California Conservation Corps
 MAY 2015


In an email announcement to staff April 14, CCC Director David Muraki shared his plans to step down as director by July 1. 


David was appointed director in 2007 by Governor Schwarzenegger and was the first director to have previously served as a CCC staff member.

"This will bring to an end what has been an eight-year time in my life and career that I wouldn't trade for anything," David wrote. "It has been my highest honor to have served alongside the exceptional staff of the CCC and to do my part in turning the Corps' great mission into reality."

We hope to have more regarding David Muraki's exceptional career with the CCC in our next newsletter. 




Gov. Brown takes questions from corpsmembers in the Jack Dugan room at CCC Headquarters. Photos by Susanne Levitsky.


In the nearly 20 years the CCC has been located at its 24th Street Headquarters, only one governor has visited the Corps -- Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., who has visited twice. The governor met with Backcountry supervisors and Headquarters staff in September 2013 and returned in April 2015.


The governor, together with two of his top staff members, talked for about an hour with CCC Director David Muraki, External Affairs Director Martha Diepenbrock, and Programs and Operations Chief Erin Healy.


"During our meeting with Governor Brown, he expressed his support for three priorities," David Muraki wrote:


1) Rebuilding the Residential Corps Program


2) Building on Corps Strengths -- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; Disaster Response and Prevention; Fisheries and Watershed Restoration; Parks, Forests and Wilderness; and Water Efficiency and Transporation Alternatives.


3) Creating a CCC Community College


Following this meeting, the Governor met with corpsmembers and staff, taking questions about the creation of the CCC, the drought and and other topics. 


Gov. Brown meets Fresno corpsmember Vue Xiong, left.


Special Projects' Dana Brazelton, left, and Information Systems' Rita Gass, greet Gov. Brown at Headquarters.



Gov. Brown leaves the CCC, chatting with CCC Director David Muraki and External Affairs Director Martha Diepenbrock.





Fortuna Conservationist II Mark Allee was recognized last month with the highest honor the State of California bestows on its employees: the Gold Medal of Valor.


The award was presented during a ceremony at the California HIghway Patrol Academy in West Sacramento.  Following the ceremony, Mark was honored at a reception at CCC Headquarters.  


Mark received the medal for actions taken in Yosemite National Park in 2011. A Backcountry Trails Supervisor, he was near the Wapama Falls footbridge, where water from a rapid snow melt was rushing over the bridge. Two hikers tried to cross and were swept away.  Mark, in his CCC uniform, successfully dissuaded the remaining hikers from attempting to navigate the bridge.


Mark radioed in about the situation to the National Park Service. Backcountry Program Director Karlson Hubbard said Mark had risked his personal safety -- in the safest possible way -- to try and intervene with the first two hikers.


In talking with Headquarters staff after receiving his medal, Mark noted that he was most proud that there were two twin girls living today with their mom in Marin County, because the mother was among the hikers who did not cross the bridge.


Allee is trained as a swift-water rescue technician and a wilderness first-responder. Earlier in 2011, he had co-led a day-long swift-water rescue course for his fellow Backcountry supervisors.


In 2014, Mark was honored by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell with the Citizen's Award for Bravery for his actions at Yosemite.


Mark began his CCC career as a YouthServe AmeriCorps Program team leader at McKinleyville in 2006.


Accounting Manager Imelda Chapman takes a closer look at Mark's medal.




Our tent camp funded by the Governor's 2014 drought relief legislation is now at its third location: Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Santa Cruz County. This follows stints at Silverwood Lake in San Bernardino County and Lake Camanche in Calaveras County.


Monterey Bay Center Director Brenda-Burks-Herrman is overseeing the Big Basin operations which will feature fire hazard reduction work at the park as well as for agencies in the area. Chad Harris will oversee the camp's day-to-day operations.


Brenda says the CCC has a long history of work at the park going back nearly 40 years.


"We've worked on hundreds of miles of trail, done stream restoration work and campground maintenance," she said. "After big storms, we've helped with cleanup efforts."


State Parks Environmental Scientist Tim Reilly is working with the CCC at Big Basin.


"We're very excited to host the CCC crews who will be assisting us in reducing fire hazards throughout our State Parks," Tim said. "We look forward to strengthening our partnership with the Corps."


