Greater Binghamton Association

of  REALTORS�, Inc.

July 1, 2013
Welcome to the July 1, 2013 edition of the REALTOR� Review!  

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for future issues of the REALTOR� Review , please feel free to email me by clicking here.


Barry Arnold, Executive Officer

New GBAR Mission Statement
GBAR Logo With Slogan
For many years, our GBAR Mission Statement has guided our efforts to serve our Members, enforce the Code of Ethics and serve our Community:

"The mission of the Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS�, Inc. is to provide the necessary technical, educational and human resources to support and enhance our Members' ability to excel in their profession, to promote and enforce the Code of Ethics and to serve the communities in which we live and work."

And certainly, that is what our Association is all about.  However, our Membership Committee, led by Jessica Dillenbeck, felt we could say the same thing in fewer words, so that it would be more memorable and therefore more useful to our Membership.

We are pleased to report that on June 18, the Board of Directors approved the new Mission Statement submitted by the Membership Committee:

"Advance the success of our Membership, the integrity of our Profession, and the prosperity of our Community."

We hope you'll agree that this new Mission more succinctly and memorably summarizes our Association's purpose.

Comments?  Click here to send them to Jessica Dillenbeck.

2014 Board of Directors Elections

2014 Board of Directors Nominees GBAR Logo With Slogan 

As you may know, we have 3 openings on the GBAR Board of Directors for the 4-year terms beginning in January, 2014.  Thus far, we have 3 official nominees for these important positions, whose bios and thoughts regarding their candidacy are listed below.
Qualified candidates must be a GBAR REALTOR Member in good standing, have been a REALTOR for at least 3 years, and have served on 2 or more GBAR Committees.  Finally, our Bylaws limit the number of Directors to a maximum of 3 from any given brokerage.
Qualified nominees may also be placed on the ballot by submitting signatures of 10% or more of GBAR's REALTOR Membership (equal to 34 Members at this writing) to the Nominating Committee Chair, Pat Kilts.  Petitions must be received by the Nominating Committee by July 29.
Candidates submitted either by the Nominating Committee and approved by the current Board of Directors, or via petition, will have the opportunity to present their case for Board of Directors Membership at the July 10 Monthly Business Luncheon at Arnold Park in Vestal. 
Ballots will be mailed to GBAR REALTOR Members on August 8, and all ballots must be returned to the Association Offices by September 10.  Election Results will be made public at the September 11 Monthly Business Luncheon, and in the September 15 REALTOR Review.
Here are  the bios for our three current candidates, Robert (Bob) Farrell, Rachel Sbarra and James (Jim) Trevitt:
Robert (Bob) Farrell

Bob FarrellAt 10 years of age, I was the typical kid who participated in sports, played video games, BB gun wars in the woods, etc. And every now and then on a Sunday morning, (a regularly attended church day with the family), my dad would get me out of bed extra early and we would have breakfast together at a diner, drink black coffee, and maybe go to a baseball card show at the American Legion. Then...we would head to an activity that most children would not find very stimulating. . . the Sunday Open House.


Being raised in a Real Estate Family is much like being raised in any family where the breadwinner is a master at his craft. Many of my peers and closest friends are 2nd  Generation in what they do to make a living and support their families. As an 18 year old high school graduate, I had a passion for music and theology. By 21, I traveled some of the country in a rock'n'roll band, received a Bachelor's Degree in Divinity, and quickly realized that the job market for a 21 year old Theologian with a guitar on his back was not a thriving one. Two weeks later, I walked into our board office on Crary St to start my real estate Career. For the past 9 years, I have immersed myself into my craft and I absolutely love it!


I am running for a Board of Director's position because I believe serving is our duty  and goes hand in hand with the privilege of being a Realtor. I look forward to working together and helping the Greater Binghamton Board of Realtors achieve a new level of success and professionalism added to it already stellar reputation in the community.


Rachel Sbarra


Rachel SbarraWhen people ask me how long I've been in the business, I tell them 'since birth!' Growing up with both parents in Real Estate, it was almost impossible to not gain an interest. While most 7 year olds did household chores or mowed lawns for 'spending' money, I earned an allowance by cleaning out the supply closet and shredding papers at the office.


