September 2016 E-Newsletter

Van Jones: Green Jobs Not Jails
Greening Your Community: Saving the Planet One Garden at a Time
Second Fridays Presents: Greener Buildings: Case Studies and Updates on LEEDv4
Participate as a School or Mentor in the Green Schools Quest
USGBC-MGC Members Eligible for Discount on Missouri Energy Policy Conference
CEU Blitz: Energy in Buildings
LEED: 2009 Registration to Close on October 31, 2016
Emerging Professionals in Service at EarthDance Farm
Clayco Benchmarking Case Study
Green Apple Day of Service
5th Annual Photo Contest
Seeking Green Mentors and Shadows
Waste and Materials Tracking Added to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
World Green Building Week
CMT Transit Happy Hour
Thanks to our New & Renewing Annual Sponsors!


To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live and work.




Van Jones: Green Jobs Not Jails
Criminal Justice Reform, Racial Equity and the Green Economy 
Presented in partnership with Washington University in St. Louis

Monday, September 12th, 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Author, CNN political contributor, and environmental and human rights activist Van Jones will take the stage on Monday, September 12th to discuss the Green Economy and its relationship to criminal justice reform and racial equity.

Jones will examine connections between current social issues and environmental issues, with a focus on St. Louis' unique challenges of weak environmental policy, high incarceration and recidivism rates, and a small but growing green jobs sector. Commentary will include critiques of current presidential candidates' environmental policies.
Greening Your Community

Saving the Planet One Garden at a Time
Tuesday, September 20th, 7:00 pm

Join us for a discussion on how gardens can be used as a tool to care for our planet, help communities in need, and address climate change. The event will feature two keynote speakers: Mike Roberts, former meteorologist for KSDK News Channel 5, and Sylvester Brown, Jr., a former columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and current Executive Director of the Sweet Potato Project. 
There will be a follow-up panel discussion that will provide specific suggestions for creating your own native or community garden. Speakers on this panel include Dr. KB Frazier of the Cultivating Justice Project, Chris Hartley of the Butterfly House, Kim Reiss of Sugar Creek Gardens, and Matt Schindler of Gateway Greening. The panel discussion will be moderated by Jean Ponzi, Green Resources Manager of the Missouri Botanical Garden's EarthWays Center.     
Presented in partnership with Missouri Interfaith Power & Light and the Jewish Environmental Initiative, a committee of the Jewish Community Relations Council

Second Fridays Presents: Greener Buildings

Case Studies and Updates on LEEDv4

Friday, September 9, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join the Engineering Center, the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter and DBIA for an upcoming session of the Engineering Center's Second Fridays series: Greener Buildings: Case Studies and Updates on LEED v4.

Presentations will include:

  • Overview of LEEDv4 - What Changes Should You Expect? By Barbara Anderson, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Senior Associate & Project Manager at HOK
  • Successes and Challenges in Implementing LEEDv4 Projects (including HOK's downtown St. Louis headquarters), Ron Finney, LEED AP BD+C, Sustainable Design Specialist at HOK
  • Fulton State Hospital  - A Case Study on Implementing 2015 Energy Codes, Bruce Leavitt, LEED AP BD+C, Vice President of Engineering at Etegra
  • Implementing Solar into your Green Building Project - Mike Hornitschek, Director of Strategic Development at Straight Up Solar
Mentor Registration Extended until September 15, 2016

School Registration due September 15

The Green Schools Quest challenges public and private schools within the 
Chapter's territory (Missouri and Southern Illinois) to devise and implement, with the help of Green Mentors, the most creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their schools - because WHERE we learn matters!

Each school participating in the Green Schools Quest will be encouraged to form a Green Team. Teams may be a single classroom, a student club, a grade level, or an entire school. Each team will select a low or no cost project to begin in October 2016 and conclude in March 2017. Projects must be new or major extensions of existing initiatives at the school. Each Green Team will then document their project's impacts and submit outcomes for judging in March 2017.

A USGBC-MGC Green Mentor will be assigned to assist each Green Team with ideas, documentation, and community resources. All members of USGBC-MGC are encouraged to take advantage of this unique and fulfilling opportunity to become Green Mentors, and thereby help to empower students and communities to be good stewards of their environments, while facilitating a connection between the green building/sustainability professional community and younger generations. More information on mentor responsibilities and the mentor registration form can be accessed here.

