The Woman's Club of Washington University
In This Issue

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April/May 2013 

Gloria pic 

A Message from the President



Two symbols of presidency sit in my dining room, almost ready to make their home in a new place. The tall silver urn and the shiny wooden gavel. When I first joined the Woman's Club many years ago, I would see the urn at receptions, standing tall at the end of a long table, watched over by a woman in a ribboned hat and white gloves.  She was ready to dispense coffee to all who lined up. The gavel, I'm sure, was used to call to order the meetings that took place each month. The urn no longer holds coffee but remains a strong symbol of friendship and service.  The gavel continues to call to attention those who attend the monthly meetings.  


What has it been like to be president?  I've talked to many people. I've spent time with those I already knew and met many more that I had not known.  I've attended many wonderful events and heard many stimulating talks.  I've learned about parts of the University, previously unfamiliar. I tried to keep track of all that was going on. And there was also the work: gathering information, writing agendas for meetings, reserving rooms, supporting new programs, writing various notes and letters on behalf of the club, meeting and dining with scholarship recipients (that wasn't difficult!), keeping the president's book with its photos and records of events and correspondence.  


In spite of the time I needed for the work, the rewards were great.  The thought of sitting around in retirement was not a happy one for me.  Being involved in the Woman's Club, particularly as an officer, provided the stimulation and direction for this new part of my life.  I saw myself in a role very different from any that I had already had.

Now as I polish the urn and shine the gavel, readying them for their new home, I look toward other responsibilities within the club.  I give my heartfelt thanks to all who have shared their ideas and taken responsibility for services and events. I thank all of you for trusting me to be your president and hope I have served you well.




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Upcoming Events 
Galleries and Sights

Tour of Exhibition
 Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life 1928 - 1945
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
Docent: Alison Taylor

Georges Braque, Vase, Palette,  and Mandolin, 1936 



Thursday, March 28, 2013 

11:00 am 


 All members are welcome to enjoy this tour!



This invitation was not in the printed newsletter.  If you know members who do not have a computer and will not see notice of this event, please share the news.   



Please RSVP 

Email or phone

Pat Sarantites 314-862-6615

Assimo Azariadis 314-925-8162     


Financial Literacy

Women's Personal Finance Series 

First Tuesday from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Danforth University Center DUC 233   


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Your Secret Money Fears


Questions to ask yourself:

What if I don't have enough, money?" 

"What would I do if I inherited a few million dollars?"

"What if my spouse leaves me with debt?

"My kids just want my money; what do I do?" 

"What if I have a catastrophic health issue?",

"What if someone steals my identity?


Guest Speakers:  

Diane Sher, CFP, CPA with The Sher Group


Bill Rumpling, Personal CreditSolutions - identity theft and understanding and correcting your credit history



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Building Blocks for Wealthy Living


Enjoy your life

6 easy steps to managing your financial health


Guest Speakers:

Matt Dulick, CLU, MBA


Beverly Sloan, nutrition and fitness expert discusses ways to relieve stress when dealing with finances


Please RSVP or Ask Questions: Debbie or Jennifer at 

Women and the Kemper


Women and the Kemper Study Session

Thursday, April 4, 2013, 10:30a refreshments in Kemper atrium; 11a program   

Karen K. Butler, assistant curator, and Paul Haner, director of conservation, Saint Louis Art Museum, will discuss conservation as it relates to selected works in the exhibition Georges Braque and the Cubist Still Life, 1928-1945. Guests are welcomed at this study session.


Friday Nights at the Kemper

Friday, April 12, 2013  

6p Live music by Scarlett Tanager
7p Gallery talk by John Klein, associate professor, Department of Art History & Archaeology, on Face and Figure in European Art, 1928-1945
8p Film screenings of entries in the
Kemper Braque Film Challenge, presented by KDHX, Steinberg Auditorium

Friday Nights at the Kemper offers an evening of free gallery talks, live music, and films for Museum members, friends, and the general public. Kick off your weekend right and celebrate our late-night Fridays.


April Arts Luncheon and Annual Meeting


Friday, April 26, 2013   11:30 am - 2:00 pm

 Highlands Golf and Tennis Center

5163 Clayton Avenue in Forest Park (East) * 


♫Classical Music Program: 


Duo D'Autrefois


Alan Rosenkoetter, Guitar Head of Guitar Studies at Washington University

Jim Harris, Baroque Flute


Cash Bar opens 11:30        

Short Annual Meeting 12:00-12:30

Lunch 12:30-1:30 

Music program 1:30-2:00

Approval of slate of officers for 2013-2014

Bring your checkbook and renew your membership. A delicious treat for all renewed members. 



