That was the Reagan Amnesty. In exchange for a one-time amnesty of an estimated 800,000 illegals, we were promised border security. Instead of only 800,000 illegals, nearly 3 million came forward to claim their amnesty. Now, 27 years later, we have over 12 million illegals wanting amnesty and they are still rushing the border as I write and we still don't have border security.
We have watched as Congress and the President have found creative ways NOT to enforce the law or secure the border. They have defunded programs like 287(g) which have proven to be effective. They have refused to fully implement good programs like E-Verify. They have spent billions but never completed the Entry/Exit system which will make the 40% of illegals who are visa violators or over-stayers leave. The Dept. of Justice has sued states for trying to help enforce existing laws while they look the other way when states blatantly violate them. Obama has gone so far as to go around the law to give amnesty to some 2 million DACA/Dreamers.
Bottom line is that you can write a million laws but lawbreakers will never obey them. By experience, you know that you cannot trust the Executive Branch to "faithfully execute" the law. The Gang of 8 wants us to believe that the very people who violated reasonable immigration laws will now obey very similar laws in order to become legal. Congress and the Gang wrote most of this bill behind closed doors with the help of the very people who benefit from illegal immigration (Chamber of Commerce, SEIU, LaRaza, for example) while they excluded the very people who will be impacted most--the average American workers, taxpayers and law enforcement officers.
S.744 will not make things better, it will only make things much worse for law abiding, tax paying American workers and the 1 million legal immigrants we welcome each year.
Common sense tells you that a country with 20 million unemployed workers cannot afford to give work permits to another 11 million foreign workers plus invite them to bring their families. The fiscal cost will exceed $6 trillion!
Think about the future. Even if they all want to work, what will happen to the 11-33 million newly legalized foreign workers when automation, robotics and outsourcing takes their jobs? Can we afford millions of additional people collecting unemployment, food stamps and disability?
If we pass this amnesty, the whole world will know that there are no limits on who can live and work in the USA. How many of the 65+ million annual tourists will decide to stay here? How many will work and displace American workers and our children as they graduate from school? (3 million high schoolers graduate annually. ) How many will decide it's easier to go on welfare or unemployment?
The Boston Bombings have shown us that we are vulnerable to the fraudulent exploitation of our refugee and student visa programs. The DHS, CIA and Boston law enforcement were unable to protect us. The surviving bomber was caught due to a vigilant citizen, not the thousands of police and government agencies that shut the city down. In hindsight, the DHS is now checking to make sure that foreign students actually attend classes and that they don't leave the USA, visit a foreign terrorist country and then return to the USA to carry out terrorist attacks. (Gee, I thought the law already required them to do this! Who knew our own government wasn't enforcing the law?) The Gang of 8's bill does nothing to fix this situation. In fact, it places an extraordinary amount of power into one person's hands. Instead of Congress passing the law and telling DHS Secretary Napolitano what to do, they are leaving it up to her discretion to write and implement most of the law and regulations after this bill is passed! So, S.744 is very much like Obamacare. You have to pass it in order to find out what's in it! I don't think I can take any more surprises, can you?
That's why I hope you'll find a few minutes to stand with us against the Gang of 8 Amnesty bill.
IFIRE will be delivering petitions signed by Hoosiers who oppose amnesty to Senators Coats and Donnelly.
Please call them to let them know where you stand:
Capitol Hill Switchboard (toll free): 1-866-220-0044
Senator Coats' Indianapolis Office: 317-554-0750
Sen. Donnelly's Indianapolis Office: 317-226-5555