My love for business grew as I studied Marketing and Management at St. John Fisher College. During my second year of school, I took night classes to get my Real Estate license. After graduating with my Bachelors, I did administrative work in our Penn Yan office and gained a whole different perspective of Real Estate and property management. After a year or so, I decided it was time to move back home and start selling. The past 3 years of sales have been thrilling, challenging and rewarding... I would not have it any other way!


I am excited to be nominated for the Board of Directors! I look forward to working with the other experienced and knowledgeable directors to enhance GBAR for its members and our community.


 James R. (Jim) Trevitt


Jim TrevittReasons for becoming a Director of GBAR:


Recent company consolidations have limited the diversity of thought necessary to an effective BOD. That's not meant to be a slight of any Member company, but a reality imposed by our current by-laws, limiting the number of directors from any one company.


Our industry is undergoing substantial changes in how we do business. Change is inevitable, but not every new idea is a good idea. Careful consideration and investigation in a timely manner of proposed changes will save our Members and Association money while increasing productivity.


I believe it's important to give back to the industry and people that provide me a good living.


Our job as Directors is to fulfill the needs of our Members in a cost-efficient manner, protect the public interest and promote the highest ideals and professionalism of REALTORS�.


Personal History

    Married with two grown daughters, one grandson

    Graduate of Vestal HS 1972

    Hartwick College 1976, BA Russian Language/Teaching


Professional History

    Licensed in NY & PA

    April 2011 - Present, Associate Broker @ Keller Williams Realty - STFL

    October 1987 - April 2011, Principal Broker & Owner, Trevitt Realtors

    1977-1987 - Associate Broker @ Philip smith RE & Smith & O'Hara RE


GBAR Participation

    2005 - 2008 - GBAR Board of Directors

    2006 - GBAR President

    1992 - 1998 - GBAR Board of Directors

    1996 - GBAR Vice-President

    1996 - REALTOR�-Broker-of-the-Year.

    1980 - 1983 - GBAR Board of Directors

    1980 - REALTOR�-Associate-of-the-Year


Past Chair of GBAR Committees:


    Professional Standards



Past Member of GBAR Committees:


    Professional Standards


    Staff Review

    Information Management


    Multiple Listing Service



REALTOR� Designations: GRI, SRES, ePro

GBAR Activities
Brian Sampson of Unshackle Upstate Visits GBAR
Brian Sampson - Unshackle 
On Tuesday, June 25, Brian Sampson, Executive Director of Unshackle Upstate visited our GBAR Association Offices to present a summary Unshackle's accomplishments and future challenges in meeting their mission of reducing New York State spending, taxes, fees and assessments, mandates and borrowing/debt.  
The presentation was attended by 20+ GBAR Officers, Members and Staff, as well as guests Johnson City Mayor Greg Deemie, Town of Dickinson Supervisor Mike Marinaccio, Town of Windsor representative Lisa Hawk-Shuler, and Southern Tier Home Builders Association Executive Officer Donna Ciancio.
For a copy of Brian's presentation, click here.
Tommy Reid and Brian Sampson
Tommy Reid and Brian Sampson discuss Unshackle's recent progress and achievements
24th Annual J.S. Elliott Golf
Tournament of Love a Big Success!
Camp Good Days Logo 
On June 19th, GBAR's 24th Annual J.S. Elliott Golf Tournament of Love was held at the Genegantslet Golf Club, and as usual, a great time was had by all. 60 Golfers, 18 Hole Sponsors, scores of door prize donors (and happy winners!), and over $3,000 raised for the deserving kids at Camp Good Days and Special Times.

