Metro Dog
Please help us keep the Albany Dog Park Open

Dear Metro Dog Albany Client,


Metro Dog has been asked by the Albany Dog Owner's Group to send you this online petition to save the dog park at Memorial Park. There is a City Council meeting next week where the advocacy group would like to present signatures of Albany residents who support the dog park's continued existence. Please take a moment to read the note below and click the link to sign the petition if you feel this matter speaks to you.


Thank you.


Diane Livoti

Co-owner, Metro Dog






Memorial Field is Albany's largest park and is the heart of Albany. It's a great big field and it is a great place to gather and hang with dogs. They're allowed off leash there so long as they do not interfere with organized sports. Last year, a fence was put up so people with dogs could gather in one area at the same time baseball games were played in the other area. However, a few complaints from neighbors, mostly about barking and unsightly grass, have led to a crackdown on dogs, and we may lose access. We've gone through a process with the city, meeting in groups and forming a task force. However, our efforts have been given short shrift. We are presenting a petition to the Albany City Council Oct. 15 to stop restrictions on dogs.


Please click below to view and sign the petition