Welcome to the FoodTrients newsletter!
What you eat can make a big difference in how you look, feel and think. This week, Grace O focuses on brain health and the foods that can help you focus, fight off dementia, and improve your mood. Let us also introduce you to strontium, the "other" bone health nutrient, and fill you in on how sugar affects your skin.
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Smart Foods That Will Help Feed Your Brain
By Grace O
When reading Dr. Eric R. Braverman's book,
Younger (Thinner) You Diet, I was impressed by how much space he devotes to eating foods that promote brain health. I've known for years that eating the right antioxidant-rich, organic foods can keep your body young and healthy.
But I didn't realize how much our diet can affect our brains. Omega-3 fatty acids--one of my 26 FoodTrients--are crucial for feeding the brain, which needs fat to produce neurotransmitters. This means ingredients such as fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil can lower our risk for dementia. That's good news. Read More
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By FoodTrients
We have another Crock-Pot to give away! Congratulations to our last winner, Robin Klemm. All Robin did was sign up for the newsletter and she won a free slow cooker. You can do the same! Just sign up for our newsletter and you will be entered to win. If you are already a subscriber, your name goes back in the drawing for a second chance to win this great gift, so tell your friends to sign up too! Gather the family 'round the dinner table with help from this programmable Crock-Pot slow cooker. The 6 1/2 quart model is an ideal size when cooking for up to eight or nine people. The unit's roomy interior offers enough space to accommodate a 7-pound roast or a large batch of butternut squash soup... Read More
Hot Tea: A Steamy Love Story
By Grace O
Serving and enjoying hot tea is a daily ritual in many countries. Most Brits wouldn't dream of skipping their 4 p.m. cuppa. Good for them, because...Read More
Tropical Retreat
Mango Tapioca Pudding
A variation on traditional tapioca pudding, this refreshing dessert is low in fat but creamy and satisfying all the same. Mango contains skin-friendly carotenoids and vitamin C to help skin stay looking young. It also has silica, a mineral that keeps skin elastic by helping to form collagen. Get the Recipe
Strontium: The 'Other' Bone-Health Nutrient
By Dr. Mark Rosenberg
Like most of my patients, you likely know that you need adequate calcium in your diet to keep your bones strong and prevent against fracture, as you get older. What you may not know is that there is another nutrient that is just as important as calcium that decreases your risk of fracture...Read More
Your Skin On Sugar: The Not So Sweet Effects

By Dr. Mark Rosenberg
We've just started a new year and many of you may be trying to recoup from overindulgence of sweets and pastries. Although you probably knew that all those cookies, pies, breads and potatoes would likely put on a few extra... Read More