July 2016 E-Newsletter
July 12 Program: Sweet Sustainability
In Depth Seminar: Living Buildings and Communities
Call for Proposals: 2017 USGBC-MGC Educational Sessions
5th Annual Photo Contest Now Open
Sustainability Summer Lunch Series
Rainscaping Small Grant Program
Seeking Green Mentors and Shadows
Participate in the 2016-17 Green Schools Quest!
Welcome New Chapter Members
Recently Certified LEED Projects
Thanks to our New & Renewing Annual Sponsors!


To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live and work.


July 12 Program
Sweet Sustainability

Tuesday, July 12, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Offering 1 LEED Specific (BD+C) GBCI CE Hour & 1 AIA/CES LU
The U.S. is the world's largest chocolate market. Mars Chocolate North America has set a goal to make their offices and factories "Sustainable in a Generation" and, since 2011, Mars, Incorporated has aimed to achieve LEED Gold certification for all new major buildings globally.
A shining example of this commitment is their state of the art 500,000-square-foot LEED Gold confectionery manufacturing facility in Topeka, Kansas. One of several of Mars factories to have achieved zero waste to landfill, this facility boasts a wide range of sustainable features, including 100 percent renewable electricity, state- of-the art heat recovery systems, rainwater harvesting for sewage transfer in the office area and for landscape irrigation, low-emitting local
and regional materials, and more.
Join us on July 12th to hear the sustainable story behind Food Engineering Magazine's 2015 Plant of the Year. M&Ms produced in the plant will of course be served!

For those participating in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge: Attending this event earns 5 points on the Challenge's High Performance Building Initiative Scorecard!

Thanks to Our Event Sponsor: Siemens!

July 27 In Depth Seminar
Wednesday, July 27, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Offering 2 GBCI CE Hours & 2 AIA/CES HSW LU

The Living Building Challenge (LBC) is a building certification program with rigorous green standards; certification from this program denotes the highest levels of sustainability and efficiency for the built environment. To be certified under the Challenge, projects must meet a series of performance requirements over a minimum of 12 months of continuous occupancy. Three levels of certification exist: Living Building Certification, Petal Certification, and Net Zero Energy Building Certification. There are currently 40 certified projects spread throughout more than a dozen countries around the world.  The Living Community Challenge takes this one step further by applying LBC concepts to entire communities or cities.
In this seminar, attendees will examine a variety of buildings at educational institutions in the Midwestern and Southeastern US which are pursuing or have achieved Living Building Certification, including: The College School's Jan Phillips Learning Center, a pre-K-8th learning center located on the school's LaBarque Creek campus with added educational features to teach students about sustainability; Knox College's Green Oaks Biological Field Station which is located off-campus among native forest, grassland, and one of the Midwest's most successful prairie restorations; Washington University's Living Learning Center which tied to be the world's first Living Building; and Berea College's Deep Green Residence Hall. The concept of Living Communities will also be explored in this lecture.
Call for Proposals: 2017 USGBC-MGC Educational Sessions
July 1, 2016- August 30, 2016

USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter is accepting proposals for educational programs to be offered in 2017.

USGBC-MGC strives to offer a diverse selection of educational programs to educate our members and community on current green building principles and practices and to expand the opportunities for LEED Professionals to gain continuing education hours.

  • Call for Proposals Issued July 1, 2016
  • Proposals due by Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 11:59 PM CST
  • Selected Speakers notified by November 30, 2016
Think outside of the box, and support USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's efforts to offer a diverse selection of programs to educate our members and community on current green building principles and practices!

July 1, 2016- August 30, 2016
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's Marketing Committee is pleased to announce our fifth annual photo contest!

We are seeking photos that will help us celebrate our theme of "Green Buildings Are Better . . . for Living, Learning, Working, and Playing."
The contest is open to all residents of the Missouri Gateway Chapter territory. Prizes include a free membership to the Missouri Botanical Garden and a free home energy audit! The contest opens July 1, 2016 and submissions are due by August 30, 2016. Winners will be announced on October 18 at our monthly program.
Sustainability Summer Lunch Series 
Webster University
Wednesdays, June 15- August 10, 2016, 12pm-1pm

Join Webster University and Butterfly Energy Works Wednesdays from 12pm-1pm this summer to learn about strategies and solutions being created and used right here in our local community to improve environmental, social and economic sustainability. These events are FREE and box lunches will be provided!