There is also a connection with the 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps, which did a lot of work in the park.


The tent camp is expected to remain at Big Basin through the end of October.


Next month we'll have photos of our new tent camp, but here's a shot from the 1930s with CCC boys working on a Big Basin amphitheater.






Rhody Soria may be the new center director in San Diego but his CCC days go way back.


In 1980, he saw a CCC flyer at an Employment Development Department office in San Francisco and decided to sign up as a corpsmember. By December, he was a part of the program.


"I was given a bus ticket and a report date and went up to Sacramento," Rhody recalls. "There was a long line of buses and we went to the CCC's Bret Harte Academy. It was Session 40."


From there, Rhody was assigned to the Camarillo Center where he became a corpsmember and a crewleader.


"After two years I took at job as a SAM (Service Assistant Maintenance) in Santa Barbara, working for Caltrans on a tree crew."


In his Caltrans job, he worked with a CCC crew and they told him of a C I opening in Camarillo.  "I met and talked with Bruce Saito and Nacho Piña and transferred from Caltrans to the CCC."


After eight years at Camarillo, he transferred to the San Bernardino (now Inland Empire) Center "and spent the rest of my career there, including helping to start the Victorville Satellite."


In the meantime, he promoted to a C II and then a Conservation Supervisor, before being selected to head the San Diego Center in 2015.


"It's a different role, more of a management role," he says. "It's rewarding -- you can make changes to better the lives of corpsmembers."


A move to San Diego could happen down the road, but probably not until his daughter, Skylar, graduates from high school.  Rhody and his wife, Gloria, also have a son whose name may be familiar to some of you -- Reggie Soria is a C I currently assigned to the Big Basin tent camp.

Rhody when he ran the Camarillo fire crew.




Corpsmembers, and Stockton C I Adrian McCoy, back left, listen to Yosemite Ranger Shelton Johnson. Photo by Steve Donnelly.


For the second year in a row, Napa C II Steve Donnelly organized a weekend trip to Yosemite National Park with corpsmembers from the Fresno, Napa, Sacramento and Stockton satellites.


The 20 corpsmembers, many of whom had not been to Yosemite before, hiked several trails in Yosemite Valley and also visited the Mariposa Grove of giant Sequoia trees.


A highlight of the day-long visit was a two-hour talk by Ranger Shelton Johnson about the natural and cultural history of Yosemite as well as the role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the establishment of the park. Johnson, who also talked with last year's CCC contingent, was featured in filmmaker Ken Burns' recent documentary on the national parks.


"Shelton loved meeting with us -- he was very engaging and gave an amazing talk," Steve said. "The corpsmembers just loved him -- my corpsmembers were talking about the trip for days after!"


Staff accompanying the corpsmembers included Steve, Fresno C I Bry Dunkle, Stockton C I Adrian McCoy, and Special Corpsmembers Amy Gaber (Sacramento) and Samielle Foltz (Napa).


Steve and Amy were instrumental in organizing the trip. A third trip is being planned for next year, hopefully with an overnight camp-out included.


Napa corpsmembers climb a large rock. Photo by Steve Donnelly.



Sacramento Satellite fire crew members in front of Lower Yosemite Falls.  Photo by Amy Gaber.




Camarillo fire crews at Cal Fire exercise. Photos by Juan Mercado.



Formerly called a "Bautista," this year's Fire Crew Preparedness Exercise provided good training for two Camarillo fire crews. They passed muster and are ready to be called out as Cal Fire Type I crews for the 2015 fire season.


The exercise took place on the Kelly Ranch in Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo County. C Is for the Camarillo crews were Jeremy Day and Art Gonzalez. 


Camarillo Conservation Supervisor Juan Mercado says this year they had two planes as part of the exercise, training the corpsmembers on air tanker drops. Other portions of the exercise focused on tool-up and crew inspection, hiking, and fire line construction.


Crews spent two hours constructing a fire line.






On May 12, the CCC Foundation will host its Second Annual Benefit Fundraiser at the Sutter Club in Sacramento.  It will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.


Cost for the tax-deductible event is $50 per person. Appetizers and beverages, catered by the Sutter Club, are included in the cost.


