The Church of the Covenant   

  As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.

Genesis 18:22 



Church of the Covenant
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Celebrating Black History Month
10 AM
February 2, 2014

We welcome Dr. Marilyn Sanders Mobley, guest preacher, to Covenant. Her sermon is "The Beloved Community." Scriptures are Micah 6:1-8 and Matthew 5:1-12. The Lay Worship Leader this Sunday is Lyn Cooper Tomaszewski.

Each Sunday one of our Stephen Ministers remains in Christ Chapel following worship to speak with anyone who needs a listening ear or a prayer.

Midweek Music & Meditation, Wednesdays, 4:30-5 pm 

This service is offered for anyone who would find comfort in a time of reflection, music, and prayer. Prayer requests placed in The Carpenter's Box on the Christ Chapel table are included in each Midweek Music and Meditation time of prayer.


Dr. Marilyn Sanders Mobley preaching & presenting Adult Forum 
Sunday, February 2, 11:30 am in Beckwith Hall     


 This Sunday we welcome Dr. Marilyn Sanders Mobley to our service of worship.Dr. Mobley is the Vice President for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity and Professor of English at Case Western Reserve University. Following worship and a reception, Dr. Mobley will lead an adult forum entitled "Living Our Faith in a Cynical World." Sunday Adult Forums meet in Beckwith Hall, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.


Learn more about Dr. Mobley.

Music Notes


 As part of our observation of Black History Month, our services will feature responses from both African and African-American sources. For the anthem all are invited to participate in the "call and response" spiritual Go Down Moses, for which members of the choir will sing the "call" and the congregation offers the "response." The Offertory features Marshall Bartholomew's stirring setting of the spiritual, Little Innocent Lamb. The organ prelude and postlude come from contrasting traditions, the Scherzo by the French romantic composer Eug�ne Gigout (1844-1925) and the Praeambulum in C by the German baroque composer Vincent L�beck (1654-1740). 


Jazz Vespers
This Sunday, February 2, 5pm

Bring your Sunday worship experience to a close with the smooth stylings of jazz improvisation along with readings and prayers for the evening.

Featuring Dave Kasper, saxophone
Josetta Balford, vocals
Matthew Hadaway, drums
Jonathan Moyer, organ 

Don't worry, you can be home in plenty of time  

for the super bowl kick off!


Save the Date

Baroque Vespers
Sunday, February 16, 5:00pm


Case/Covenant Collaboration Concert
Monday, March 3, 7:30pm


Taiz� Vespers
Sunday, March 16, 5:00pm
In the  Covenant Family

This week we keep in our prayers Martha Cooper, Erik Kratky, Christian Steppes, Kim Voss, Marjorie Wadsworth, and other Covenant members and friends who are struggling with illness, convalescing, or are homebound.


Bear one another's burdens,  
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 

Galatians 6:2

An Update from the Pastor Nominating Committee

Our Pastor Nominating Committee has been hard at work.

Last Sunday, January 26, the PNC provided an update on their activities and progress to date.  You can read their report here.

Can you help a first grader learn to read?

Daniel E Morgan


Every Wednesdays, 2-3:30 pm Covenant members tutor first and second graders at Daniel E. Morgan School. Can you help a first grader learn to read? Could you fill in for a few weeks while one of our tutors is away? Contact Bob Ault at 216.751.6094 or

Christians Bear Witness 
Following the senseless gun murders of the children in the Sandy Hook Elementary School, 168 people in Cuyahoga County have been killed by guns.  This week we add to that list Jermani Brooks, Lawelden F. McDowell, and James Paschall Jr.. 
Tell your Senators what you believe they should do about gun control.

  Email Senator Brown by clicking HERE.
  Email Senator Portman by clicking HERE.
An All Church Evening Affair and Mystery Play
Saturday, February 22 at the College Club of Cleveland

An All Church Evening Affair and Mystery Play, Saturday, February 22, 6-10 PM. Covenant families and friends are invited to attend a fun evening affair sponsored by the Membership Committee on Saturday, February 22, at The College Club of Cleveland, just up the hill at 2348 Overlook Road in Cleveland Heights.

Bring your favorite hors d'oeuvres and drinks to share. There will be a free will offering to help cover expenses.

We also invite you to participate in a Mystery Play should you wish. Just sign up in the church office by February 10 and we will provide you with a character to play, and details and instructions to follow.

So mark your calendar and sign up to attend! 
Notice Anything New? 
Next time you are in the sanctuary, please peek at the kneeler on the floor of the prayer desk in the sanctuary.  It  has been restored in deep blue and red. It was done by Jean Bingham some years ago but needed restoration.

And if you've been in the Reception Room . . .

or the Herrick Room upstairs, you have admired the transformation of a number of our chairs.

Many, many thanks to Cathy Miller, chair of the Fine Arts and Memorials Committee.

Thank you from our Youth!

Thank you from Covenant's youth! Fifteen people purchased Christmas trees from the First Baptist Church. This raised $75 for our youth and their mission trip.
February Church Calendar
Click HERE to see the February calendar.

COTC logo 

In the Heart of University Circle 
11205 Euclid Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Visit the Covenant website at

Send information for e-news to  
This week's e-news compiled by Lauren Mailey, Lyn Tomaszewski, and Jonathan Moyer.