your retirement security

By Alan Barcelona 
CSLEA President 
FOP Lodge 77 President and State Trustee  


As was expected, it appears former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed is returning with his attack on public pensions.   This is a direct attack on all of us in public service and will likely come in the form of a ballot measure in 2016.  I have linked a Reuters article by Tim Reid which clearly explains the fight we are likely to face. 


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CSLEA Sponsors and Supports Senate Bill 448


SACRAMENTO -  On February 25, 2015, Senator Kathleen Galgiani introduced Senate Bill 448, a bill sponsored and supported by the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association.


"SB 448 would  authorize many of CSLEA's peace officer members to record conversations with the public just as the vast majority of other peace officer groups do,  like police officers and sheriff's deputies," said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona. 


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CSLEA Sponsors and Supports Assembly Bill 611


Accessing the CURES database for investigative purposes

SACRAMENTO -  On February 24, 2015, Assembly Member Brian Dahle introduced Assembly Bill 611, a bill sponsored and supported by the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA).


"AB 611 would authorize CSLEA members who are non-peace officer investigators at the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), to request, from the Department of Justice, access to the CURES database if they can demonstrate probable cause that the information is relevant to their investigation of a licensee." said CSLEA President Alan Barcelona.


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CSLEA & CABCA Presidents Press Legislators For Recruitment and Retention Resolutions at ABC

"State lawmakers have been made aware of  the problem, the solution is evident, so let's fix it." - Kevin Highbaugh, California Alcoholic Beverage Control Agents (CABCA) President, CSLEA Director


SACRAMENTO - On March 24, 2015, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) President Alan Barcelona and California Alcoholic Beverage Control Agents (CABCA) President Kevin Highbaugh met with several legislators to press the importance of what was revealed when the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)  presented its report on numerous issues surrounding the ABC agent vacancy rate and  recruitment and retention to a Budget & Fiscal Review Subcommittee earlier this month.


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CSLEA Recovers Academy Per Diem for Napa State Hospital Police Officers

By Ryan Navarre

CSLEA Senior Legal Counsel


In 2013, eight (8) Napa State Hospital (NSH) Hospital Police Officers (HPOs) attended the Santa Rosa Police Academy for on-duty job required training.  Since the Academy was just over 50 miles from their assigned headquarters, Napa State Hospital; pursuant to Article 21.1 of the Memorandum of Understanding, the HPOs submitted Travel Expense Claims for appropriate per diem expenses to include breakfasts and dinners.  These travel expense claims ended up amounting to a total of approximately $1,470 per HPO for the duration of their Academy training.


Recent Incidents At Metropolitan State Hospital

SACRAMENTO- CSLEA was recently made aware of the following incidents occurring at Metropolitan State Hospital as described by the Department of State Hospitals:


On March 9, 2015, an HPO conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was observed driving recklessly at high speeds on South Circle Drive on hospital grounds.  Further investigation revealed that the vehicle had been taken from another individual.  Two males were arrested for taking or operating a vehicle without the owner's consent.  The two males were booked into custody at LA County Sheriff's Norwalk station.


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April 12-18 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

Recognizing Emergency Dispatchers and Communications Operators


"No matter who we are, from the rich and famous, to the average Joe or Jill, when we need emergency help, we all call 911 and rely on the steady as steel operators and dispatchers to assist us.  They protect and save lives wearing a headset." - CSLEA President Alan Barcelona


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Telecommunicator of the Year Awards

LINCOLN - Congratulations to California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Members Dawn Foster, Katie Ray and Victor Tovar for the awards they received at the 19th Annual Telecommunicator of the Year Awards banquet on April 11, 2015.
AMCOS Membership Outreach Meeting Golden Gate Division


On April 1, 2015, the Association of Motor Carrier Operation Specialists (AMCOS) Board of Directors came closer to completing its goal  to reach out and touch motor carrier specialists and school pupil transportation safety coordinators throughout the state by conducting an outreach meeting in the Golden Gate Division.  


CSLEA Meets With Members At Coalinga State Hospital


Investigators, hospital police officers, firefighters and communications operators gather for lunch 


COALINGA - It wasn't exactly Spring break, but on a work day, it may have been the next best thing for investigators, hospital police officers, firefighters and communications at Coalinga State Hospital, April 2, 2015.  That's when the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Membership Services team invited  CSLEA members to lunch, outdoors.  


