Defy aging with every bite!

Lemongrass: A Stalk To Remember
By Grace O
Lemongrass, a plant native to India and Southeast Asia, looks like stiff grass stalks (it really is a grass!), but it smells and tastes a bit like lemon or lime. The stalks, which can reach five feet in height, also grow in Australia, Africa, and the United States. The oil from lemongrass is used to scent soaps and bath products, as a potent antiseptic, and, when diluted and applied to the skin, to reduce acne. Lemongrass contains citral, which studies have shown induce cancer cells to self-destruct. Lemongrass also contains vitamins A, B, and C, plus calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. According to studies, it is a great antioxidant (one of our 5 FoodTrient properties) with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Read More |
Power of Positive Thinking on Health
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg
You've likely heard the old Ben Franklin adage, "You are what you eat." Turns out, that Mr. Franklin was correct about that--what you feed your body becomes your body. Eat good food and you'll have good health. Well, the same thing applies to your thoughts. Many medical researchers now believe that your thoughts have much more power over your health than you know. These researchers believe, as I do, that your mind is the "master" that programs your body to act and re-act. Read More
I pack these turkey cutlets with my Savory Stuffing, roll them up, and secure them with kitchen twine. The finished rolls are sliced and fanned out on a plate to make a beautiful presentation. Because I marinate the turkey before cooking, it's juicy and flavorful. The selenium in turkey can increase your resistance to infection. The red wine (I use a Pinot Noir) adds a bit of resveratrol to the selenium's antioxidant power. Get The Recipe