The event will also feature a silent auction, with items such as a San Francisco Bay cruise, jewelry made by Foundation board member Barbara O'Connor, lunches with Treasurer John Chiang and also Controller Betty Yee, tickets to Giants/Dodgers games in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, and more.


For details or to RSVP, you can email







The Camarillo Center went beyond flowers to honor their administrative professionals last month. Center Director Christie Rochte tells us they decided to take their office staff on a field trip to see corpsmembers at work.


They visited several projects in Camarillo and the one above, at Carpinteria State Beach.


Shown from left are Business Service Officer Gale Rogers, Office Technician Georgia Rodriguez, Office Technician Ida Orozco, Conservation Supervisor Juan Mercado (back to camera), and C I Joshua McKinney. Photo by Christie Rochte.





Here are just a few of the agencies/positions corpsmembers throughout the state have gone on to in recent weeks:



1 -- D.L. Bliss State Park

1 -- U.S. Forest Service Traveling Trails Crew

1 -- Feather River Hotshots -- USFS Plumas NF

1 -- Lassen Volcanic National Park

1 -- Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

1 -- Mountaineers Firefighters

1 -- U.S. Fish and Wildllife -- Firefighter

1 -- McClellan Air and Heating Technician

1 -- NorCal Welding 

1 -- Shasta Regional Medical Emergency Room Technician

1 -- U.S. Forest Service -- Six Rivers Engine Firefighter


Inland Empire:

1-- Caltrans (San Bernardino), Tree Maintenance Worker



4 -- U.S. Forest Service 

6 -- Cal Fire                                                                                                                     2 -- County of Ventura


San Diego

2 -- Cleveland National Forest

1 -- Santa Barbara 

1 -- Klamath National Forest

At the Ukiah Center, Gonzalo Jeremy Roldan, profiled here last month, was hired by a Caltrans tree crew.


Let us know about other corpsmembers with new jobs.







The Magalia Beautification Association in Butte County went all out in thanking Chico corpsmembers for their ongoing project work. C I Ken McDonald is holding the goodies, below.


Look closely at the brownies and you'll not only see letters, but work gloves, loppers. a McLeod, a bow saw and more.


Chico Conservation Supervisor Keith Welch says he started working for the MBA in 1998 while still at the Butte Fire Center (located in Magalia).  He says the group has supported their local CCC center "through thick and thin, sometimes marching with signs to protest the closure of their favorite CCC center, or going to testify at legislative hearings about reductions to CCC funding."


Keith says the group has given checks to departing corpsmembers going off to college and usually provides an annual gift to the Corpsmember Council to show their support for the crews' efforts.


"I usually have each COMET class go to Magalia amd work for the MBA as part of their second week," Keith says. "The MBA members get to meet all of the COMETS and talk with them during lunch after working all morning in the MBA gardens, weed-eating at their adopted street corners or doing other 'down and dirty' work."


"And probably the coolest part is that these ladies (who are all retired and have grandkids of their own) are down in the dirt working right alongside the corpsmembers."


C I Ken McDonald with the brownies.








Erik Weinmeister's Ukiah crew has been busy with trail work at China Camp State Park.  The park is located in San Rafael, on the shore of San Pablo Bay.

The crew was involved with reconstruction, rehabilitation and maintenance of the Shoreline Trail, including erosion control measures of various kinds. Corpsmembers were involved in the ribbon-cutting, above. Photos by Erik Weinmeister.









Most of our centers participated in Earth Day activities last month; we'd like to showcase the Redding project. 


As Conservationist II Lynda Burkhalter explained, each year the center chooses a local nonprofit or government agency to assist. This year it was the Red Bluff Recreation Area in the Mendocino National Forest.  Forty corpsmembers worked on projects ranging from landscaping to trail work to fire hazard reduction and general cleanup. 


Among those assisting were COMET members on their first project.


Lori Cayo, who oversees management of the Recreation Area, is a former Siskiyou corpsmember from 1986.


The Redding Center has worked in partnership with the Mendocino National Forest for the past 15 years.


COMETS help with cleanup efforts.  Photos by Lynda Burkhalter.


Redding corpsmember Garrett Ellis and the USFS' Lori Cayo at the worksite. Garrett just got hired by the Feather River Hotshot fire crew and Lori was a 1986 corpsmember at the former Siskiyou Center.