CSLEA Visits Criminalists at DOJ Sacramento Regional Lab


SACRAMENTO - On March 25, 2015, the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) and its affiliate, Association of Criminalists for The Department of Justice (AC-DOJ), held a site visit and lunch for criminalists at the California Department of Justice Bureau of Forensic Services Sacramento Regional Lab. 


CSLEA Joins Assemblymember Mark Stone At Town Hall


On Friday, March 27, 2015, California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Unit A Vice President Kenny Ehrman joined Assemblymember Mark Stone at a town hall meeting in Santa Cruz County  that focused  on helping senior citizens to protect themselves from becoming victims of fraud. 


CSLEA Firefighter Members Donate Blood In Support Of Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern


FRESNO- When State Employed Fire Fighters Association (SEFFA) President and California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Board Member Steve Bradley heard the need for blood to be donated in support of Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern, he notified his fellow firefighters at Camp Roberts and then made the 90-minute drive from his home to participate in a blood drive in Fresno, April 3, 2015. 


CSLEA Member Trent Schager Promotes To Fire Chief At Napa State Hospital


NAPA - Congratulations to California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Member and former State Employed Fire Fighters Association (SEFFA) Board Member Trent Schager on his promotion to Fire Chief at Napa State Hospital.


"Napa State Hospital's gain is the SEFFA Board's loss,"  said CSLEA Senior Attorney Ryan Navarre.  "Trent Schager dedicated himself to improving the benefits for all CSLEA firefighters, not just those at his worksite."


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CSLEA Site Rep Annette Medina - A DMV Veteran

"I got involved and took the site rep classes because I found that some people were afraid to speak for themselves.   They sometimes have felt intimidated by their superiors and don't want backlash for speaking up about a problem they may have." - Annette Medina, CSLEA Site Rep & DMV Inspector

To say California Statewide Law Enforcement Association (CSLEA) Site Representative Annette Medina has seen a lot of changes in the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) over the years, just might be an understatement.  Medina has worked at DMV for more than two decades, first as a representative, then as an examiner and now as an inspector with Occupational Licensing, a position she has held for the past 10 years.  She covers five to six counties in and around the South Bay Area.


Requalification and New Hire Swims for California State Lifeguard 


OCEANO - The California Department of Parks and Recreation held its annual requalification and new hire swim at Oceano Dunes near Pismo Beach on March 14, 2015.   The swim was one of many held throughout the State as candidates for summer lifeguard positions at State beaches put their strength and endurance to the test.


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CSLEA Members -
Law Enforcement, Public Safety & Consumer Protection Professionals At Work:

18-Year Prison Sentence For Revenge-Porn Website Operator


On April 3, 2015,  Kevin Christopher Bollaert, of San Diego, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for  running  a "revenge porn" website in which he allowed people to post nude pictures of their ex-lovers.   Bollaert also made tens of thousands of dollars from victims who paid him to take the images down.   The prison sentence followed  a jury conviction  on 21 counts of identity theft and six counts of extortion.

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ABC Agents Team With LAPD


Los Angeles - In an effort to keep communities and neighborhoods citizen-friendly and safe, California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) agents partnered with Los Angeles Police Department officers to visited 108  ABC licensed businesses on Thursday, March 19, 2015 during an IMPACT inspection operation designed to prevent alcohol-related problems.

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Car Salesman Sentenced to Prison for Odometer Fraud Scheme


DMV Investigators on the Forefront of Electronic Odometer Tampering Investigations


LOS ANGELES -  As a result of a California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) investigation, in conjunction with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a car salesman is headed to prison for odometer tampering.


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DMV Investigators Assist in Crackdown on Railroad Crossing Violators


"Fifty-six citations within a five-hour period at  railroad crossings, gives you a pretty clear picture of the violations that are taking place and that are endangering lives,"CSLEA Member & DMV Investigator Christine Ehrman 


OXNARD - One month after a fatal crash between a Metrolink commuter train and a pickup truck at a railroad crossing in Oxnard, a team of law enforcement officers returned to the site and began cracking down on those who violate the law.