Luncheon Menu

All Luncheon Entrees are accompanied by a House Garden Salad, Chef's Seasonal Vegetables,  Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Fresh Baked Rolls, Artisan Flatbreads & Butter, Coffee, Tea & Water and followed by Carrot Cake Dessert with Cream Cheese Icing 

I. Pan Seared Salmon $23

Fresh Filet of Salmon Herbed, Seared & Dressed w/ a Country Dijon Dill Cream


II. Hollywood Cobb Salad $20

Roasted Shaved Turkey Breast, Diced Tomatoes, Crumbled Gorgonzola, Sliced Eggs, Shredded Cheddar atop  Mixed Greens with choice of Dressings


III.  Pasta Primavera $20                                   

Oven  Roasted  Seasoned  Vegetables, Cavatappi  Pasta , Tossed  together in a Light Lemon Cream Sauce Finished w/ Aged Asiago


Directions:  Parking spots (30)

will be reserved for our group, next to the restaurant. Please plan to carpool if possible. Street side parking should be available a few minutes away.* 5163 Clayton Avenue goes through Forest Park. The Highlands Center is located 200 feet west of the Planetarium. Phone # of restaurant:  314-367-6648.  For directions see: Zoom Grid Map F4.5     

Please RSVP by April 8, 2013   Make checks out to Woman's Club of Washington University For each member and guest include choice of lunch and any dietary restrictions, your telephone number and email address.

Mail to:  

Ingrid Lutzeler

7260 Balson Ave, St. Louis MO 63130
Tel: 314-721-4721, email



Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden

Big Dig

Annual Spring Planting


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rain Date May 9, 2013

8:00 am - 1:00 pm


We will have the plants, fertilizer, tools and snacks. 

Any amount of time you can share that morning is appreciated!


If you can help with the planting party


Leigh Pratter: 314-795-4211     Jean Davis: 314-863-5646




Garden News


November 4th was the date of the last butterfly sighting in the Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden- a lone Skipper Butterfly.  While other butterflies were migrating south or making other seasonal arrangements, the gardeners stayed busy getting the garden ready for winter.  We ended the growing season with a 10 am to 2 pm  Planting Party attended by WCWU garden workers, a few students, staff members, Carol Shapiro's loving dog and Barb Ackermann's two year old grandson.  We are very grateful to the non-profit Forest Releaf for thirty native trees and shrubs and to the members of the Clayton Garden Club who gave us an American Hornbeam tree as a thank you after touring our garden last summer.


Planting all these new plants was more work than you might imagine, since each plant needed a space four feet in diameter cleared of weeds, vines and honey suckle.  All the new plants went into the area between the Butterfly Garden and Stix International House where there had been a hedge. Our vision is to have trees and shrubs with beautiful fall colors to naturally separate our Garden from the red brick of Stix International House and its driveway.


Last summer's gardeners had a recent winter fun event. Tedi Macias got the crew together to see the delightful movie, Flight of the Butterflies at the Omni-Max Theatre in the St. Louis Science Center. Afterward, as a special treat, Diane Wyse-Jackson invited us to an Irish lunch at her home, the residence of the Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  The lunch setting could not have been more appropriate for gardeners.  We all expressed our appreciation for her thoughtfulness and went on to the orchid show at the Botanical Garden after the lunch.


See you at the Big Dig!   Jean Davis

New Slate of Officers for 2013-2014

Approval at Annual Meeting


Many thanks to the Nominating Committee, Margaret Israel, Chair, Gloria Lubowitz, Jane Schaefer, Marcia Bernstein, Ellen Feinstein, Jen Jensen, and Sylvia Silver. Margaret states, "We accomplished our goals with good spirit and wonderful suggestions for new leadership."


Here is the slate to be presented to the membership for approval at the April Arts Luncheon and Annual Meeting on April 26. 


Plan on coming to vote  

and welcome the Woman's Club Leadership team.


President                                                       Jane Schaefer

Director, Communications                          Lee Anne Quatrano

Director, Educational Programming         Kathy Straatmann

Director, Membership                                 Jennifer Luner

Director, Service to the University             Karen Fields

Finance Chair                                              Carol Gronau

Recording Secretary                                    Bella Packman


Margaret Israel

2013 Woman of Achievement


Women of Achievement recently announced its 2013 class of extraordinary volunteers from the St. Louis metropolitan region.  Woman's Club member, Margaret Israel is one of the ten honorees for her contributions in the area of Health Education. 