Information Systems C³ Project Manager Steve Turtletaub tells us there are many people pitching in to help finalize the system requirements.  "They're helping us to make sure that as the system is being built, we meet CCC's business needs," Steve says.


Those taking time out of their "normal" jobs to help out include Jennifer Dulay, Kelly Reynolds, Karen Chesmore, Michelle Rankin, Marcia Welch, Lynetta Moses, Jeff Schwarzschild, Erin Healy, Valerie Justice, Jill Smith, Melinda Allen, Nick Howe, Hunt Drouin, Margaret Farinias, Carolyn Webberson, Summer Kincaid, Marissa Neal, Susan Jones, Tony Vasquez, Charlene Tapia, Cindy Zalog and Dana Brazelton.


Steve notes thas as the system is being built, they are working to identify how processes are going to change.  Replacing a system that has been in use for 30 years will require adaptation by everyone and they hope to make the transition as smooth as possible.  "These changes will be discussed by your managers and will be covered during training," he says.


One change involves the scheduling of corpsmembers.  Scheduling will be online within C³ and schedules will automatically create the crew rosters.  


Another change is that modifications to approved projects will follow an automated amendment process so that the different versions, project changes and approvals will be tracked in the database.


There are other changes and enhancements that will be mentioned in upcoming newsletters.



Beneath Oroville DamC I Laramie Griffith's Chico crew spent several days helping the Dept. of Water Resources at Oroville Dam and the Hyatt Power Plant in the bedrock beneath it.

The crew cleared brush from the perimeter of the power plant and chiseled calcification from section of the nearly 1,000 steps that descend to the base of the dam, 770 feet.

The work will help provide safe conditions for DWR's maintenance crews who work to maintain the drainage system for the dam.

Photo by Laramie Griffith.

Palisades Trail: The CCC's work on this Redding trail was highlighted in a recent article in the Land and Water Magazine.  A more comprehensive piece is expected to be submitted to American Trails Magazine.

Find Your Voice Campaign: Los Angeles corpsmembers are shown above working with volunteers to spruce up the Audubon Center at Debs Park in Los Angeles.  The day was part of the "Find Your Voice" campaign aiming at inspiring people to advocate for America's favorite places. Through this effort, the National Park Conservation Association hopes to encourage the next generation of park advocates to speak up for national parks.

Placer Readies Senior Garden: Corpsmember volunteers from Placer helped the Valley Oaks senior living facility get a spot ready for a community garden, complete with raised beds. The seniors currently receive a limited supply of fresh vegetables from the Placer Food Bank. The garden will help add to their fresh vegetables. Photo by Kim Palaferri.
Building raised beds for a senior living facility.

Asparagus Festival:  It's been a long tradition for corpsmembers in Stockton to help with the annual San Joaquin Asparagus Festival. Fifteen corpsmembers volunteered this year in "Asparagus Alley," deep-frying the stalks as well as assisting with other tasks. The Corpsmember Advisory Board fund will earn $4 for every volunteer hour provided by the CCC.

John Muir Day:  Governor Brown issued a proclamation declaring April 21, 2015 as "John Muir Day" in California. "John Muir (1838-1914) was a giant of a man ... Muir's advocacy was instrumental in the creation of the National Park System, one of the world's greatest ecological treasures. ... John Muir Day was established in 1988,the 150th anniversary of his birth ... Today, as way to honor Muir's teachings and help keep his legacy alive, I suggest a visit to one of California's public open spaces ... which he strived so zealously to preserve."

Madonna Manor Thank You: Monterey Bay Conservation Supervisor Janet Wohlgemuth forwards a card, left, signed by local members of the Catholic Daughters of America for volunteer work Monterey Bay did at a Salinas retirement home, Madonna Manor. Corpsmembers trimmed trees, removed dead trees and tripping hazards and tackled other landscaping projects.

Janet attended one of their events recently and was called up to the front to receive more thanks from the group.

