Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario
July 28, 2012
in this update...
(CWDO) actively promotes the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of persons with disabilities through community development, social action, and member support and referral.  Our primary activity is public education and awareness about the social and physical barriers that prevent the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ontario.

CWDO is proud to be Ontario's representative at the Council of Canadians with Disabilities since June, 2009.

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CWDO Board of Directors 
The new Executive is: 


Chairperson - Pat Seed (Thunder Bay) 
Vice-Chair - Cindy Gorlewski (GTA) 
Secretary - Melanie Moore (Hamilton) 
Treasurer - Tracy Odell (Toronto) 
Member-at-Large - Tyler Barker (York Region) 
Past Chairperson - Terrance Green (Ottawa)

CWDO Board of Directors for 2012-2013

Erica Carson (Ottawa) 
Melissa Graham (Toronto)  
Christine Kelly (Ottawa) 
Doug Millman (Huntsville) 
Jeffrey Stark (Kanata) 
Dale Stevenson (Ottawa)  
John Szczygiel (Ottawa)
Sousan Zaribaf (Toronto)   
CWDO congratulates the board members on their appointments for the coming year!  Thank you for your continuing commitment and dedication to the mission and goals of CWDO.

Together we are stronger.
CWDO's 2011-12 Accomplishments
Our latest accomplishments report is now available on our website.  Find out what your small, dedicated, hard-working volunteer board of directors has achieved!


Have Your Say -
Survey on CWDO Priorities

CWDO wants to hear from you!  There is so much to do... and so much we COULD do... What should our priorities be, for the coming year? 
Your feedback and great ideas will help us focus our energies. 


Accessible Home for Sale!
3-bedroom bungalow in Stouffville area of GTA

Beautiful, bright and clean home on mature 1/2 acre lot on sought after Ballantrae street. Features lift to basement, and ramp from garage to home, and ramp off back deck. Also has a hot tub - great for therapeutic use.

The seller would love for the buyer to be able to utilize the special accessible features of the home.

Link to accessible 3-bedroom bungalow

Beautiful, accessible homes like these are hard to come by.  Please share this information with others who may be interested.


Allyson Rae Valcheff
Sales Representative
Keller Williams Realty Centres, Brokerage

905-895-5972 or 1-877-895-5972 (toll-free)
cell: 647-295-3838

Attendant Consumer Protection Legislation

Scott Allardyce is continuing to work on the development of a Consumer Attendant Support Services Protection Act and has made some great headway. 

The purpose of this legislation is to ensure that Consumers of attendant support services are protected and have the right to be involved with decisions regarding their own attendant support services. Consumers need to be directly involved in how policies and procedures are developed with the Service Providers, which provide attendant support services for them.

Scott met with Dr. Helena Jaczek, MPP for Oak Ridges Markham on July 12, 2012.  Dr. Jaczek has agreed to help move the legislative proposal forward by working with her MPP colleagues and talking to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

To strengthen the case for legislation, Scott is looking for people with disabilities who use attendant services to write their stories.  These stories will help explain why legislation is needed to protect consumers who use attendant services, particularly in shared service settings.

For further information, please contact Scott Allardyce through the Facebook page of the Canadian Disability Alliance at

Scott invites you to join the group if you wish.
Scholarship Opportunity Available to Masters and Doctoral Students in Disability Policy

As part of the Canadian Disability Policy Alliance, a Community-University Research Alliance (CURA), 25 scholarships will be awarded over the next five years.  There is an opportunity in 2012-13 for 6 scholarships for graduate students.  Three MSc scholarships will be funded for $5000 for one year and PhD students may be funded for $10,000 for each of two years.

Application deadline: October 1, 2012.

For further information, e-mail or call 613-533-6000  ext. 79363.      

New Signing Dolls 

Created by Signing Works, a company founded on the love of the Deaf and Deaf culture, cute dolls from California wear hearing aids and have fingers that can be posed for sign language.  Each one is hand sewn. 

What a great way to promote equality of language!

For more information visit Signing Works.


On Our Bookshelf...

Here are links to important reports on disability and accessibility:


 Your Contributions are Needed

CWDO does not currently charge any membership fees.  We have no staff, and all our activities are carried out by volunteer board members and individual CWDO members. 

We have grown to the point where we could use some paid, staffing support to do administration related to our activities. We need to raise our own funds to do this. 

Please consider funding CWDO.

CWDO is not a charity, so tax receipts can not be issued.

Time and talent are valuable contributions, too! Please get involved with one of our committees. Details on committee activities can be found on our website. 

Together we are stronger. 
Quick Links...

Together we are stronger
Contact Information
Email us at or call 807-473-0909 (voice)
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