The Woman's Club of Washington University
In This Issue

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September - December 2014

MEET             LIVE              GIVE

Collage by Cleo Azariadis

The purpose of The Woman's Club is to advance the educational and outreach programs of Washington University by encouraging friendships and inclusiveness. We proudly serve the University by joining the Gephardt Institute for Public Service in co-sponsoring the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes and Meet the Leaders panel discussions. Our International Women group welcomes women from many countries and introduces them to each other for support and cultural exchange and to American culture in St. Louis.  We lovingly maintain the Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden, a beautiful and tranquil space on the Danforth Campus.  We have endowed two yearly Centennial Scholarships that are given to deserving students resuming their education at University College.  Our recipients this past year were Christina Lewis and Laura Hanessian.  
A Message from the President 



I eagerly anticipate the year ahead!  Personally, I treasure the camaraderie of dear friends I have made over the years in the Woman's Club, and I look forward to connecting with each and every member during this new season.



On behalf of the 2014-2015 Board of the Woman's Club, it is my pleasure to say a resounding "Welcome Back" to all, and a special welcome to new members.  I hope you will enjoy your participation in club activities and find many new friends. 

While enjoying this fantastic summer, your new Board has been at work laying out a comprehensive plan for the upcoming year.  This year's luncheons and events will introduce us to an interesting array of restaurants, museums, and topics for learning.  We will partner with the Gephardt Institute for Public Service to repeat our successful project, "Holiday Mail for Heroes," in connection with the Red Cross.


Our Interest Groups and their leaders are the heart of our weekly and monthly club activities.  We currently offer nine interest groups!  My warmest thanks go to all of you for sharing your time and your homes.  These are the gatherings where lasting friendships are made.  


Looking ahead, your board will spend the year focusing on new initiatives.  These initiatives are designed to increase club membership and overall revenue.  We are also hoping to hire a part-time administrator to handle some of the Club's ongoing operations.  We will provide additional details later, but please know how very grateful we are for your support and continued participation.  And we hope you will consider inviting a friend or family member to join with you in this remarkable association of women. 





Member Donations March - June 2014


Centennial Endowed Scholarships

Janet Aach

Polly Coxe

Elsie Glickert

Carol Gronau

Annaliesa Hanebrink

Robin Hattori

Petie Karsh

Jennifer Luner

Ingrid Lutzeler

Audrey Mathews

Maria Michaelides

Betty Ryckman

Amanda L. Schoonmaker

Lee Anne Quatrano

Kristin Sobotka

Carolyn S. Stern

Maureen Swihart

Ray Wenneker

Maureen Wulf



Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden

Gisela Ahadi

Greta Hahn Camel

Lois Eason

Felecia Fleishman

Marilyn Fox

June Kilo

Tedi Macias

Ellen Norris

Pat Owens

Lee Anne Quatrano

Evelyn Shucart

Isabel Van Essen

The Annual Lecture Series Endowment Fund

Janet Aach




Woman's Club of Washington University

Gini Lappas Argini

Felicia Fleishman

Anita Hutkin

Jennifer Luner

Coreen Motard

Madelon Price

Miriam Schonfeld



Olin Library

Gretchen Felix



Donations made through two different places in the University, the Woman's Club and Alumni & Development, may have led to an inadvertent omission.  



Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden
Our devoted volunteers make the Butterfly Garden an amazing place. The Butterfy Garden committee has members working in the garden each Tuesday from late spring until fall.  A special thank you to the Big Dig volunteers who helped plant annuals in May: Barbara Ackermann, Gisela Ahadi, Assimo Azariadis, Terry Beachy, Marcia Bernstein, Carol Bland, Clare Davis, Jean Davis, Katherine Deschryver, Joan Dellbringge, Karen Fields, Linda Fried, Lorraine Gnecco, Rosie Hiss, Ingrid Lutzler, Tedi Macias, Elena Maksaeva, Kellie Mandry, Marlene O'Brien, Pat Owens, Pat Sarantites, Jane Schaefer, Carol Shapiro, Linda Smith, Patti Thorp, and Dalene Tiers. The sign up sheet was the guide for the list.  Our apologies if you were there, and we missed getting you to sign in.  You are invited to come by and see the fruits of your labor. The beds are still bursting with color and foliage and are so lush compared with Big Dig day.  The Butterfly Garden will again be the chosen location for a late summer wedding, and Bon Appetit will host the second Brunch with the Butterflies on a Sunday in late September. 