Kudos to Crews: Brenda Burks-Herrmann forwards more kind words re Monterey Bay crews, from the sponsor of a volunteer project at a Santa Cruz school. "I cannot say enough good things about your volunteers who came to work with us last Saturday. They are obviously well trained.  They follow directions and are very cooperative. They were willing to help with anything and did so with a positive attitude."
And Adrian McCoy's Stockton crew was commended for their Caltrans work by someone writing in to our website. "Last week a group of CCC workers cleared the shoulder of the road on Highway 120/108 near the town of Oakdale ...The shoulder looks wonderful.  Just wanted to let you know I saw you and I appreciate your hard work and professionalism."

Basic Trails Training: Aaron Dunson reports that 10 CCC Conservationist Is attended the recent training held at the Mott Training Center at Asilomar. The class covered maintenance and management of trails.

 C Is participating were Kendall Ward (Fortuna), David Moua (Fresno), Dan White (Napa), Alex Luquin (Placer), Jesus Ruiz ( Ukiah), Latoya Owens (Los Padres), Manuel Salazar (Pomona), John Tabarez (San Diego -- North County), and Zachary McHenry (Tahoe).

Photo at left by Chuck Combs of State Parks.

Aid for Nepal: Former CCC Assistant Director of External Affairs Chris Skopec was interviewed on CBS' "Face the Nation" program the day after the Nepal earthquake. Chris works for International Medical Corps, which is providing assistance in Nepal.

While at the CCC in 2005, Chris and Larry Notheis went to Pakistan to help coordinate the distribution of food and supplies to survivors of a massive earthquake. 


From left, Master Gardener Sylvia Alvarado, C I Jabari Williams, Los Angeles corpsmembers and Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, center.  Photo by Manuel Sanchez.

Avalon Apartments Garden:  The CCC was invited to attend the opening of the revamped Avalon Apartments, above, in Los Angeles, a formerly neglected property now housing one-time homeless people with mental illnesses. The corpsmembers built a community garden on the property. 

Assemblymember Visit to Camarillo:  Jacquie Irwin, who represents Camarillo in the Assembly, took a tour of the facility in early April. She saw a fire crew demonstration and loading of a crew-carrying vehicle.  She also met with some of the corpsmembers who have recently received job offers.

Assemblymember Irwin had been scheduled to meet locally with Cal Fire but added the CCC visit after talking with Conservation Supervisor Juan Mercado during Government Education Day at the Capitol the week before.

Assemblymember Irwin talks with fire crew members, Con. Sup Juan Mercado and Cal Fire officials. Photos courtesy of Assem. Irwin's office.

Assemblymember Irwin with Camarillo Con. Sup. Juan Mercado at the Camarillo Center.

"Find a Park" Campaign:  Los Angeles Conservation Supervisor Edgar Lino tells us about an event sponsored by the National Park Service to "Find a Park."
NPS Director Jonathan Jarvis attended and mentioned the great work done by the CCC statewide.  Above, Edgar and Los Angeles C II Christian Herrera are shown with Director Jarvis. Also on hand was "Without at Trace" star Roselyn Sanchez.

Los Padres Visit: Assemblymember Katcho Achadjian stopped by the Los Padres Center in San Luis Obispo last month and toured the facility. Shown with him,from left, above, are staff members Jill Smith, Jimmy Galvan and Mike Anderson, along with two corpsmembers.

Achadjian had met with Jimmy and corpsmembers in his Capitol office during Government Education Day in March.

Pomona Beautification Day:  Some of the corpsmembers participating in this volunteer effort pose with Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez, left, and local officials.  Rodriguez met recently with Pomona Center Director Duane Wilson and a corpsmember during Government Education Day in Sacramento.

Watershed Stewards at Gov't Ed Day: Three Watershed Stewards Program staff members and six members joined CCC and local corps members at the recent Government Education Day in Sacramento.  For all nine, it was their first visit to the Capitol.

Shown above is Senator Mike McGuire (D- Healdsburg) along with WSP participants and WSP Program Manager Jennifer Catsos at right.  Photo by Larry Notheis.


Herb and Mavis Perry at the CCC 2010 Staff Reunion.

Mavis Perry, who worked for the CCC for more than 25 years, passed away April 25 after suffering from Alzheimer's for several years.  She was 83.