July 13th- Urban Strategies in Suburban Environments
July 20th- Great Eats: Local Food and Sourcing
July 27th- Green Transportation in St. Louis
August 3rd- Do You Know Where You Are Living?
August 10th- Are You Greener Than a 5th Grader?
Advanced registration is required.

2016-17 Applications Accepted Now-August 12

MSD Project Clear's Rainscaping Small Grants Program is designed to encourage the use of simple rainscaping techniques to help the public understand how stormwater impacts the combined sewer system, and how the public can be a part of the solution

Landowners in the MSD Project Clear Program Area can now receive up to $3,000 to install rainscaping features. These features may include any combination of plantings, water features, catch basins, permeable pavement, and other activities that manage stormwater as close as possible to where it falls.

Funds are available to private residences, community organizations, schools, churches, etc. located in the program area. Applicants must attend at least one of four MSD Project Clear Workshops held in late June and July 2016.

Seeking Green Mentors & Shadows

Green Shadow is a mentorship program developed by the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Higher Education committee to expose students to green jobs within the Missouri Gateway territory through
a one day shadow of local business people. Participating companies get access to local students interested in the industry without the financial commitment of an internship.


We are looking for Mentors and Shadows to participate in the Green Shadow program. Apply by September 15, 2016 to be matched in the Fall 2016 semester.
Seeking Mentors for the 2016-17 Green Schools Quest!
Mentor Registration Due August 15, 2016

Green Schools QuestThe Green Schools Quest challenges public and private schools within theChapter's territory (Missouri and Southern Illinois) to devise and implement, with the help of Green Mentors, the most creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their schools -
because WHERE we learn matters!

Each school participating in the Green Schools Quest will be encouraged to form a Green Team. Teams may be a single classroom, a student club, a grade level, or an entire school. Each team will select a low or no cost project to begin in October 2016 and conclude in March 2017. Projects must be new or major extensions of existing initiatives at the school. Each Green Team will then document their project's impacts and submit outcomes for judging in March 2017.

A USGBC-MGC Green Mentor will be assigned to assist each Green Team with ideas, documentation, and community resources. All members of USGBC-MGC are encouraged to take advantage of this unique and fulfilling opportunity to become Green Mentors, and thereby help to empower students and communities to be good stewards of their environments, while facilitating a connection between the green building/sustainability professional community and younger generations. More information on mentor responsibilities and the mentor registration form can be accessed here.

Welcome New USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Members!
Thanks to the following Contributor Members!
The Contributor level of membership allows individuals to provide additional support for our mission.  

Patrick Angevine, Compi Distributors, Inc.
Jennifer Novak, Missouri Sun Solar
Shannon White, CI Select

And a big welcome to all of our members who joined between September 2015 and June 2016!

