
Monthly Newsletter
Number 110

     March 2014   
Upcoming Classes
All 2014 Classes  


Teleprompter  -  3/8

On-Camera Workout  -  3/8

INTRO: Starting Out  -  3/9

Small Group Workout  -  3/13

That's NOT All Folks  -  3/14-15

Stepping Out  -  3/16

Creating Characters  -  3/16

Diction & Clarity  -  3/17

Basic British  -  3/9-26

Behind The Scenes  -  3/20

Advanced Narration - 3/22-23, 29

Scene Study  -  3/24-4/28

Character Intensive  -  3/27-5/15

Tips From The Pros  -  4/1-15

Spontaneity  -  4/5-6


Classes often sell out. Register early! 


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Your Agent and You 

There aren't enough hours in the day to spew all that an agent does for you. Now, I've known actors with tiny agents making 6 figures, and actors with huge agents earning nada. But each scenario has reasons for why things are the way they are.

I read, on a slow day, about a dozen things. On a busy day, I'm up late and wake early to get it all in. And the auditions come in all day long. I'm in constant communication with my agents, via email and phone. Career strategies and tactics are a constant. And based on the amount of activity, I know that during those hours when there is nothing tangibly shared, they are pitching and selling, wining and dining on my behalf....FOR FREE!!! They only get paid when I work. And even then, I am paid their 10% commission on top of my negotiated fee. So, it doesn't even come out of pocket, and I can still write their commission off as a business expense. 

If your representation doesn't reflect what I just described, why? What have you done about it? Are agents in your market necessary? If not, this is a moot point. If they are, and you aren't getting the representation you think you should be, do something about it. How brilliant are your demos? Your website? Do you market? If so, how? How, where, when, why, and to whom you market is as important as what you market. Have you communicated with your agent specifically what you want out of your career? Do you have a business plan you've shared with your agent? Does your agent know every job you've done? Every audition? Every buyer you know? Are you aware of actors your agent represents who have also worked with the same buyers as you? 

The days of sitting around, waiting for the auditions, submitting with your fingers crossed are over! The business has changed. We have the ability through technology to be much more proactive and productive. What I used to spend 5-10 grand a year in marketing I now do for free!!!! And, the agent is a partner. You need to work with them. You must communicate your goals and expectations specifically and strategically. Vague goals bring vague results. And agents are not mind readers. For them to do the best job representing you, you must give them the tools, information, and leverage. 

And, reach out to your agent just to say "thank you." Most only communicate with their agent when they are bitching and complaining. In any business, this can be exhausting and depressing for the recipient. Let them know when you just had a fun audition. Remind them that if there's anything else they need from you, you are happy to do it. Gratitude goes a long way. Know and appreciate what they do for you beyond the auditions and bookings. 

And, if this ideal agent client relationship doesn't exist for you, figure out why. And do something about it. But man, I would not have a career without my agents.

Bob Bergen teaches two classes at Voice One in March. His Character class, That's NOT All Folks, is on Fri/Sat Mar. 14/15. VO Group Therapy is on Sat/Sun Mar. 29/30. Voice One students receive a $40 discount on the Group Therapy Workshop. Visit  for more details.  

Look Who's Talking
Mic Small
* Sara Jane Keskula booked a supporting role in Investigation Discovery Channel's, I Almost Got Away with It.
* Jodi Skeris won big (a vacation to Thailand) on Let's Make a Deal.
* Jayse O'Brien recorded six auditions with Elaine directing him. He booked an industrial for Aruba networks and a 13-week National radio spot for Nordstrom. Pretty good returns!
* Joe Kearns landed contracts to record two Audio Books through Audiobook Creation Exchange.
* Paul Lux recorded a commercial spot for VUDU.
* Jennifer Knight recorded a commercial for Optimum WiFi and an explainer video for 
* Hugo Carbajal booked an on-camera industrial film for HP.
* Greg Land was hired by Glu Mobile to do three voices for a Video Game.
* Nancy Raciti recorded multiple internal projects for El Camino Hospital, narrations for a mortgage company, and an Interactive Voice Response system for a restaurant. She also recorded a PSA that recently aired on KNBR.
* Kat Langan (Collins) recorded tutorials for a new Google product called Just Speak.  
* Sharon Huff recorded a recruitment video for a military health study and promo for Caterpillar.  
Congrats to all who've recently landed agents and jobs. Send us your good news and we'll add it to next month's Newsletter.   
Sunday Drop-In Improv

Improv Improv1
Every Sunday 5:30-7:30pm.
$15 cash at the door.

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Voice-Over > On-Camera > Improv > Casting > Audio Production 
665 Third Street, Suite 227  San Francisco, California 94107   
Tel: 415-974-1103  Fax: 415-974-1105