A native of Wales who brought her British accent to the CCC, Mavis began her career in August 1978 as a Graduate Student Assistant in the Planning and Development Division. She later became a Conservationist I, a C II, and an Associate Environmental Planner before retiring in 1994. In 1985, Mavis was the staff liaison for the CCC's British exchange.

As one of two project coordinators based at Headquarters, she oversaw Southern California projects. She also played a major role in coordinating the CCC's response during a variety of floods, fires and other natural disasters.

Her retirement didn't last long, and she returned as a Retired Annuitant, helping with the Northridge Emergency Recovery Corps following the earthquake and assisting with other projects and emergency response efforts.

Mavis Perry, top row, with the 1985 British Exchange corpsmembers. That's the late C I Kurt Delfino to the left of Mavis. Red hat at far right is Ben Luna; below Ben is Monterey Bay C I Sharon Hazel.

Patrick Couch became chief of the Planning Branch in 1986, working with Walt Auburn and Mavis Perry. 

"Mavis had the CCC in her blood and was always a voice in support of field staff even though she was at Headquarters," he said. "She had a spark that was both intelligent and generous, and, as they say, she walked the talk.  On project visits she'd roll up her sleeves and pitch in to get things done."

"During emergencies, she dispatched crews and agency reps while coordinating the set-up of staging areas and CCC command centers like the pro she was, grace under pressure."

"Mavis tended to see the good in people, thereby bringing out their best efforts," 
Patrick said. "She will be missed."

Mavis, left, with Merce Azar and CCC Director B.T. Collins in 1981. 
Monterey Bay C I Sharon Hazel was one of nine corpsmembers selected for the three-month 1985 British Exchange with Community Service Volunteers. She recalls Mavis as "the best mentor a young person could have, traveling abroad."  

Sharon spent the majority of her time in Wales, land of Mavis' birth.

"I still remember how to say the numbers from one to 10 in Welsh," Sharon said. "And Mavis took us to the opera, another first-time experience."   

Ben Luna, another exchange participant, considers it "one of her grand legacies. All of us from this amazing exchange would express our gratitude for her role in leading a journey that would change our lives."

Mavis leaves her husband, Herb, who served in the Civilian Conservation Corps, as well as three children, four grandchildren and one great-granddaughter.

The family requests that any donations be made to the Alzheimer's Association at


Congratulations to Angel, Laramie, Robert, Donna and Marcia on their years of service.

10 Years

Angel Lizaola      Conservationist I     Inland Empire
 Laramie Griffith     Conservationist I    Chico

Robert Desrosiers         Cook         Tahoe

25 Years of State Service

Donna Pyevach   Assoc, Personnel Analyst   Human Resources/HQs

Marcia Welch   Staff Services Manager I  Human Resources/HQs

Corpsmember Development Manager Hunt Drouin with HQs VISTAs Scott, Katie and Lisa.  Photo by Stephan Saunders.



Over the last six years, the CCC has had more than 80 AmeriCorps VISTAs -- Volunteers in Service to America -- throughout the Corps, with additional VISTAs helping the CCC in earlier years.  


The more recent VISTAs assisted with developing partnerships and components to aid corpsmembers transitioning into jobs after the CCC. Many of the components were incorporated into the Career Development and Transition competency course.


In the last three years, the VISTAs assisted with the CCC's veterans population as they reentered civililian life. 


The AmeriCorps grants for the CCC VISTAs are now ending and the VISTAs are moving on; four departed in April. VISTA Leader Katie Goad, completing her second year, looks forward to working at a nonprofit organization in Sacramento.  . . . Lisa Burgess will work at Sequoia National Park at the Ash Mountain entrance station, welcoming vistors and collecting fees. . . . Scott Ghiringhelli will work with the Navy in Bahrain as a Public Affairs Specialist, helping to build public awareness of the installation in the local community. He'll also begin a doctoral program in transformative studies with the California Institute of Integral Studies. . . .  In Fortuna, Alison Lundahl plans to further her education at Humboldt State University, working towards a Master's Degree in Social Work, with a specialty in Mental Health. 


Steve Wu is our remaining VISTA, based at the San Diego Center until August.




