PID Analyzers, LLC Newsletter
In This Issue
Cape Cod Science Cafe
Landfill Gas Monitoring

Cape Cod Science Cafe presents: 

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Contact me today if you want to participate in the Cape Cod National Chemistry Week by staffing a hands-on science table with an energy related theme. 

Seeking early-stage chemistry-based companies and interested investors to participate in the American Chemical Society Entrepreneuiral Resource Center Showcase East. See this link for more information. Contact Jack or Jennifer with questions.
Early Fall 2013 Edition 
Photo by M.Z. Hoffman at the 2013 ChemLuminary Awards at #ACSIndy
L to R: M. Morello, S. Vercellotti, J. Maclachlan, J. Sabol, S. Seelig, M. Chorghade, M. Bruce, 
J. Driscoll and T. Barton

Jack and I got to take the stage at the 2013 ChemLuminary Awards during the American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting in Indianapolis. The ChemLuminary awards ceremony occurs annually at the Fall National Meeting and honors Local Sections and Divisions for their outstanding volunteer service to the society.  Starting and Financing a Small Chemical Business symposium that Jack, Mukund Chorghade and I organized last year is what earned us a ChemLuminary Award in the Outstanding collaboration between a local section and a division: Northeastern Local Section and the Division of Small Chemical Businesses.  Read more about this award-winning symposium here.
Upon my return from the ACS Fall Meeting I received notification that my symposium proposal for Pacifichem titled: The Evolving Nature of Scholarly Communication: Connecting Scholars to Each Other and to Society was accepted in the Connecting Chemistry to Society portion of the technical program. So if you think a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii in December 2015 sounds good, you should consider submitting an abstact to to the 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem) conference. Save the date for now; abstracts open January 1, 2015.
Currently we're planning for the American Chemical Society Spring National Meeting  in Dallas March 16-20, 2014. Jack and I together with our friend and colleague, Ken Brown, are organizing another Air Monitoring Symposium on the Environmental Chemistry Track. Contact us today if you wish to participate since we are a week from deadline. The specific topic is: Air Monitoring: Overcoming Air Toxics Monitoring Challenges.  

Our Model 108 analyzer is used for soil gas monitoring and measuring the near surface gases at the landfill site.
The Model 108+ is a Landfill Gas
  • Analyzer that can measure high ppm or % levels of gases such as CH4 & CO2, O2 & H2S. The Model 108 includes two IR sensors for CH4 & CO2 with 2 additional electrochemical sensors for O2 & H2S, datalogging, Operator's Manual, and Rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride Battery. The main application is checking the composition of landfill gases. Get a Quote now!
If you haven't attended a Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society then you are missing out on an intensely intimate networking experience. The Western Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society is later this week in Santa Clara, CA followed later in the month by the  Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society NERM2013 October 23-26 in New Haven, CT where I have organized and am presiding over the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses track: Resources and Best Practices for Entrepreneurs and  True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs
Many thanks to the ACS Women Chemists Committee for their support of our two women chemist keynote speakers:
Attention Breaking Bad fans: Donna Nelson, Science Advisor to the AMC hit tv show Breaking Bad, is one of our Keynote speakers. Join us for her dinner lecture at #NERM2013.
ACS President, Marinda Wu, is our Friday night dinner lecturer on October 25, 2013. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter today and I invite you to connect with me socially using the icon links below.

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Jennifer L. Maclachlan, NA Distribution & OEM Sales Manager