The main area for her involvement was in Fragile X, providing education and support to families, teachers, and therapists.  She worked to promote scientific research to understand the genetic complexities of Fragile X and related neurological disorders that in the future hopefully will lead to effective  treatments  and  potential cures.  Another  volunteer area included chairing the Riga, Latvia - St. Louis sister community program that spearheaded a medical mission to Riga in 1995. That trip led to a partnership grant from the American International Health Alliance (US/AID) between Barnes-Jewish and Children's Hospital, and three hospitals in Riga. The last education aspect of this award was Margaret serving as President of the Woman's Club of Washington University during its Centennial year.  In honor of that centennial milestone, the Club raised funds to establish an Endowed Scholarship for a University College student.


The luncheon to honor all of the 2013 Women of Achievement is Thursday, May 2, at the Ritz Carlton.  Luncheon Reservations are $60.00 and may be made by calling Sarah Thorowgood at 314-421-2005.

Congratulations Margaret!


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September 2012 - February 2013


                Centennial Scholarship              

                         Assimo Azariadis                         

Marcia Bernstein

Carole Bever

Ellen Feinstein

Elsie Glickert

Anita Graves

Rita Horwitz

Margaret Israel

Gini Lappas

Ellen Livingston

Gloria Lubowitz

Jennifer Luner

Ingrid Lutzeler

Ruth Malvern

Ingrid Neufeind

Pat Owens

Bella Packman

Beverly Platt

Lee Anne Quatrano

JoAnn Raskas

Patricia Sarantites

Jane Schaefer

Sylvia Silver

Paula Smith

Kathy Straatmann

Maureen Swihart

Nancy Thompson

Maureen Wulf

Mah Jongg Interest Group

Woman's Club


Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden

Janice Kardos

The generous donations to the Centennial Scholarship Endowment have put the WC about $1,000 away from the endowment that will allow us to offer a second scholarship this coming year.  Please consider a donation now to help achieve this second scholarship goal. 


Mah Jongg Players Donate to Scholarship


The Mah Jongg interest group of the Woman's Club plays the ancient Chinese game with verve, vigor, and a charitable twist.  The WUWC twist is that losers pay into a pishke (Yiddish for purse). In March 2013, a second donation totaling $150.00 was donated to the Centennial Scholarship Fund. Current Mah Jongg players and contributors are: Dorothy Fleck, Sunita Garg, Elaine Greenbaum, Carol Gronau, Pat Harlan, Rochelle Hicks, MargaretIsrael, Betsy Lawlor, Mary Jane Lyons, Tedi Macias, Vivian Meyer, Betty Novick, Miriam Schonfeld, Carol Shapiro,Emily Smith, LindaSmith, Paula Smith, Shirley Soule, RayWenneker, Wilma Wilson, and Risa Zwerling.


We value the individual member donations to the Woman's Club service activities.  Thank you for your generosity and support of these important projects.  Washington University Alumni and Development provides us with lists of donations twice a year for publication.  The next list will be in the August/September 2013 Newsletter for the donations from March 2013-August 2013.

Scholarship Endowment Day Donations 


The Scholarship Endowment Day (Game Day) February 6, 2013, organized by Jennifer Luner, was held at the Willows at Brookings Park. The Willows generously donated the space and beverages.  It was a fun filled day that netted more than $925.00 for the Centennial Scholarship Fund.  Many Woman's Club members attended, and their names are included on the donations list.  Several attendees were game players from the Willows who donated to our scholarship fund to play with the group that day.  They are mentioned in the courtesy notes.  The fun included players of Bridge, Mah Jongg, Rummy Cube, and Scrabble.  A delicious Greek lunch was prepared by Alki Lappas-Case and Ginni Lappas.  We thank Alki and Ginni for their generous spirit and cooking skills.

Donation Courtesy Notes


Neil Bernstein and Philip Bernstein each made donations to the Centennial Scholarship in honor of Marcia Bernstein.  Assimo Azariadis made a donation to the Centennial Scholarship in honor of Gloria Lubowitz.  Phyllis Tirmenstein through the Roland G. Quest Trust made donation to the Scholarship in honor of her husband, Roland. Susan Weiss  also made a donation to the Centennial Scholarship fund.  Donations from the following residents at the Willows were made to the Centennial Scholarship on Scholarship Endowment Day: Charles and Dottie Schmidt, Elliot Rosenstock, Herb Bilinsky, Carol Axelrod, Ruth Malvern, Anita Graves.  Carol Armstrong made a donation to the Elizabeth Danforth Butterfly Garden.