The end of the summer and the fall bring important gardening opportunities. New volunteers are always welcome! Come and help on any Tuesday between 8:00 am and 10:00 am! Find one of us, and we will tell you the tasks of the moment and give you guidance.       
Upcoming Events 
September 2014


Fall Welcome Luncheon

Join Risa Zwerling Wrighton


Friday, September 12, 2014

11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Brief Remarks at Noon


At the Chancellor's Residence Harbison House  

6420 Forsyth Blvd.


A Welcome Luncheon for women newcomers to our University to meet current members and learn about the Club's varied activities.  This invitation is for women faculty and staff, female spouses/partners of faculty and staff, WU Administration, Alumni, and Friends of the University. The Woman's Club of Washington University has been welcoming women to the University community since 1910. Become a part of our circle of friends!


   RSVP by Friday, September 5 to Wilma Wilson 

(314) 991-4991


Dance Interest Group

Saturday, September 6, 2014  Informational Meeting  1:00 - 2:00 pm  Group Dance Sessions First Saturday of each month at Carmen Dence's home 1111 Dunston Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146.  Dance uncovers creativity, health, and happiness.  The group will have fun learning Caribbean dance movements, simple choreographies, and some dance improvisations.  Carmen is a Research Associate Professor in the Medical School's Department of Radiology.  Carmen at or 314-362-8425.


Women and the Kemper

Friday, September 12, 2014, 7:00 - 9:00 pm  Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum Opening Celebration

Woman's Club members welcome; Public reception

To join or renew your support of the Museum, visit or call Lindy Eberhardt at 314-935-.3683.

For membership information contact Susan Colangelo or (706) 255-5835


Meet the Leaders Panel Discussion 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014   11:30 am - 1:30 pm Meet the Leaders "Never Too Old to Be Young: Aging and Adaptation"

Umrath Lounge (In Umrath Hall just south of Graham Chapel) Parking in DUC use north exit   Light lunch will be served

Rebecca Dresser, JD, Lynn Freidman Hamilton, and Nancy Morrow-Howell, Ph.D. will discuss how our physical, mental, and cognitive health are all interrelated. Learn how we can talk to our loved ones about the challenges of getting older.  Talk about innovative approaches for dealing with the effects of aging.  Discuss how art can be a positive and productive resource to keep us young at heart and spirit.   

RSVP is requested: Kitty Conroy at (314) 935-9104 conroyr@wustl.edu 

The Meet the Leaders series is sponsored by the WUSTL Woman's Club with the Gephardt Institute for Public Service and the Office of the Provost.


Technology & Society (Formerly the Computer Group)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014,  2:30 pm

University City Public Library, 6701 Delmar Blvd. Meets the fourth Wednesday of each month for fun discussions about technology and its effect on society. Topics include the internet, privacy, smart phones, social networking, and much more. Join us and bring your questions.

Jane Schaefer Co-Chair   314-727-6263 H   (314)-580-3972 C 

Rosie Hiss, Co-Chair   314-484-1930   


Upcoming Events 
October 2014


Third Annual Walking Tour  

of the Hilltop Campus


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

  10:00 am - 12:00 pm    
Meet outside the south side front door of the DUC



All newcomers, members, and friends are invited to join this tour led by WU's Brian Lewis, Associate Director of Development A&S Scholarship Programs. He will acquaint us with the buildings and update us on new buildings and plans for the future.  He will also add some interesting tidbits about the history of the buildings as well as of the people who have occupied them.  Those who choose to stay afterwards will eat together at Ibby's Restaurant in the DUC. 




   Please contact
   Karen Fields 314-863-5063
   Linda Smith 314-518-6293
   Lunch will be paid for individually.


Women and the Kemper Community Day

Saturday, October 11, 2014   11:00 am - 3:00 pm   Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum

Open to the public; bring your friends and family. This open house event offers interactive art experiences for all ages.  Partnering with students from the Architecture School Council, enjoy  kid-friendly activities, snacks, gallery tours, live music, and more!

Support for Community Day is provided by Women and the Kemper and the Woman's Club of Washington University


Women and Their Wealth: Living Retirement on Your Terms

Tuesday, October 14, 2014   5:00 pm - 7:00 pm   DUC Room 276   Refreshments Served

Session 1 of 3  "Retirement Income Strategies in a Low Interest Rate Environment"

Jackie Abels, AIF, Senior Director, Investments, Oppenheimer & Co, Inc.


Galleries and Sights Guided Tour Samuel Cupples House
Thursday, October 23, 2014  11:00 am  1301 Olive Street - Meet in the atrium inside the main entrance

Note:  Parking could be at the meters outside the Library ($2.00 in coins for 2 hours) or in the lot between Olive and 15th Street (enter on 15th Street). Those who prefer to park in the lot will be given exit tokens by the docent to use at the end of the tour.

RSVP is requested in order to let the library know the approximate number of participants. No Charge.   

