The Church of the Covenant   

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: 

just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 13:34
Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
10 AM
July 28, 2013
Reverend Larson's sermon is entitled Pray All These Things.  The scripture lessons are Isaiah 52:3-6 and Luke 11:1-13.

The Lay Worship Leader this Sunday is Jennifer Conner.    
Each Sunday one of our Stephen Ministers remains in Christ Chapel following worship to speak with anyone who needs a listening ear or a prayer.  
Christians Bear Witness

Following the senseless gun murders of the children in the Sandy Hook Elementary School, eight-eight people in Cuyahoga County have been killed by guns.   This week we add to that list Roger J. Richards, Doris Emily Schobel, and Dennis Paul Smith Jr.

Social Justice Committee Task Force on Gun Violence  
Peace is Also a Civil Right

"Oh hear my song, thou God of all the nations, 
a song of peace for their land and for mine."

This Is My Song, Finlandia, Jean Sibelius 

Click HERE to sing this prayer with our choir 
recorded in worship in October of 2010.

In the  Covenant Family

This week we keep in our prayers Ross Illingworth, Erik Kratky, Christian Steppes, and other Covenant members and friends who are struggling with illness, convalescing, or are homebound.

We pray that God saves us from jealousy, hatred, and fear, and helps us to live together as members of one family at home in the world, sons and daughters of one Father who live in the liberty of the children of God;

Prayer for Transition: As we face this time of church transition, we seek your guidance. May our thoughts and words mirror the love you have so freely given us.  



Bear one another's burdens, 
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 
Galatians 6:2
Does your cupboard look like this?   Would this be right time to share?   Is this the week that your bounty could be shared with the Covenant Food Pantry which is open the last Wednesday and Friday of each month.   Not everyone's cupboard is full, in fact many are bare.   This Sunday's offering includes food for the pantry.   In fact every Sunday's offering can include food for the pantry.   Please share your bounty. 
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, 
so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. 
Romans 15:13
In case you ever wondered about what a family of four looks like after twenty eight hours on an airplane, now you know.   The Moyer/Hongo family is back in the US and have survived the trials and tribulations of air travel from Tokyo to Washington DC.   We will welcome them back at the end of July.
Student Ministry Takes a Hike!!!!!
Two CWRU summer intern students, a Covenant student member, and Rev. Eileen explored the Playhouse District of downtown Cleveland with the "Take-a-hike" program on Tuesday, July 16.  About 15 others also joined a tour guide well-versed in Cleveland history with a real love for our city.  Along with live lessons in restorative architecture, the group "met" Alan Freed, "godfather" of rock 'n roll, and "Mr. First-nighter" of the Hanna Theater, via live actors.  Transportation was via Healthline Bus, with a "nightcap"of cones at MacDonald's where these representatives of three cultures: Pakistan, Taiwan and Indonesia, compared notes.  What a great way to learn world culture!  Want to join us on the next one?  Email Eileen: [email protected]. 
Stephen Ministry
Several of our newer Stephen Ministers are shadowing Sally Wile, the spiritual care coordinator for UH Seidman Cancer Center.  Lyn Tomaszewski is among those participating in this program, a new joint venture for our church and UH.  After their training, these Stephen Ministers will be interacting with patients and their families, under Rev. Wile's supervision.
Stephen Ministers are trained members of our church who provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.  Our Stephen Ministers work with individuals in our congregation and community who need a listening ear.  You can find a Stephen Minister every Sunday after church in Christ Chapel.
Music Notes
Corey Shotwell

We welcome guest organist Michael Peters and soloist Corey Shotwell to our service on Sunday.

Tenor Corey Shotwell is a chorister with the Covenant Choir. He holds a Bachelor of Music from Western Michigan University and is working toward his Master of Music in Vocal Performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music, studying with Dr. Dean Southern. On stage, he has been featured as the Chaplain in Poulenc's "Dialogues of the Carmelites" and as Martin in "The Tender Land" by Aaron Copland. He was selected to participate in the 2013 Young Artists Training Program at the acclaimed Boston Early Music Festival where he will be singing in a revival of Handel's "Almira." He has also performed with ensembles Apollo's Fire and Grammy-nominated Seraphic Fire; in 2010, he took part in an international C.D. release tour with the Miami-based ensemble for their recording of Monteverdi's "Vespers of 1610."

The Cache at Work

Meet some of the staff of the Cache.  Here Lou Salvator and Raethel McWhorter are working at the check out counter.


Volunteers make our Cache Resale Shop possible. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am to 4 pm, our Cache volunteers are the face of Covenant, extending hospitality to our neighbors who come to shop. 


Volunteers work either a morning (10 am to 1 pm) or afternoon (1-4 pm) shift on a Tuesday or Thursday.  Contact Marilyn Langmack or Joyce Collins to learn more!  Open to both ladies and gentlemen of Covenant!

Church Baseball Game Outing

We were not able to get enough participants for the game this week.  Martha Goble and Beth Holbein are still planning to go to the game and they will buy walk-up tickets .  They want to let everyone know that they would welcome others to join them - meet them during the reception after Church on Sunday. You may also contact Martha or Beth directly.


What's Going on in University Circle

WOW! Wade Oval Wednesdays

June 12th - August 28th, 2013


Enjoy a FREE concert each Wednesday night from 6:00-9:00 p.m. 

July 31: Winslow


During the summer months and on occasion in the future we are starting a new feature highlighting activities in our Church neighborhood.



COTC logo 

In the Heart of University Circle 
11205 Euclid Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Visit the Covenant website at

Send information for e-news to  
This week's e-news compiled by David Keltner