To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live and work.
August 20
August 26
August 30
August 30
September 15
September 20
September 24
Two events, one distinguised lecturer...
Terry Townsend, August 9 & 10
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Terry E. Townsend, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, President of Townsend Engineering Inc. (Chattanooga, Tennessee) will present two lectures in partnership with ASHRAE - St. Louis Chapter. Scroll down for more information!
August 9 Monthly Evening Program
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Presented in partnership with ASHRAE
Tuesday, August 9th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Offering 1 GBCI CE Hour & 1 AIA LU/HSW
97% of the U.S. building stock are existing buildings. According to CBECS, these buildings are becoming more energy inefficient each year. What will be presented are the standards and guides that will make existing commercial buildings more efficient, healthy and comfortable. Examples of discovery for a library, fire hall, university classroom and lab facility, and a government office building will be presented.
Going from "energy efficiency & proper IEQ" to Net-Zero Energy Buildings will be introduced as a lead-in to the "Energy Goals and lntegrated Design" seminar which will take place the following morning, August 10, 2016 from 8:00-10:00 am.
August 10 In-Depth Seminar
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Presented in partnership with ASHRAE
Wednesday, August 10th, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Offering 2 GBCI CE Hour & 2 AIA/CES LU
This presentation provides guidance on how to implement an integrated design approach that achieves the energy and performance goals of an owner. Material will include Energy Targets for Building Codes, Building Energy Quotient program, Building Systems' Technical Commissioning and successful applications of the Advanced Energy Design Guides for 30% and 50% savings over Building Code requirements.
The integrated design approach is the vehicle by which "Net-Zero Energy Buildings" will be achieved and both national and international facilities that have achieved this level of performance will be presented. An overview of achieving "Net-Zero and Beyond" buildings will be presented along with prescriptive guidance for net-zero facilities will close out the presentation.
Participate as a MENTOR in the 2016-17 Green Schools Quest! | |
Mentor Registration Due August 15, 2016
The Green Schools Quest challenges public and private schools within the
Chapter's territory (Missouri and Southern Illinois) to devise and implement, with the help of Green Mentors, the most creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their schools -
because WHERE we learn matters!
Each school participating in the Green Schools Quest will be encouraged to form a Green Team. Teams may be a single classroom, a student club, a grade level, or an entire school. Each team will select a low or no cost project to begin in October 2016 and conclude in March 2017. Projects must be new or major extensions of existing initiatives at the school. Each Green Team will then document their project's impacts and submit outcomes for judging in March 2017.
A USGBC-MGC Green Mentor will be assigned to assist each Green Team with ideas, documentation, and community resources. All members of USGBC-MGC are encouraged to take advantage of this unique and fulfilling opportunity to become Green Mentors, and thereby help to empower students and communities to be good stewards of their environments, while facilitating a connection between the green building/sustainability professional community and younger generations. More information on mentor responsibilities and the mentor registration form can be accessed here.
LEED Green Associate Exam Prep Course | |
Friday August 26, 2016, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Distinguish yourself with a LEED Green Associate credential! Passing the Green Associate exam will allow you to market your knowledge of the preeminent standards in the green building industry, and it is the first step in becoming a LEED Professional. The LEED Green Associate credential is designed for professionals who want to demonstrate green building expertise in non-technical fields of practice. This credential attests to basic knowledge of green design, construction, and operations.
USGBC-Missouri Gateway's LEED Green Associate Exam Prep course is designed to prepare participants for the LEED Green Associate exam. Course content includes an introduction to USGBC and LEED, LEED v4 Core Concepts, Location and Transportation, Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation and Regional Priority, Test Taking Tips, & Practice Exam.
Participants will receive access to an online practice exam to assist with continued exam preparation at the conclusion of the course.
Call for 2017 Board Nominations | |
Nominations are due by 5 pm CST on Friday, August 19, 2016
Nominations for the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Board of Directors are now open! We are seeking two (2) board members for two-year terms that begin in 2017. The Governance Committee will review all nominations submitted from our membership for eligibility and leadership needs and then determine a slate to present to the board.
Self nominations are accepted and encouraged. Nominees must be members in good standing with USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter and must currently serve or have previously served on a Chapter committee or as a Chapter volunteer.
For more information, please see:
Call for Proposals: 2017 USGBC-MGC Educational Sessions | |
Proposals due August 30, 2016
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter is still accepting proposals for educational programs to be offered in 2017.
USGBC-MGC strives to offer a diverse selection of educational programs to educate our members and community on current green building principles and practices and to expand the opportunities for LEED Professionals to gain continuing education hours.
- Call for Proposals Issued July 1, 2016
- Proposals due by Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 11:59 PM CST
- Selected Speakers notified by November 30, 2016
Think outside of the box, and support USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's efforts to offer a diverse selection of programs to educate our members and community on current green building principles and practices!
5th Annual Photo Contest
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Submissions due August 30, 2016
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's Marketing Committee is pleased to announce our fifth annual photo contest!
