Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario
Citizens with Disabilities - Ontario
July 7, 2014
in this update...
(CWDO) actively promotes the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of persons with disabilities through community development, social action, and member support and referral.  Our primary activity is public education and awareness about the social and physical barriers that prevent the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ontario.

CWDO is proud to be Ontario's representative at the Council of Canadians with Disabilities since June, 2009.

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CWDO Welcomes New Board Members

CWDO elected three new members to our board at the Annual General Meeting on June 19, 2014.  Board members serve three-year terms.
Meet our board members.


Elections Ontario Survey

CWDO members have a chance to make a difference! 

Elections Ontario wants to know about your voting experiences.    
To complete their online survey, please click on the following link:
Or if you prefer, call: 1-888-999-9370 (TTY compatible).

Any questions can be directed to Michelle Goland at Elections Ontario,, or by telephone at 1-888-246-3335;

or contact Lauren Hilderley, Research Manager, Ipsos Reid,, or by telephone at 416-324-2301.

This online survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. The survey can't be restarted, so it has to be completed at one time. Please begin the survey as soon as possible, and no later than July 14th.
All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Results will be reported in one combined summary so individual comments can not be identified.


2014 All Hands on Braille Camp Announcement!


The All Hands on Braille Camp is a week-long summer camp dedicated to bringing the exciting world of braille to children 8-12 years old who are blind.  They are looking for kids who are interested in fun, exciting and intense braille instruction. 


For information in attending this camp check out the application form.

More information about the braille camp
Advocates Find a 'Chasm' in
Police Mental Health Training 
Toronto Police are trained to handle people with mental illness in a compassionate way, but switch tactics entirely if the person is, say, holding scissors. Critics say that will only lead to more tragic shootings.

Continue reading about police mental health training
Communication Disabilities Access Canada

Communication Disabilities Access Canada (CDAC) has launched a national campaign to educate government and businesses about the needs of people who have communication disabilities due to cerebral palsy, stroke, aphasia and developmental disabilities.

The CDAC website includes numerous free and useful resources, including captioned videos.



4 Ways Language Disorders Can Affect Your Child's Social Life



Language disorders can make it hard for children to engage in the normal give-and-take of conversation. Depending on your child's particular language issue, different social skills may be affected. Here are some common social challenges-and ways to help. 


Continue reading about how to help kids with language disorders.   


Dog More than a Family Pet for
Kids with Autism

Speech doesn't come as easily to Sophia Mcquaid, as is does other eight-year-olds, but Sophia becomes especially expressive when she talks about her dog Sabreigh, a four-year-old golden lab.
New Research can Help Predict Autism
at Earlier Age

Scientists at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children say they have unraveled the genetic code associated with autism, which will help detect this condition at an earlier age.


In a study published in the online edition of Nature Genetics, SickKids researchers say they've been able to create a genetic formula to help clinicians identify genetic variations that have the highest and lowest likelihood of causing autism spectrum disorders.


Continue reading about early autism detection.   



Kids with ADHD have a hard time completing tasks, such as homework and chores.


They may understand the material and be capable of completing the assignment, said Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC, an ADHD parent coach, mental health counselor and teacher trainer. She shares her unique insights and experience to build an environment where kids feel safe, supported, and capable of learning.


Learn 12 ways to help your child with ADHD get things done.



5 Common Myths About  

Auditory Processing Disorder




In recent years, researchers have made huge strides toward understanding auditory processing disorder (APD). More and more children are being diagnosed with APD and successfully treated. Yet many misconceptions about APD persist. Here are five common myths-and the truth about each.
ASL Interpretation at the Stratford Festival

with an American Sign Language Interpreted Performance!

Saturday, September 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM

55 Queen Street, Stratford

Designated seating has been reserved for optimum viewing
of the ASL interpreters & the stage.

Book your seats now at:

ASL Performances Sponsored by Sun Life Financial &
Making the Arts More Accessible�

OFCD Fishing Tournaments

Napanee, Peterborough and Lakefield
July 11-13; August 8-10; and September 26-28, 2014

For more information, e-mail the O.F.C.D. Board of Directors
Study Shows Environmental Influences May Cause Autism in Some Cases

Research by scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University may help explain how some instances of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can result from environmental influences rather than gene variations. The findings, published in PLOS Genetics, shed light on why older mothers are at increased risk for having children with ASD and could pave the way for more research into the role of environment on ASD.  


Read more on environmental influences that may cause autism.   


Meet a CWDO Board Member

Scott Allardyce

Scott received his Bachelor (Honours) of Arts Degree from York University in 1990. Scott has worked as a Policy Advisor in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and the Ministry of Education for the Government of Ontario for the past 21 years.

Scott is happily married to his loving and supportive wife, Anne Marie and together and they have had their first child, Elizabeth Jane Allardyce. 