Woman's Club Scholarship Donation


The Woman's Club Board voted to donate $10,000 of Woman's Club funds to the Centennial Scholarship at its February 2013 Board meeting.  Our entire membership supports the Woman's Club service to Washington University with membership renewals each year.  The extra funds were available in the WC account to make this sizeable donation for the most part because of the generosity of the steadily growing number of Sustaining Members over the last two years. We want to extend a very special thank-you to all of the members who support the WC in this important way.


Sustaining Members 2012 - 2013    

    Azariadis, Assimo  

                                              Baron, Harriet                                             

Bernstein, Marcia

Beuerlein, Crystal (H)

Bever, Carole

Bhattacharyya, Maitrayee

Bindler, Barbara

Camel, Greta

Colangelo, Susan


Eason, Lois H

Eisenberg, Erin King

Engebretson, Marianne

Feiner, Barbara

Fox, Marilyn H

Garg, Sunita

Greenbaum, Elaine

Grollman, Dolores

Hicks, Rochelle

Israel, Margaret

Kahn, Connie (H)

Kass, Charlene

Keys, Marilee

Lawlor, Betsy

Leonard, Charmaine

Lubowitz, Gloria

Ludeman, Susan (H)

Macias, Tedi

McKelvey, Judith

Novick, Betty

Orchard, Lois

Owens, Pat

Platt, Beverly

Quatrano, Lee Anne

Sarantites, Pat

Schaefer, Jane

Silver, Sylvia

Smith, Paula

Stout, Njara

Straatmann, Kathy

Strasberg, Yona

Sutera, Celia

Thakor, Serry

Uetake-Shapiro, Carol-Ann

Van Essen, Isabel

Wall, Helen

Wulf, Maureen


Membership Renewal Time


April 9 will mark the beginning of our membership renewal cycle.  Members will be receiving renewal forms to return with their check.  This year we will have a membership table set up at the April Arts Luncheon and Annual Meeting on April 26.  Renew before the meeting or bring your form and check that day and a special treat will be waiting for you! We look forward to your continued support and seeing you at our last luncheon of the academic year.

June Kilo Celebrates 50 Years with the Woman's Club


June Kilo and her mother, Esther Grebe


June Kilo graduated from Washington University Business School in 1954. She joined the Woman's Club in 1963-64 after she married her husband, Dr. Charles Kilo. She was very busy in the years after this, raising 4 children and helping with fund raising for the Kilo Diabetes and Vascular Research Foundation, which was started in 1972 by her husband, Dr. Kilo, and Dr. Joe Williamson. June attended as many of the Woman's Club luncheons as she could to stay in contact with the women she met in the Club and  hear about their activities. She is currently caregiver to her 102 year old mother who was delighted to attend "our" 100 birthday party on HER 100th birthday!

Notecards for Sale!

These are not just ordinary notecards.  These are Woman's Club cards created especially to celebrate our centennial year and to share the beauty of our Elizabeth "Ibby" Danforth Butterfly Garden. The gorgeous photos of butterflies are captured on film right in our own beautiful and tranquil oasis on campus. 

Monarch brochure notecard


Purchase these cards and use them to brighten spirits and send your thoughtful words on wings of butterflies.


A package of 8 cards--2 each of 4 different images--sells for $10.00 per set.  They will be available at Woman's Club events.  You may also purchase them from Sylvia Silver at email: sarks317@sbcglobal or by phone: 314-863-4853.  Enjoy!


Swallowtail Notecard

Newsletter Article and Event Submissions

The Club is creating colorful electronic e-blasts and newsletters. Choosing to receive newsletters via your email saves money, paper, and volunteer hours. 

Please contact Lee Anne Quatrano ( to make a change in the way you receive newsletters. You can choose to receive electronic newsletters only, printed copies only, or both versions.


Submitting material for publication

We want to make materials clear and easy to read.

Keep these points in mind:

What is the event (news)? When will it take place? Where will it take place? 

Cost? RSVP, program, other details that may be important


Email submissions to Hiba Safar  Lee Anne Quatrano (please copy both on your submission)

Submissions should be in a Word document with all information in approximate format desired. Include desired pictures as attachments in jpg format.


E-blasts may be submitted at any time, using the above guidelines to  Lee Anne Quatrano  

Executive Committee 2012-2013  


Standard Square Logo

Gloria Lubowitz   



Jane Schaefer
Director, Educational Programming


Pat Sarantites  

Director, Membership 

Lee Anne Quatrano   

Director, Communications

Beverly Platt   

Director, Service to the University

Jennifer Luner

Finance Chair      

Kellie Mandry  

Recording Secretary


Susan Colangelo   

Immediate Past President