Here are some of our golfing stars:

Team Golf:

  • 1st place:    Team Dale Tifft:  -14
  • 2nd place:  Team Jason Golden: -12
  • 3rd place:   Team Jim Trevitt: -12
  • Last (also known as "Most Honest") place:  Team Barb Gallo: +7

Closest to the Pin/Longest Drive: 

  • Women's Closest to the Pin:   Cassie Torto
  • Men's Closest to the Pin:         Mark Anderson


  • Women's Longest Drive:          Paulette Weinheimer
  • Men's Longest Drive:                Jason Golden


  • Hole In One at #13:  Team Gary Kline
  • Birdie at #6:               Team Jim Trevitt
  • Eagle at #16:              Team Fred Lawrence


GBAR should be proud of the fact that the J.S. Elliott Tournament is the longest running charity golf event for Camp Good Days. And let's give a big round of applause to our hardworking Community Service Team who made it all happen! See you next year - at the 25th Annual!


In the meantime, here are some photos of event for your viewing pleasure.







Sign-Up Now for the July Monthly Business Luncheon!
GBAR Logo With Slogan


Sign up now for the July Monthly Business Luncheon, which will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 at Arnold Park, Shelter #4 in Vestal, NY, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.


Our program will be an opportunity to hear from the Candidates for the 2014 GBAR Board of Directors:

  • Bob Farrell
  • Rachel Sbarra
  • Jim Trevitt

In addition, our Affiliate Members in attendance will be recognized for their many contributions to our Association.


Please don't forget to bring a non-perishable item for the GBAR Canned Food Drive!


To view a flyer and registration instructions, click here . We hope to see you there!

Join the Private GBAR Facebook Group!!
Facebook Logo  
Did you know that GBAR has a Members-Only GBAR Facebook Page?
Currently, 198 GBAR Members are members of this Grup, but our goal is to sign-up every GBAR REALTOR� and Affiliate Member!
This page has been a great discussion and problem-resolution tool for those of us using it - just ask a question or make a suggestion and you'll get answers and feedback almost immediately!
If you are not already a Group Member, shoot me an email by clicking here, and I'll send you an invite right away. Please note - we can only sign you up using your personal page, not a business page, so please send your request from the email address attached to your personal page only. 
We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Register NOW!  The 10th Annual

REALTOR� Appreciation Event is August 22, 2013  
FREE to All REALTOR Members! 
The 10th Annual REALTOR� Appreciation Event, sponsored by the GBAR Affiliate Council, will be held August 22 at the Mountain Top View, and is FREE to all GBAR REALTORS�!

For more information and registration instructions, click here.  We hope to see you all there!

Member News and Tips
Thanks for the Memories - Bob O'Hara 
GBAR Logo With Slogan 
Most of you will know Bob O'Hara, Principal Broker at O'Hara & Terry and a GBAR Member for nearly 40 years.  Bob sent us a note recently indicating that for health reasons, he will not be renewing his GBAR Membership this dues period.  He also asked that his thoughts be passed along to all our Membership, so I am reproducing his note below.  Enjoy.

"Dear Barry,    with regrets I write this note.  I will not be renewing my membership in the GBAR.  To make a long story short, in March of this year I lost an eye to cancer and am still being treated on other fronts.  So you can see at my age, one eye and can't drive, doesn't make for a good real estate resume. 


Please know that through the years I have had a wonderful career and could not be prouder of being a Realtor or my association with the GBAR. I would also like you to know, I feel that this Board in one of the most education, ethical and professional group of people I have ever been associated with.  I cherish my years with you as a group, and will miss you in my daily life.


Thanks for the Memories,


Robert J. O'Hara, Realtor"

Legislative Update on Tax Reform from NAR 
NAR Logo 
On June 27th the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced their plan for tax reform legislation in the United States Senate.  A letter to all Senators announced their intention to "mark-up" (create legislation in the committee) a tax reform bill this fall.
Obviously, any Tax Reform legislation has the potential to impact the real estate industry.  For background on this legislation and NAR"s approach to defending homeowner benefits, click here.
The Member Minute

Listing Agents - Fill out Page 4 of the  
Purchase and Sale Contract in Advance!
GBAR Logo With Slogan


A good idea for Listing Agents is to ask their seller to complete page 4 of the Purchase and Sale contract at the time of listing. Then upload it along with the rest of their disclosures. It's an effective way to convey to  buyers what items stay and are in working order or as is condition. It takes the guess work out of what items are remaining in the house when a buyer agent writes an offer!

