essential movement to enhance your baby's development in the first year
If this is your first visit, we are delighted to introduce our new Amazing Babies Moving™ interactive website for parents, caregivers, educators and professionals. If you are a previous customer or have visited our Amazing Babies website before, you will notice that we have changed our logo to better reflect our focus on Movement. Our team works behind the scenes to make this an informative and interactive learning experience for you.
The Self Motivated Baby Book
The approach I have taken in my book is to show longer sequences that demonstrate the link between the baby's self-motivated body awareness explorations, developmental movement patterns, expressive communication in social interactions and problem-solving in play.
Expressive communication (excerpt)
Visual Attention
Directing her attention, this five week old baby actively focuses on her mother's face. In a photo sequence in my book, her expressive communication can be seen in her facial expressions, little body movements and hand shaping gestures that show her lively interest and participation in this social interaction.
Guest Speaker at Pediatric Alternatives, Mill Valley, CA
Beverly's talk and workshop on April 10th is "part of an innovative series of classes designed to complement the personalized medical care provided at Pediatric Alternatives". The topic for Beverly's presentation will be on Movement for a Healthy, Expressive and Self-Motivated Baby based on her upcoming book The Self Motivated Baby.
Beverly's Interview in The Moving Child Film
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Beverly will be interviewed by Anna Kemble in Anna's upcoming film The Moving Child. You can find out more about this Film by clicking on this link
ABM/E Amazing Babies Moving Program
In addition to our 5-day Training program (dates to be announced), we are working on new instructional formats. With a global presence online we are considering webinars and website development.
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© e-newsletter 34 Beverly Stokes April 2013 |