Chapter Members Eligible for Discount on Missouri Energy Policy Conference
October 4th & 5th

The Midwest Energy Policy Conference provides diverse perspectives and engaging discussions on today's most pressing energy issues facing the Midwest. This year the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and the Laufer Energy Symposium of the Missouri University of Science and Technology are joining the Missouri Energy Initiative in presenting the conference.

2016 Sessions Include:  Energy Poverty - Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, Thirst for Power: Energy, Water and Human Survival, Resiliency in Practice: Microgrids & Hybrid Systems, Local Resiliency, The Integrated Grid, Performance Based Rate Making, Cybersecurity, and Natural Gas: Fracking to Consumption.

Current USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter members will receive a discount code to get 20% off registration. If your membership has lapsed or you would like to join to take advantage of the member discount, visit the our website here
CEU Blitz: Energy in Buildings
Tuesday, November 1st, 8:00 am- 5:00 pm

Join USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter for a full-day Continuing Education Blitz, and earn 7 continuing education units for LEED or AIA professional credentials. From global to building specific, educational content will examine energy policies, usage, systems, and financing. Attendees will: 
  • Recognize global trends and the overall climate of energy; specifically, how the energy sector is evolving to include more clean energy and implications of this shift.
  • Examine the development of the Missouri State Energy Plan and the current steps being taken to implement and amend the document.
  • Describe the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, which improves upon the efficiency of previous energy codes.
  • Explore the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey to find trends in commercial building energy use.
  • Illustrate the importance of proper energy benchmarking and discuss energy analysis.
  • Determine current trends in building energy systems via a panel discussion on the topic.
  • Discover financing and incentives available to support energy efficiency in buildings.

LEED 2009 Registration to Close on October 31
LEED 2009 registration will close on October 31, 2016. After this date, project teams will no longer be able to register projects under the LEED 2009 rating system. Existing LEED 2009 projects have until June 30, 2021 to complete certification.

USGBC has already delayed the registration deadline; the originally scheduled date was June 27, 2015. After October 31, projects will register under LEED v4. Launched in late 2013, USGBC introduced LEED v4 to ensure that LEED continues to set the bar for green construction.

Emerging Professionals in Service at EarthDance Farm

On Saturday August 13, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Emerging Professionals gathered at EarthDance Organic Farm School. Our EPs had worked throughout the summer to design a materials reuse station for the farm and that morning they got to work constructing it!


The farm had an abundance of materials that could be reused, but prior to the service day they were jumbled and unorganized. After a day of hard work, the Emerging Professionals left the farm with a station to sort and protect resources for future use. Three cheers for their ingenuity, hard work and service!

The USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Emerging Professionals are a group of recent graduates, young professionals and those new to the green building industry. They gather throughout the year to network, share experiences and give back to the community.

Subscribe to the EP mailing list to learn about future happy hours and service projects!

The 25×20 Voluntary Energy Benchmarking Campaign challenges buildings in the St. Louis Region to benchmark their energy use. Energy benchmarking is the key to unlocking potential energy and cost savings. Since the campaign was launched, businesses, local governments, houses of worship, schools, and institutions have pledged to benchmark their energy use! 25×20 participants include Clayco, now featured in a benchmarking case study!

Clayco has been using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to benchmark their St. Louis office since 2007. Using this tool gave them a baseline, as well as the motivation to raise their score. As a result of energy saving strategies and building improvements that they have implemented since 2007, their ENERGY STAR score has more than doubled. Clayco has already met their goal to reduce their energy use 25% by the year 2020!
Green Apple Day of Service is Coming Soon! 

September 24, 2016


Join communities around the world in making school environments healthier and more efficient spaces to learn, work and play by singing up for the Green Apple Day of Service!


Since 2012, more than 750,000 volunteers have hosted an astounding 12,660 local service events with a collective impact on the learning environments of 7 million students in all 50 U.S. states and 73 countries. On September 24th, communities all over the world will come together to improve their schools, make an impact on the environment, support health and wellness, and advance environmental and sustainability literacy. And you can, too!



Click here for more information!

5th Annual Photo Contest
Submission Deadline Extended to September 15, 2016
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's Marketing Committee is pleased to announce our fifth annual photo contest!

We are seeking photos that will help us celebrate our theme of "Green Buildings Are Better . . . for Living, Learning, Working, and Playing."
The contest is open to all residents of the Missouri Gateway Chapter territory. Prizes include a free membership to the Missouri Botanical Garden, and a free home energy audit, among others! The contest opens July 1, 2016 and submissions are due by September 15, 2016. Winners will be announced on October 18 at our monthly program.