Brought to you by your friends on the GBAR Membership Committee.  Comments?  Got some tips for the rest of us?  Click here to email them to the Membership Committee for inclusion in the next issue of the REALTOR Review!


  Martha's MLS Memo


 Today's Topic:  Mapping Your Property Properly

GBAR Logo With Slogan


Sometimes listings do not show up in the correct location on the Innovia mapping facility. This could happen because you have entered an incorrect zip code or city or town. Still not mapping properly?  No Problem!  If you have verified your information and it is still not mapped correctly you can edit its location using these instructions:


  1. Go to your home page and click on the pencil in the top right hand corner of the page.  You will see a list of all the fields you want to show up on your home page.
  2. Check the My Unmapped Listings line.  Now when you click on the home page you will see this category on the left hand side of the page under expiring prospects.  If any of your listings are not mapped correctly there will a number under the heading.  The Principal Broker and the Office Manager will also be able the check a field called Firm Unmapped Listings.  This will be helpful to them to inform their agents of any firm listing not mapped correctly.
  3. To fix unmapped listings you need to open up the listing and click on the globe (map comps) at the top of the page. Enter the criteria to narrow down to your property location.
  4. Click on the T and a box will appear that gives you the option to change the location on the map. Click the change button and a + (Plus) sign will appear.
  5. Move that + sign to the correct location of the property and click again to relocate the listing.  Then click the save button.  You may need to zoom out to locate the correct address.


If you have any trouble trying to correct the location of your property please call Martha at 729-6285.


Comments?  Questions? Other Tips?  Email Martha today!

Get the Recognition You Deserve! 
Apply for the NYSAR Honor Society!
NYSAR Logo  
The NYSAR Honor Society recognizes those Members who have contributed to our industry on a local, state and/or national level.  Leadership positions, Committee Membership, RPAC contributions and Education Courses taken all count towards this prestigious recognition for your efforts in 2012.
Click here for a letter from NYSAR President Margaret Hartman describing the Society, and click here for your application.  Applications are due to our Association Offices by August 9.    
NAR Code of Ethics Centennial Celebration
2013 marks the 100th Anniversary of the REALTOR Code of Ethics, the document which guides the ethical duty of all REALTORS toward their clients and customers, the public and their fellow REALTORS. 
At GBAR, we'll be commemorating the Centennial in a number of ways, including full page ads in the Press & Sun-Bulletin Home Marketplace Section  (click here for  a sneak preview), the purchase of commemorative posters for all our Broker Members, as well as periodic historical tid-bits in the REALTOR Review.
In the meantime, click here to view an NAR Video commemorating the COE Centennial.
Or, how would you like to see the original Code of Ethics from 1913?  You'll find its quite a bit different  from today's version - Click Here!
New Advertising Regulations Text Released -
Effective January 2, 2014.  Click Below for a Recorded Webinar Outlining the Changes.
GBAR Logo With Slogan  
The text of the new advertising regulations has been released. The New York State Real Estate Board gave final approval to the revised advertising regulations at a meeting on April 24, 2013. A culmination of five years of work by NYSAR and other interested parties, the new regulations still need to go through the regulatory public notice process, including publication in the New York Register. Following publication, the new regulations are set to become effective on January 2, 2014.

As a part of NYSAR's ongoing effort to educate our members about the changes to the advertising regulations, NYSAR Legal Counsel Anthony Gatto, Esq. will host a live webinar on Thursday, June 20, at 2:30 p.m.  To attend this webinar, you must first register for it.

For the full text of the new regulations, click hereTo view a recorded Webinar discussing the new regulations, click here

We have also scheduled NYSAR Director of Legal Affairs Anthony Gatto to brief our Membership on the implications of these new regulations on Monday, October 21, 2013,  in Binghamton.  Watch this space for more information and registration Instructions.
GBAR Real Estate School

Google Bootcamp Course To Be Held Again:  September 24, 2013.