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CDI Detectives Arrest Couple For Workers' Comp Fraud


LOS ANGELES - Detectives from the California Department of Insurance arrested a Pomona man and his ex-wife on multiple felony counts of workers' compensation fraud including making a false claim to obtain compensation and attempted perjury. 

Gonzalo Sandoval, 51, and his ex-wife Socorro Lopez, 65, of Paramount, face five years in prison if convicted of the crimes.


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CSLB Catches Felons in Undercover Sting Operations


On March 10 and 11, 2015, investigators from the Contractors State License Board's (CSLB) Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) partnered with local law enforcement agencies throughout the state to conduct undercover stings targeting those contracting without a license. 


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CSLEA Scholarship 

Applications Available 





The CSLEA Consumer Protection & Public Safety (CPPS) Foundation Scholarship Application Review Committee is proud to announce it is now accepting applications for scholarships which are available to CSLEA members, their spouses and children.

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Is Accepting Applications For Scholarships  


For Rules & Application





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Is Accepting Applications For Scholarships  


For Rules & Application




Please note:

 Applying for a scholarship from a CSLEA affilliate does not preclude you from a  CSLEA scholarship award.  







CSLEA Member Sponsorship 




How much $$$$ 

have you earned?



Congratulations to our CSLEA members who are reaching for the opportunity to earn some extra cash.


If your Bargaining Unit 7 colleagues are not full-dues paying members of CSLEA and upgrade their status under your sponsorship, CSLEA will send you a $50.00 reward for each upgrade.  


Our most eager sponsors have received nearly $500.00.

Unit 7 employees can update their status and list you as a sponsor here


Full-dues paying members receive an enormous benefit over fair-share members. 



The difference between fair-share and full-dues is minimal, in most cases just $5 to $10 a month. 

Full-dues paying members receive a $15,000 basic life insurance policy and a top-notch, proven Legal Defense Fund, that, as a consumer protection or public safety employee, no one should be without.


Full-dues members  are eligible to receive benefits offered by the National Fraternal Order of Police.


Full-dues paying members also receive access to the CSLEA Exclusive Member Discounts Program.



 RPPOA Members 

Elect Board of Directors



On April 3, 2015, the ballots submitted for the election of Resource Protection Peace Officers Association (RPPOA) Board Members were counted. 


The following RPPOA members have been elected to the board:


Matt Yarbrough  - President

John Geno Lucich

Jesus Salinas

Ennio Rocca


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COLRE  Election


The nomination period for eight (8) California Organization of Licensing Registration Examiners (COLRE) closed on  April 10, 2015.  


Ballots will be mailed to members on April 17, 2015 and must be received at CSLEA Headquarters no later than May 8, 2015.  


If you are a member and wish to vote in this election, please make sure to have an updated address on file with CSLEA.


To update address








CSLEA Exclusive Member Discounts Program


Be sure to check out the many discounts available to you as a CSLEA member.



Some of those discounts include:





Sick Leave Entitlement Featuring CSLEA Senior Counsel Dave de la Riva

Sick Leave Entitlement 
Featuring CSLEA Senior Counsel 
Dave De La Riva

2015 Budget & Legislatiave Update by Shane LaVigne

2015 Budget & Legislatiave Update 
by Shane LaVigne




Download the  CSLEA APP
and you can:


* Have the LDF Hotline at your fingertips

* Contact CSLEA

* View Unit 7 contract

* View "Know Your Rights" videos

* Update your contact information

* Follow our news feed

* Catch up with us via social media

* See our CSLEA calendar

* E-mail us your photos

* View our photo gallery

* Meet our Board & staff

* Access GPS directions


Have A Story Suggestion?

Email: Teri Cox

CSLEA Director of Communications & Public Affairs 




CSLEA Merchandise




California Casualty, the CSLEA auto & home insurance program has lowered insurance rates for California homeowners and renters.  To get a no-obligation quote or for more information about California Casualty's rate decrease call 1-888-439-1416 or visit www.calcas.com/cslea. 





Thank you for your interest in the April ALERT!





   The California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
Now A Part Of The 
Fraternal Order Of Police