Gloria Lubowitz  (314) 863-631


Women and the Kemper Annual Luncheon 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014  11:am - 2:00 pm
Saligman Family Atrium, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
Woman's Club members are invited to participate in the luncheon and tours of the Museum's permanent collection.

For reservations contact Hilary Letcher Hobbs,   314-935-7382

To join or renew your support of the Museum, visit or call Lindy Eberhardt at 314-935-.3683.

For membership information contact Susan Colangelo  706-255-5835


Past President's Luncheon  

Thursday, October 30, 2014  11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Trattoria Branica

(For our past Presidents, only!)


Upcoming Events 
November - December 2014


Fall Symposium Luncheon


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

 11:30 am - 2:00 pm


Pastaria, Mezzanine Party Room

 Centene Plaza, 7734 Forsyth Boulevard

Free parking available in Centene parking garage adjacent to restaurant. Ticket stamped in restaurant.


Edward M. Spevak, Curator of Invertebrates

Director of WildCare Institute for Native Pollinator Conservation, Saint Louis Zoo

"The Monarch Butterflies and Our Native Pollinators:  Why We 

Need Them and How We Can Help"


In 2011 the Saint Louis Zoo established the WildCare Institute Center for Native Pollinator Conservation (CNPC) to educate people about the importance of pollinators for the plants and wildlife around them. 



Mail reservation form by October 20, 2014

Margie Gold 314-504-5857

See reservation form in Directory pg. 71 for menu choices and mailing address.
Luncheon $25.00


 Holiday Mail for Heroes

Meet the Leaders Outreach


Friday, November 14, 2014

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

DUC Room 276  

Cookies and Cards" Signing Event


Co-Sponsored by:  


           Woman's Club of WU  


Gephardt Institute for Public Service

Open to the  
Washington University Community 


Volunteers Needed for Holiday Mail For Heroes    November 14, 2014


1 Volunteer              10:00 am - 12:00 pm                Greet and instruct participants

1 Volunteer              12:00 pm - 2:00 pm                  Greet and instruct participants

2 Volunteers            10:30 am - 2:00 pm                  Man the showcase table downstairs. Guide people upstairs to event

2 Volunteers             2:00 pm - 2:45 pm                   Help break down event and pack up cards


1 or 2 Creative Volunteers before event any time either November 8 or 10 to draw/write information about event on the Fun Room Chalking Wall. Colorful chalks provided.

Volunteers can contact Jane Schaefer at   314-727-4263


Woman's Club News 


Newsletter Submissions

Submitting material for printed or electronic publicity:


We want to make materials clear and easy to read.

Keep these points in mind:

  • What is the event (news)?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Cost?
  • RSVP date and contact
  • Extras - speaker, program, menu, parking

Submissions should emailed as a Word document attachment with all information in approximate format desired.  Include desired photos as attachments in .jpg format.

Newsletter Deadlines


Sept-Dec Newsletter 7/1/14

Jan-May Newsletter  12/1/14




Eblasts may be submitted at any time using the above guidelines.  Please allow at least three days for publication.


Email submissions to both:


Lee Anne Quatrano

Cleo Azariadis 


Courtesy Notes 

Best Wishes 

To Carol Sagner who is recuperating from injuries suffered from a fall. She has a broken arm and is recuperating at Laclede Groves. Mail to her home address will be forwarded there.

To Sharon Pedersen, sponsor and member of Friday's International Women's group.  She was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in May, 2014 and has chosen not to do chemo. She is at home enjoying family visits and her 100 Species garden. In June the International Women visited Sharon and gave her a colorful wreath they made of hundreds of origami cranes, the Japanese symbol for good wishes. For updates please go to her Caring Bridge site,



To Karen Levine Coburn on the death of her husband, Steven and to Delores Kennedy who recently lost her husband, Bill. We send them our friendship and support.

To the daughters of Lu Miller who were sent our condolences on the death of their mother.  Lu was an honorary 50+ year member, although in recent years, age and health prevented her from partaking in our activities.

To the Murray and Phyllis Weidenbaum family who lost both dear parents within just a few months of each other. Phyllis was a 50 year member of the Woman's Club which was proudly listed in her extensive obituary. Her humor, sharp wit and energy were a big part of her many contributions to our Club. She will be missed by the Bridge Group, Afternoon Literature, and her many friends who recall her memory with a warm smile.



To Herb and Gloria Lubowitz on their special wedding anniversary. Gloria was a June bride 55 years ago!!  




Arts Showcase

Woman's Club members' work


It's Time to Create & Save the Date!


April 15, 2015



We will hold our third Arts Showcase this coming April and we invite you to share your artistic work with our members and friends.  All art forms are welcome, including decorative arts, jewelry, and photography.  Save the date of April 15, 2015 and start letting your creative talents flow. We anticipate a wonderful show with your participation. 