Google Logo   
On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Google Universe Boot Camp comes back to Binghamton! Following the success of the course held in March, we are bringing back G. William James, presenter and author of "The Google Universe", who is internationally known as one of the leading training professionals for handheld computing and mobile technology for real estate.

This full-day, get-it-done workshop will empower each attendee with the comprehensive knowledge of Google Cloud Apps, and a complete mobile office solution.  Learn all the ins and outs of Gmail, Google Voice, Google Calendar, Google Documents, Google Picasa, YouTube, Google Analytics, Google+. and how to integrate them all into a powerful mobile office solution.

And for this session, a comprehensive guide to prepare your laptop tops, tablets and mobile phones will be distributed well in advance to ensure that attendees are prepared to get the maximum benefit for this course.  Watch this space in future REALTOR Reviews for a flyer and registration instructions.

In the meantime, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

NYSREEF Scholarship Application Deadline is July 31 - Apply Now to Fund your Real Estate Designation  Goals.
The New York State Real Estate Education Foundation offers scholarships to support your real estate designation and certification goals and raise your level of knowledge, professionalism and client service in your profession.


All you have to do is apply! Any individual who has at least one year experience in real estate sales and who holds a real estate license in New York is eligible for one of the designation program scholarships. These include Accredited Buyer Representative, Certified International Property Specialist, Green, Resort and Second-home Property Specialist, Graduate REALTOR Institute and Seniors Real Estate Specialist designation course scholarships. Applicants must hold primary REALTOR membership in New York State, show positive motivation toward real estate education and prove their interest in furthering their career in real estate.
The deadline for NYSREEF Scholarship Applications is July 31.  Click here for more information and application forms.  Don't miss this incredible opportunity!
Register Now for 2013  GRI and ABR
Designation Courses in Binghamton!
GBAR Logo With Slogan  
For those of you interested in taking Designation Courses in Binghamton in 2013, I am pleased to confirm the following courses, instructors and dates:
  • ABR-R - Randy Templeman - September 23 and 24
  • GRI 402 - Jim Braman - October 7 and 8

To register, click on the course you wish to take to access course information and registration instructions, which is done directly through NYSAR.

Big Discounts on Online CE Courses Available!
CE Shop Promo - June 2013  

 If you're looking for CE Credit, there's no better place than The CE Shop!  All New York CE courses are now offered with a 15% discount by using promotional code JULY15 through the end of July.  And Pennsylvania courses are offered at a 25% discount using promotional code GBARINPA.


 Click here to visit The CE Shop and sign-up now! 
New Members
New Members - June, 2013
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Please join us in welcoming the following New GBAR Members approved at the June 18, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting:


New REALTOR� Agent Members:

  • Rachel Allen, Realty USA

New Primary Affiliates:

  • Timothy Wood, Wood's Locksmith


 New MLS Only Agent Members:

  • Suzanne Chandler, Realty USA
GBAR Policy Document Updated
GBAR Logo With Slogan  
Please be advised that the Board Operations Committee has made updates to the GBAR Policy Document that were approved by the BOD on 6/18/13.

The updated Policy Document can be found on the GBAR website under Member Forms in Miscellaneous, or by clicking here.

Condolences - Wilma Sheret
We regret to report the passing of Wilma Sheret, a  GBAR Member for 45 years, on June 26, 2013.   Please join us in conveying our sympathies to Wilma's family during this difficult time.  Click here for a full Obituary.
Condolences - Michael Paul Sprout
We are saddened to report the passing of Michael Paul Sprout, brother of GBAR Member Susan Sprout, on June 15, 2013.   Please join us in conveying our sympathies to Susan and her family during this difficult time.  Click here for a full obituary.  
Dues and Fees
2nd Half 2013 GBAR Dues and Fees Were Due June 28



Your dues and fees invoice should have been paid by June 28, 2013, either on-line or to your Principal Broker in order for you to remain an active Member of our Association and MLS. We have now entered the grace period.


If you have not yet paid your Invoice please do so before the grace period ends Monday, July 8th at 5:00 pm.