The new Conservation Supervisor at the Inland Empire Center is Brandon Joanis. Brandon came to the CCC from the Division of Juvenile Justice in the Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation, where he started in state service as a Youth Correctional Counselor in 2007.  He began his CCC career as a C I at Pomona in 2009, then became a Corpsmember Development C II at Inland In January 2012, subsequently moving to a CII in Projects.

David Dauer is the new Associate Governmental Program Analyst in Recruitment. David previously managed a refugee resettlement program in Sacramento. His past experience also includes serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Tonga and later assisting the Peace Corps with recruitment and placement. David was born and raised in Sacramento, attending Rio Americano High School and then UC San Diego for a bachelor's degree, with graduate studies at Clark College.

Stephan Saunders is the new Staff Services Analyst in Corpsmember Development. Stephan previously worked as a CMD Special Corpsmember at Los Padres for more than three years. He grew up in San Luis Obispo and earned a degree in political science from Cal State East Bay (Hayward) as well as a Master's in Public Policy at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

The Ukiah Center has a new Fisheries Technical Assistant, Brett Leonard. Brett graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in Wildlife Management and Conservation and worked in vegetation management for a private sector company. He spent two years in the Watershed Stewards Program in Fortuna, and also worked at the state Dept. of Fish and Wildlife's North Coast Watershed Improvement Center, also in Fortuna, for the last five years. . . . And Markie Grier is a new emergency hire C I in Ukiah. Markie was a corpsmember in Ukiah from 2011 to 2013.

Tom Haithcock is the new Special Corpsmember assisting with special projects at the Chico Satellite. Tom was formerly director of the nonprofit interpretive center at Chico's Bidwell Park. He has an undergraduate degree in Applied Science from California State University, Chico and also pursued graduate studies there in Public Administration.

Bryan Slade is the 60-day emergency hire Conservationist II at the Los Angeles Satellite. He is a former corpsmember/crewleader/and Team Leader.

Geyzel Buan is the new Accountant I in the Accounting Branch.  She comes to the CCC from the private sector.

Sacramento Satellite Special Corpsmember Amy Gaber is the new Office Technician/ front-desk receptionist in Human Resources, as of May 4.

Farewell to Sacramento recruiters Angelica Newby and Daishawn McFadden. Angelica is now participating in an electrician training program sponsored by the Western Electrical Contractor's Association.  She began with the CCC as an Inland Empire corpsmember in the EnergySmart Jobs program and spent the last two and a half years as a Sacramento recruiter.

Daishawn is now working at WIND Youth Services in Sacramento as a peer counselor. WIND offers homeless youth a drop-in site for a wide range of services. Daishawn was formerly a Sacramento Satellite corpsmember for three years, earning her high school diploma and using her scholarships. She has been the Stockton recruiter for the last four years.

Filling in behind Daishawn is Monique Stallworth, who most recently worked at the Dept. of Developmental Services. From 2008 to 2010 Monique was a corpsmember at the Sacramento Satellite, working her way up to Crewleader II. 

Region II Deputy Michelle Rankin has announced her retirement. We hope to have more about her years with the CCC next month.

Congratulations to Proposition 39/Energy Corps Manager Scott Linton and Information Systems' Christina Ybanez, who were married March 20 in Yuba City. The pair, who have been together seven years, plan to have a more formal ceremony this summer. 
1930s CCC CORNER . . .
Red Schoendienst, left, with Stan Musial.
It's baseball season and yes, there's a connection to the Civilian Conservation Corps. 

While Hollywood can claim CCC boys Raymond Burr, Walter Matthau and Robert Mitchum, the St. Louis Cardinals' Red Schoendienst was also in the CCC.

Red quit school at age 16 and joined the Civilian Conservation Corps.

The Hall of Famer had a long baseball career, playing for 19 seasons, then serving as a coach and a manager.

Today he is 92 and will be honored by the St. Louis Cardinals throughout this season.

We welcome your submissions for our next newsletter, which should come out in early June. Please send any information or photos by Friday, May 22, before Memorial Day weekend.
Photos should be sent as separate jpegs, please, (in the 1-3 MB range), rather than inserted in a Word document. And we'd prefer "action shots" of the work or activity involved, rather than group shots -- we get so many of those.

Have new staff members? We'd like to welcome them to the CCC.

Please direct your items to Susanne Levitsky at; (916) 341-3145