Details will follow in the January Newsletter.

 Woman's Club Sustaining Members 2014 - 2015


Azariadis, Assimo

Baron, Harriet

Berg, Christine

Bernstein, Marcia

Beuerlein, Crystal (H)

Bever, Carole

Bindler, Barbara

Bose, Diana

Colangelo, Susan

Courtney, Judie

Eisenberg, Erin King

Eldredge, Charlotte (H)

Ellis, Sondra

Engebretson, Marianne (H)

Feiner, Barbara

Fields, Karen

Finnie, Glenda

Fleck, Dorothy

Fox, Marilyn (H)

Grollman, Dolores

Greenbaum, Elaine

Harp, Debra

Hyman, Claire

Israel, Margaret

Kahn, Connie (H)

Kass, Charlene

Lawlor, Betsy

Leonard, Charmaine

Lubowitz, Gloria

Luner, Jennifer

McKelvey, Judith 

Meyer, Vivian

Motard, Coreen

Nehorai, Shlomit

Novick, Betty

Orchard, Lois

Platt, Beverly

Quatrano, Lee Anne

Sarantites, Pat 

Schaefer, Jane

Schonfeld, Miriam

Schoonmaker, Amanda

Silver, Sylvia

Smith, Linda

Smith, Paula

Stout, Njara

Straatmann, Kathy

Strasberg, Yona

Sutera, Celia

Taber, Charlene

Thakor, Serry

Thorp, Patti

Uetake-Shapiro, Carol-Ann

Van Essen, Isabel

Wall, Helen

Wallace, Ellen (H)

Wood, Joyce (H)

Wulf, Maureen

Wyse Jackson, Diane



Membership Report 

Welcome to the 12 new members who joined our Club so far this year.  As of publication of the Directory, we have 223 members for 2014-2015; 85% of those who belonged the previous year have rejoined.  We are proud to have 59 Sustaining members, 12 of whom are new this year.  We have 30 honorary members.  Fourteen are 50-year or more members, 13 are Board of Trustees members or spouses of current or past Board of Trustees members, and of course, Risa Zwerling Wrighton, the Chancellor's wife. The final two honorary members are Kathy Anderson and Lisa Schmidt, our Washington University appointed accountant and Treasurer.


Jennifer Luner passed membership duties to Linda Smith in late April.  Linda, along with Shelley DeFord, the Newcomers Chair, are working to maximize the use of the Club's new data system, plan new member outreach, and work toward building membership through a variety of efforts, including a new program called the "Mosaic Project."  The Mosaic Project is a St. Louis regional effort focused on international women who have come to St. Louis through a corporate move.  The idea is to encourage long-term involvement in the community by linking these women to established social and professional organizations.  Thanks to those in the Club who are contributing to this effort.


As for the income from membership renewal, we have accumulated just over $11,030 in the Woman's Club account for the upcoming year.  The Executive Board has drafted a proposed budget for use of these funds that hopefully will be approved at the first full Board meeting in October.


Lastly, thanks go to the group who has worked this summer on the annual membership directory.  Lee Anne Quatrano, Communications Director, Jennifer Luner, President, and Linda Smith, Membership Director.  Once again, we thank John LaRue, our WU designer, for the directory cover design.  We also thank Rebecca O'Brien and Lisa Schmidt for all their administrative support, Rebecca is the Assistant to Barbara Feiner, Vice Chancellor for Finance. Her time was generously loaned to us to complete the Directory set-up, streamline the process, and proof the copy.      
Calendar in Brief  


September 12, 2014                 Fall Welcome Luncheon 

September 12, 2014                 Women and the Kemper Public Reception


September 16, 2014                 Meet the Leaders Panel - Never Too Old to be Young: Aging and Adaptation


October 1, 2014                        Third Walking Tour of the Hilltop Campus


October 11, 2014                      Women and the Kemper Community Day


October 14, 2014                      Women and Their Wealth: Living Retirement on Your Own Terms


October 23, 2014                      Galleries and Sights Guided Tour Samuel Cupples House


October 28, 2014                      Women and the Kemper Annual Luncheon 


November 5, 2014                    Fall Symposium Luncheon "The Monarch Butterflies and Our Native Pollinators"


November 14, 2014                  Holiday Mail for Heroes Card Signing Event
Executive Committee 2014 - 2015    

Standard Square Logo

Jennifer Luner



Dorothy Fleck
Director, Educational Programming


Linda Smith   

Director, Membership 

Lee Anne Quatrano   

Director, Communications

Karen Fields   

Director, Service to the University  


Carol Gronau 

Finance Chair      

Bella Packman   

Recording Secretary


Lisa Schmidt



Jane Schaefer

Immediate Past President