LaToya Ashley, Buddy Webb & Company
Nichole Banks, Chrysler Group FCA
Tom Barnewolt, ECO Recycling
Joe Bestgen, WFF Facility Services
John Biggs, Missouri Botanical Garden
Ben Bira, Saint Louis University
Marc Bluestone, SmartHouse Heating & Cooling
Sonya Brooks, Quest Resource Mangement
Mason Burr, Graybar Electric Co.
Byron DeLear, Energy Equity Funding, LLC
Paul Duell, Washington University in St. Louis
Robert Eck, Brauer Supply Co.
Madeline Emerson, Saint Louis University
Teresa Fechtel, McCarthy Building Companies Inc.
Matthew Femmer, Saint Louis University - Sustainability
Martin Fox, Teknion
Nick Frisella, Metro Lighting - Electric
Tara Golden, WFF Facility Services
Bryan Goodwin, Brauer Supply Company
Sara Graham, Green Street Development Group
Michael Grandy, SIUEdwardsville
Michael Griffin, SLDC
Diane Grimsley, Tarlton
Cassandra Hage, Washington University in St. Louis
John Hamill, Saint Louis University
Jordan Hankins, PayneCrest Electric
Sharon Hansen Yee, Grounded Action
Erica Howard, RGA Reinsurance Company
Denzel John, Johnson Controls
Beatriz Juan Miranzo, Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects
David Keeling, Steel Recycling Institute
Kyle Knudten, McClure Engineering
Mark Koenig, Halcyon Shades
Randall Lewis, EMCO Chemical Distributors
Margaret Lilly, Saint Louis County Department of Public Health
Marcia Lochmann, Sitton Energy Solutions
Nick McCreary, Saint Louis University
Decorda McGee, Trivers Associates
Jonathan McKee, JEMA - Architecture, Planning, Interior Design
Natalie Meyer, Siemens
Monica Miller, ThyssenKrupp Elevator
Keith Mills, McCarthy
Gary Mitchell, LG Electroincs
Linda Moen, EFK Moen, LLC
Padrick Mulligan, Sitton Energy Solutions
Roxanne Nagel, Roof Top Sedums LLC
Darryl Nance, Horizon Engineering
Jen Nevil, Forum Studio
Mike Robinson, Bell Electrical Contractors
Jacob Rose, KRJ Architects
Christopher Ruth, Automation Solutions Group
Nicole Schaeg, Saint Louis University
Matt Shelby, Saint Louis Zoo
Davin Sills, Dynamic Controls Inc.
Cody Snipes, Ross and Baruzzini
Zach Snovelle, SWT Design
Emily Spindler, FGM Architects
Lauren Talley, Cushman & Wakefield
Linda E. Tatum, Roof Top Sedums LLC
Brent Tesreau, Armstrong Flooring
James Truesdell, Brauer Supply
Paul Turner, SST Architects LLC
Dawn Van Scoik, University of Missouri
Esther Walker, Aramark
Jason Watson, WFF Facility Services
Cornelius Weaver, Saint Louis University
Gerry Williams, CRB
Jim Wolterman, SWT Design
Emily Wray, Christner Inc
Dana Wynn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

A comprehensive list of all USGBC-MGC members is available online via our searchable Membership Directory.
Congratulations to these recently certified LEED Projects! 
  • 4515 McKinley Research Building at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO - GOLD (LEED-NC v2009
  • 700 Market, Laclede Gas / Spire - GOLD (LEED-CI v2009)
  • Kohl's, Carbondale, IL - CERTIFIED (LEED-EB:OM v2009)
  • Reinsurance Group of America, Inc, Chesterfield, MO - GOLD (LEED-CS v2009)
  • Shaw Park Plaza, Clayton, MO - CERTIFIED (LEED-EB:OM v2009)
  • US Bank, Maryland Heights MO - CERTIFIED (LEED-NC v2009)
The USGBC- Missouri Gateway Chapter website showcases profiles of local LEED projects. Visit our website to check out the most recently completed profile highlighting the accomplishments of the Lofts at Washington University!

Do you know of a recently certified project not on this list? Please contact us and showcase your sustainable achievements! 

Oates Associates - renewing SILVER

The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings.
What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - MGC Sponsor: 
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and community projects to showcase your company's leadership.
EXPOSURE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be:
  • Listed on our website which receives 6,500 visitors and 60,000 page views per month.
  • Included in our monthly e-newsletter with over 5,000 subscribers.
  • Recognized at monthly programs, with an average attendance of 100.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours.
ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community.

USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorships includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.    
You can learn more by downloading our 2016 Sponsor Package or by contacting Emily Andrews at 314-577-0854.


Thanks to our GOLD SPONSORS


Thanks to our GREEN-15 SPONSORS

Ameren Missouri Pure Power
BSI Constructors
Christner, Inc. 
Custom Engineering
Dynamic Controls, Inc.
ECO Recycling, Inc. 
Electrical Connection
Enterprise Holdings
Express Scripts
Farnsworth Group
FGM Architects
Hastings & Chivetta
Heideman Associates, Inc
HM Risk
Wm. B. Ittner, Inc

Johnson Controls
Metro Lighting
M3 Engineering Group
Mueller Prost

Oates Associates

PayneCrest Electric

Parsons Brinckerhoff

Ross & Baruzzini


Solutions AEC


Thompson Coburn, LLC

Thanks to our GREEN SPONSORS
Azimuth Energy

HBD Construction
Schaeffer Marketing Group 

US Green Building Council - Missouri Gateway Chapter | 4651 Shaw Blvd. | St. Louis | MO | 63110