Scott's volunteer work includes being the past Chair of Transportation Action Now, a group dedicated to ensuring that persons with disabilities and senior citizens have access to public transportation throughout Ontario and Past Vice Chair of PACE Independent Living, an organization that provides attendant support services to persons with disabilities so they can lead independent lives within their communities. Scott has recently founded The Canadian Disability Alliance. This advocacy group is made up of over 953 members across Canada. The primary goal of the Canadian Disability Alliance is to advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities and their families.

Scott has also served on the Birchmount Bluffs Community Neighbourhood Centre Board; this Board provides community services to the residents of Scarborough. Scott served on the Board of On The Move, this organization provides support to children with developmental disabilities, by providing them educational and employment services. Scott was also a member of the Board of Directors of Ability on Line, this organization provides the opportunity for disabled youth to communicate online with their peers. 

Scott was the Campaign Manager for Ms Dorothy Laxton, Candidate for Scarborough Centre in the 2006 Federal Election. Scott Chaired the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's United Way Campaign - 2005-2006. He has created the Connections Program for University and College Graduates with disabilities to come to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for a one day networking session with Ministry professionals to discuss employment opportunities in the Ontario Public Service.

Scott is now the Secretary of Citizens with Disabilities-Ontario.
Help the Ottawa Capitals Make it to the NAPHA Tournament


The OPWHL (Ottawa Power Wheelchair Hockey League) tournament team, the "Ottawa Capitals" will be representing the city of Ottawa and Canada at the NAPHA (North American Power Hockey Association) being held in Minneapolis, Minnesota in August 2014. 

Over 100 wheelchair athletes from across Canada and the United States will be participating in an intense, competitive tournament in an effort to bring home a gold medal. 

For more information on the competition, on the team that's trying to take gold and how to donate please contact Donna Haycock  or call her at 613-225-9204 (Voice)


Recovery from Sports-Related Concussion Slower than Believed




Scientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy have shown that analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid after concussion can be used to determine the magnitude of brain injury and to follow its course. The studies show that recovery from concussion takes a much longer time than previously thought, and this may be of major significance for athletes of all ages in return to play considerations.



MRI-guided Laser Procedure Provides Alternative to Epilepsy Surgery 


For people with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) that can't be controlled by medications, a minimally invasive laser procedure performed under MRI guidance provides a safe and effective alternative to surgery, suggests a study. The researchers report their experience with MRI-guided SLAH in 13 adults with epilepsy mapped to a part of the brain called the mesial temporal lobe.  


Continue reading about an MRI-guided laser procedure provides alternative to epilepsy surgery.   


Eight Ways to Have Self-Esteem Boosting Conversations About LD 

A mother shares her experience learning about her daughter's dyslexia and how to respond positively. 

Read her 8 ways to have self-esteem boosting conversations about learning disabilities.

Rose Centre Announcement



The Rose Centre is a charitable organization that focuses on positive representations of love, sex and disability.  


They recognize the multiple barriers to participation in love sex and relationships for disabled people and the lack of positive discussion around disability and sexuality. They also believe that sex and relationships can be fun and enjoyable for anyone.   


The organization provides programming and events which support this mission and that are open and welcoming to everyone.

Living With OCD: The Lifelong Battle for Control Over the Disorder

Elizabeth McIngvale-Cegelski was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as a child.  


In an effort to help those living with OCD and other illnesses, Elizabeth  made it her life's mission to advocate for treatment and to decrease the stigma associated with this condition.  


Now 27, and having just received her Ph.D. in social work, Elizabeth shares her experience.


Read about Elizabeth's Lifelong Battle for Control Over OCD.  


Canadian Study Finds No Link Between blocked veins, MS

A new Canadian study is casting doubt on the link between blocked neck veins and multiple sclerosis, after finding no difference in the proportion of abnormalities in the veins of MS patients and healthy controls.


Read about the Canadian MS study.

Intensive Care Unit is Traumatic  



Many patients who have been hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU) are at a high risk of developing the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), announced the American Thoracic Society.


The study, A Meta-Analysis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms In Intensive Care Unit Survivors, was announced on May 19, 2014, and was presented at the 2014 American Thoracic Society International Conference.


Read more about how ICU Patients often experience PTSD symptoms after treatment.

We Need You as Much as Ever 




Would you like to hear more from us? 

CWDO has no staff, and all our activities are carried out by volunteer board members and individual CWDO members. With your help, we could do much, much more.

Please consider funding CWDO.

CWDO is non-profit, but not a charity, so tax receipts can not be issued.

Time and talent are valuable contributions, too! Please get involved!

Together we are stronger. 
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Together we are stronger
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Email us at or call 807-473-0909 (voice)
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