  • First Place - One Year Chapter Membership and free home energy audit provided by SmartHouse
  • Second Place - One Year Garden Membership to Missouri Botanical Garden and choice of retail gift card
  • Third Place - Complimentary Pass to 1 (one) USGBCMGC In-Depth Educational Session and choice of retail gift card
  • People's Choice Award - Choice of retail gift card

Many thanks to this year's prize donors!


To enter, review the contest rules and then email your photos to

Seeking Green Mentors & Shadows 

Green Shadow is a mentorship program developed by the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Higher Education committee to expose students to green jobs within the Missouri Gateway territory through
a one day shadow of local business people. Participating companies get access to local students interested in the industry without the financial commitment of an internship.


We are looking for Mentors and Shadows to participate in the Green Shadow program. Apply by September 15, 2016 to be matched in the Fall 2016 semester.
Waste and Materials Tracking with ENERGYSTAR
The EPA has added new waste tracking functionality to its ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool! Now you can manage energy, water, and waste - all in one secure online environment. Portfolio Manager has already helped thousands of U.S. organizations benchmark and improve energy performance, prioritize efficiency measures, and verify energy reductions of 10, 20, or even 30 percent or more in buildings, representing huge financial savings; now that same proven approach can be applied to waste and materials management. 

Unifying energy, water, and waste under one virtual "roof" is a sustainability game-changer for many companies. This "tracking trifecta" is a powerful way to streamline your sustainability management program and gain a bird's eye view of your environmental footprint and resource costs.

Learn more about the new waste and materials tracking in Portfolio Manager by attending the upcoming webinar on September 15 at 1:00 pm ET.

World Green Building Week
Monday, September 26th - Sunday, October 2nd


World Green Building Week is fast approaching! Organized by the World Green Building Council, the week raises awareness of green buildings around the world, highlighting how they are the most effective means to achieving a range of environmental, social and economic goals, from addressing climate change to creating sustainable homes, businesses and communities - better places for people to live, work and play.

15 years ago 15 committed volunteers came together to form one of the first six USGBC Chapters in the country - because they believed that green buildings are better. At that time, you could count the number of LEED buildings on your fingers. Your USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter has been educating and advocating on behalf of green building ever since then.

Join the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter in celebrating World Green Building Week and our 15th anniversary - join us in our work to support buildings of all types to green their design, construction & operations!

Get Involved today!

CMT Transit Happy Hour
Thursday, September 15, 2016 
5:30 - 7:00 pm

Are you a Bus or MetroLink rider? Do you care about transit, city planning, community building, the built environment, social justice, environmental issues, people power, or do you just love St Louis? Do you have ideas for improving public transportation in the St Louis metro region?
Join CMT for their first #TransitForward happy hour! Meet up with other folks interested in improving transit in St. Louis, find out what other cities are doing to improve public transit, and learn what you can do to make a difference in your own city.
8760 Engineering - NEW SILVER
Thompson Coburn - renewing SILVER

Schaeffer Marketing Group - renewing GREEN  

The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings.
What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - MGC Sponsor: 
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and community projects to showcase your company's leadership.
EXPOSURE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be:
  • Listed on our website which receives 6,500 visitors and 60,000 page views per month.
  • Included in our monthly e-newsletter with over 5,000 subscribers.
  • Recognized at monthly programs, with an average attendance of 100.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours.
ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community.

USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorships includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.    
You can learn more by downloading our 2016 Sponsor Package or by contacting Emily Andrews at 314-577-0854.


Thanks to our GOLD SPONSORS


Thanks to our GREEN-15 SPONSORS

8760 Engineering

Ameren Missouri Pure Power
BSI Constructors
Christner, Inc. 
Custom Engineering
Dynamic Controls, Inc.
ECO Recycling, Inc. 
Electrical Connection
Enterprise Holdings
Express Scripts
Farnsworth Group

FGM Architects

Hastings & Chivetta
Heideman Associates, Inc
HM Risk
Wm. B. Ittner, Inc

Johnson Controls
Metro Lighting
M3 Engineering Group
Mueller Prost

Oates Associates

PayneCrest Electric

Parsons Brinckerhoff

Ross & Baruzzini

Solutions AEC


Thompson Coburn, LLC

Thanks to our GREEN SPONSORS
Azimuth Energy

HBD Construction
Schaeffer Marketing Group 

US Green Building Council - Missouri Gateway Chapter | 4651 Shaw Blvd. | St. Louis | MO | 63110