Spread the word about local farms and farmland with these new tools!
As a Pure Catskills member, you've made the Catskills home for your farm and family. Why do you farm in the Catskills? We asked attendees at the March Farm to Market Connection conference that same question. Below is the resulting video. Please help spread the word about the importance of and opportunities surrounding local foods, farms and land.


Catskills FarmLink: Why Farm the Catskills?
Catskills FarmLink: Why Farm the Catskills?


Sonia Janiszewski
Farm to Market Manager
No Farms No Food
Hudson Valley Food Hubs Initiative
Catskills CRAFT
No Farms No Food!

American Farmland Trust has created a series of videos and infographics to help all of us communicate more effectively about the threat posed by farmland loss to the security of our local food supply in New York. 

Please share these new resources at meetings and gatherings, post on your website or blog, circulate through social media or email links to your contacts.

Get people talking about the importance of local farmland to local food.
Hudson Valley Food Hubs Initiative

Research findings and recommendations examining the potential role of food hubs in the  distribution of local foods, supporting farm economies and strengthening regional food systems and communities has been released.

The report was spearheaded by the New World Foundation's Local Economies Project with a research team led by Sarah Brannen and Columbia University's Urban Design Lab.
Catskills C.R.A.F.T.

Catskills Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training is a training and networking group for farmers in the region. Each month, May through November, farmers gather at a mentor farm to learn and connect.

Whether you are a new farmer or the 6th generation, interesting and valuable skills are shared and relationships established!

The season kicks off at a potluck at Channery Hill Farm with EcoPracticum students on May 30th.
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The Pure Catskills Buy Local campaign is a regional, economic initiative of the Watershed 
Agricultural Council. The Watershed Agricultural Council is funded by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and other federal, foundation and private sources. The WAC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.