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The Fig Tree Books


Undaunted: The Early Life of Josh McDowell

Just over an hour long, the movie Undaunted shows how the life of well-known apologetics author Josh McDowell turns from one of skepticism to one of faith.


Right from the beginning, I was thrown into the middle of the family drama. At first I was confused but after setting up the first scene, present day Josh explains more of the family situation and I was hooked. I wanted to learn more about Josh's life and what kept him away from Christ so long.


I got my wish. With narration from Josh, I learned about his overweight mother, physically abusive father, and sexually abusive caregiver and my heart broke for him.


Though the movie's plot moves quite slowly, I was intrigued to discover what could bring such a broken boy back to God. The answer is simple and beautiful, but part of me wished a few more details were given because the moment that he surrenders could have had more of an impact. But as it stands, it was still a wonderful moment.


All in all this was a powerful movie. Its power comes from the story telling, the narration from Josh himself, and in its powerful truth.

- Melissa

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The Early Life of Josh McDowell

Format: DVD
Product Code 18591

Reg. Price:$19.99


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