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Defy aging with every bite!

10 Tips To Live To 100
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg

One of my patients, I'll call him Joe, is a younger-than-his years 72-year-old businessman.  I generally see him about once a year for his annual checkup.  When I ask how he's doing, with a big, energetic smile he always answers, "1 year closer to 100!"  I smile back and tell him I'm counting on him to keep his promise.  That's Joe's goal--to live to "at least 100."   I'll bet he's going to make it by the very slow rate he's aging. Read More 

Your Overactive Bladder Could Be Caused By Certain Foods  
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg 
If you're like several of my patients you may have an overactive bladder that keeps you running to the bathroom with an urge to urinate frequently. Some people have smaller bladder capacities than others and therefore naturally have to urinate more. Other people may be eating certain foods that can irritate their bladder causing the need to urinate. I'd like to explain to you what some of these foods are and what you can do to minimize your "going" issues. Read More 
Chia Frescas: Drink To Your Health! 
By FoodTrients
Aguas frescas are popular, refreshing fruit drinks found in Mexico. Some roadside vendors add chia seeds to their drinks for extra texture. When soaked, the seeds develop a soft outer coating, somewhat like tapioca. Chia seeds add more than just a textural dimension to fruit drinks; they also provide fiber and the anti-inflammatory Omega-3s. Their nutty flavor goes well with peach tea and strawberry lemonade. They're also nice mixed into sweetened green tea. Get the Recipe. 
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July 11, 2013    

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FoodTrients is a unique blend of nutritional science and good taste. Delicious foods and rejuvenating nutrients combine to create FoodTrients, a collection of enticing and nourishing recipes that promote health and well-being for a joyful and sustainable life. From specific foods to herbs and spices, the FoodTrients brand of essential ingredients helps promote longevity, prevent the diseases of aging, and increase energy and vitality.

Debunking the Myth of Coconut

Diet?! Who Said Anything About Dieting?
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Chia Seeds: A Healthy Way To Grow
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The Forgotton Longevity Benefits of Taurine
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