We are seeking photos that will help us celebrate our theme of "Green Buildings Are Better . . . for Living, Learning, Working, and Playing." The contest is open to all residents of the Missouri Gateway Chapter territory. Prizes include a free membership to the Missouri Botanical Garden and a free home energy audit! The contest opens July 1, 2016 and submissions are due by August 30, 2016. Winners will be announced on October 18 at our monthly program.
Support the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter with Amazon Smile | |
Already shopping online? Support the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's work to transform the built environment with AmazonSmile. When you shop at, Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. Sign up to support USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter using this link, and bookmark for future purchases!
Seeking Green Mentors & Shadows | |
Green Shadow is a mentorship program developed by the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Higher Education committee to expose students to green jobs within the Missouri Gateway territory through
a one day shadow of local business people. Participating companies get access to local students interested in the industry without the financial commitment of an internship.
We are looking for Mentors and Shadows to participate in the Green Shadow program. Apply by September 15, 2016 to be matched in the Fall 2016 semester.
Emerging Professionals Day of Service at EarthDance Farms | |
August 13, 2016
Come out and lend a hand! USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Emerging Professionals will be working on a structure to help EarthDance organize their resource pile in order to make it easier to reuse items at the farm.
Get to know fellow Emerging Professionals while supporting the oldest operating organic farm west of the Mississippi!
Green Apple Day of Service is Coming Soon! | |
September 24, 2016
Join communities around the world in making school environments healthier and more efficient spaces to learn, work and play by singing up for the Green Apple Day of Service!
Since 2012, more than 750,000 volunteers have hosted an astounding 12,660 local service events with a collective impact on the learning environments of 7 million students in all 50 U.S. states and 73 countries. On September 24th, communities all over the world will come together to improve their schools, make an impact on the environment, support health and wellness, and advance environmental and sustainability literacy. And you can, too!
Click here for more information!
Habitat for Humanity STL wins EPA's Indoor airPLUS Leader Award
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Congratulations to Habitat for Humanity STL! The EPA has announced that Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis (HFHSL) is a winner of their 2015 Indoor airPLUS Leader Award.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created Indoor airPLUS to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality. It builds on the foundation of EPA's ENERGY STAR requirements for new homes and provides additional construction specifications regarding comprehensive indoor air quality protections in new homes.
This award recognizes HFHSL's efforts to promote safer, healthier and more comfortable indoor environments. Habitat for Humanity Saint Louis has been a champion of Indoor airPLUS in the St. Louis market, with 100% of its homes in 2014 Indoor airPLUS qualified.
AIA CEUs Available for Pro Bono ENERGY STAR Verification
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ENERGY STAR certification is no-cost, but applications do require review by a professional engineer or a registered architect who is able to verify that energy performance and indoor environmental conditions meet EPA's standards. The EPA and AIA have partnered to encourage licensed professionals to provide congregations, schools, non-profits and local governments with verification services on a cost-free, pro bono basis.
Registered architects who attend a no-cost ENERGY STAR training webinar will earn one CEU. Those who validate, pro bono, one or more building applications for ENERGY STAR certification will receive seven HSW CEUs, for a total of eight CEUs annually. Interested in taking advantage of this opportunity? Contact the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter to be paired with a local congregation, school, non-profit or local government building pursuing ENERGY STAR certification.
Shape the Future of Green Building: Volunteer with a LEED Committee!
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Do you have practical experience with the way buildings and communities are designed, constructed, and operated around the globe? Are you dedicated to advancing best practices in green building and sustainable development? Don't miss this unique opportunity to volunteer on a LEED Committee!
Current volunteer opportunities include:
- Technical Committee
- LEED Advisory Committee
- Technical Advisory Groups
Visit the LEED Committees webpage to find committee purpose statements, current rosters, and links to meeting minutes for each committee.
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Custom Engineering - renewing SILVER
Mueller Prost - renewing GREEN 15
NewGround - renewing SILVER
The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings.
What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - MGC Sponsor:
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and community projects to showcase your company's leadership.
EXPOSURE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be:
- Listed on our website which receives 6,500 visitors and 60,000 page views per month.
- Included in our monthly e-newsletter with over 5,000 subscribers.
- Recognized at monthly programs, with an average attendance of 100.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours.
ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community.
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorships includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.
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Thanks to our GOLD SPONSORS
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Thanks to our GREEN-15 SPONSORS | |
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Ameren Missouri Pure Power
BSI Constructors
Christner, Inc.
Custom Engineering
Dynamic Controls, Inc.
ECO Recycling, Inc.
Electrical Connection
Enterprise Holdings
Express Scripts
Farnsworth Group
FGM Architects
Hastings & Chivetta
Heideman Associates, Inc
HM Risk
Wm. B. Ittner, Inc
Johnson Controls
Metro Lighting
M3 Engineering Group
Mueller Prost
NewGround Oates Associates
PayneCrest Electric
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Ross & Baruzzini
Solutions AEC
Thompson Coburn, LLC
Trane |
Thanks to our GREEN SPONSORS
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Azimuth Energy
HBD Construction
Schaeffer Marketing Group