Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario
Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario Members' WEBINAR Update
April 19, 2009
in this update...
Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario (CWDO) actively promotes the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of persons with disabilities through community development, social action, and member support and referral.  Our primary activity is public education and awareness about the social and physical barriers that prevent the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ontario.
 Webinar on Proposed Employment Standards
Tuesday, April 21, starting at 7:30 p.m. E.D.T. (Toronto time)

Join John Rae, community activist, for an informative (and free!) Webinar on the proposed new accessible Employment Standards.

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act has authorized the development of a number of standards to make Ontario accessible by the year 2025.

The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service have already been set in regulation. The public sector (i.e., provincial government) and the broader public sector (such as hospitals and schools) will need to be in compliance with the regulation by January 1, 2010.

Now, standards are proposed to ensure employment practices will be accessible.

Come to the Webinar to find out what this means.  Get information to help you decide if you support the standard or not, and how to give your input to the standards development committee.

Click here to register.

Click here to learn how to join in to our on-line conferencing system.
Upcoming Webinars
Confirmed Webinars
  Click here to learn how to participate through the IDEAL conference centre.

Planned Webinars

More Webinars are currently being planned:
  • Series on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Stay tuned for more information and opportunities to register!
Webinar Tutorials 

Want to join in?  Not sure what to do?

Come to a tutorial and learn how easy it is to connect over our on-line conferencing system.  Pat Seed is our technical support person.  She will lead you step-by-step through everything you need to know to get started.

Through the IDEAL conferencing system, you can participate in live Webinars attend our Annual General Meeting, and get involved with CWDO committees.

It's easy!  And there is no cost to you for using our system.  All you need is your own computer, keyboard and speakers.  With a microphone headset, you can chat on-line, too.

Click to go to the IDEAL Conference Centre.  Download the plug-in and join Pat in Auditorium 1 at one of the times below.  As you enter the auditorium, type in your name, city or town and log in (no password necessary.)
  • Monday, April 20 from 10 am to 12 noon
  • Monday, April 20 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
  • Tuesday, April 21 from 10am to 11 am
  • Tuesday, April 21 from 6 9m to 7:30 pm (right before the Webinar)

Membership Survey - $100 PRIZE!
CWDO wants your input and we are even willing to reward your feedback!

If you fill in our short survey we are giving you the chance to win a prize of $100 in COLD, HARD, CASH! In these economic times, every extra dollar counts!

By filling in this survey you are helping CWDO grow stronger and to provide services to people with disabilities that are effective and relevant.

Click here to answer our survey.

CWDO's Annual General Meeting

Members please note you are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Citizens With Disabilities - Ontario.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 11, 2009, starting at 7:00 pm EDT. (Toronto time) in our virtual space at the IDEAL Conference Centre.

Please visit our AGM page by clicking this link

Quick Links...
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
AODA Alliance
Contact Information
Email us at or call 807-473-0909 (voice)
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