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Winter Squashes: From Dips to Desserts
By Grace O

Pumpkins may not be one of my favorite winter squashes but they are popular and plentiful at this time of year. They are also chock full of the FoodTrient carotenoids, which our bodies turn into vitamin A. These nutrients are really good for your skin, hair, eyes, and heart. They also help prevent cancer and support the immune system. Winter squash is also a good source of the FoodTrient fiber, which helps to control the appetite and is good for the digestive tract. So I'm exploring delicious ways to enjoy many interesting fall fruits off the vine: pumpkins, kabocha squash, butternut squash, acorn squash, hubbard squash, and turban squash. Read More 

Keep Hair Healthy and Strong With These Powerful Foods
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg         

I have a patient, I'll call him Steve, who at the great boomer age of 66 has one of the greatest heads of hair I've ever seen. One day I asked Steve his secret and he said he really didn't do anything special but tried to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. When I asked him about what kinds of foods he ate, he told me lots of fish and mostly green vegetables, and fruit. Well, this intrigued me and I did a little research on what foods might benefit your hair health the most. I found out why Steve's hair was in such great shape. Turns out the majority of the foods he was eating were foods touted for creating great looking hair.  Ever since, I've been giving my patients a food Rx to get beautiful, healthy hair. Here's what I recommend. Read More  

Cranberry Bread Pudding            
By Grace O
Cranberries don't grow in the subtropical climate of Southeast Asia, so when my mother and I wanted to make this dessert, we had to use a local red-colored berry as a substitute. I like this recipe better with cranberries, which are high in vitamin C. They also rank very high on the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) scale. Use my Cranberry Compote on the bottom layer (it becomes the top layer when you turn out the dessert). To serve this dessert cold, place the pudding in the refrigerator overnight before turning upside down. Get The Recipe 
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October 16, 2014
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FoodTrients is a unique blend of nutritional science and good taste. Delicious foods and rejuvenating nutrients combine to create FoodTrients, a collection of enticing and nourishing recipes that promote health and well-being for a joyful and sustainable life. From specific foods to herbs and spices, the FoodTrients brand of essential ingredients helps promote longevity, prevent the diseases of aging, and increase energy and vitality.

Scientists have long recognized..Read More

Coming Soon: Test Your Food for Gluten in Real Time