Please be advised of the following GBAR Bylaws Article:


Article X, Section 4     "Should the dues remain unpaid on the 5th business day after due date, the membership will be terminated immediately."  "The dropped member may apply for reinstatement in the manner prescribed for new applicants for membership."


Members who have not paid Dues by 5:00 pm Monday, July 8, 2013 will be required to reapply. Reapplication  requires paying a non-refundable entrance fee.


The amounts due are:


 GBAR Dues July - December 2013                               $183.50 

          GBAR MLS Fees   July - December  2013                 $295.00


PAYMENT POLICY:  There are two options when paying your dues and fees.   To improve the efficiency of the process, we prefer that you pay electronically by going to, clicking on "Pay Dues" and following the instructions to pay either by credit card or direct debit to your bank account.


You may still pay with a physical check directly to your Principal Broker. Your check must be made payable to the Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS, Inc. (GBAR) and mailed (if time permits) or delivered in person to your Agency Office.


Finally, now is the time to take care of any outstanding invoices that you have or your dues and fees payment cannot be accepted.


Thank you!


 Barry Arnold, Executive Officer  


Supra Lock Box Key Invoices Sent May 26

Payable by July 1 

GBAR Logo With Slogan 
Supra invoiced GBAR Agents for their ActiveKEYs and eKEYs on May 26, with these invoices being payable by July 1.  
For detailed information on the invoicing process, on-line access to your account, a summary of fees and due dates, please click here.
If you have not received your invoice by email or mail by early June, please contact Supra at 877-699-6787.

If you plan to discontinue using your Supra Key or are leaving GBAR at the end of June, help the Association Office with record keeping and turn in your Supra Active Key and charger to the office before June 25. If the equipment is not returned by then, you may still owe the Supra System Fee for July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 even if you are no longer using the KeyBox System, or have discontinued GBAR membership. If Active Key chargers are not returned at all, Supra may bill up to $250.00 per item.


If you are discontinuing use of the Supra Active Key or are not paying July's Supra Invoice, you must also turn in all leased KeyBoxes immediately. You will be billed for as much as $95 per box for unreturned Boxes.


To access Supra Billing Information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, go to Or call (877) 699-6787 to speak to a Supra Support Specialist.

GBAR Committees

Join the Finance Committee and

Help Build the 2014 GBAR Budget

GBAR Logo With Slogan 
In July, the GBAR Finance Committee will begin building the 2014 GBAR Budget.  Got a knack for numbers?  Click here to email Finance Chair and Treasurer Diane White to indicate your interest.   It's a great way not only to contribute to your Association, but to learn more about how it works, inside and out.  Contact Diane today!  
 Join a GBAR Committee! 
GBAR Logo With Slogan  
Thank you to the following GBAR members who have volunteered their time to Chair GBAR Committees and Sub-Committees in 2013.  If you'd like to join a Committee, click on the relevant Chair name(s) below to send them an email and volunteer!


Thank you to all our Volunteer Leaders.  They look forward to welcoming you to GBAR Committee Membership and Service.

GBAR Statistics
10K Marketing GBAR Monthly Statistics - May, 2013
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Click here to review the May, 2013  10K Marketing Monthly Statistics for GBAR.

10K Marketing NYSAR Monthly Statistics - May, 2013 

NYSAR Logo   
Click here  to review the May, 2013   10K Marketing Monthly Statistics for NYSAR.
"The Skinny" 
NYSAR's Monthly Housing Market Video for May, 2013
Click here to view "The Skinny", NYSAR's Monthly Housing Market Video for May, 2013.  You must be logged in to the NYSAR Website to view!
Quick Links
GBAR 2013 Strategic Plan      GBAR 2013 Budget              GBAR Calendar

GBAR Website                              Innovia MLS                          Member Forms
Monthly Statistics                      NAR Website                          NYSAR Website
NYSAR Market Memo                Real Estate School              REALTOR Review Archives

Contact Us:


Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS�

19 Jennison Avenue

Johnson City, NY 13790


607-798-8246 (Fax)