To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live and work.
Join us at the Growing Green Awards!
Help us celebrate 15 years of Green & Healthy
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Tuesday, February 9, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
In September 2013, Chicago adopted a benchmarking ordinance for building energy use, hoping to raise awareness of business and residential energy usage. Kansas City created a similar ordinance targeting large buildings in the metro area by offering programs and technical assistance.
During this seminar, Kathryn Eggers of Chicago, Program Coordinator at Elevate Energy, and Jennifer Gunby, Kansas City Community Energy Program Manager, will discuss their work educating about and promoting the benefits of the benchmarking ordinances. They will also share the outcomes thus far.
Graybar, Sitton Energy Solutions
Learn More & Register to Attend
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Tuesday, February 16, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
 Washington University's innovative Green Rehab Experiment engaged interdisciplinary groups of students, faculty, researchers and allied professionals to renovate Quadrangle Housing apartment buildings into comfortable, low-carbon student housing. This multi-disciplinary applied research project aims to chart a path towards net-zero energy performance for 100-year-old, multi-family buildings within market constraints, while transforming the interiors to meet contemporary housing demands. Outcomes are measured through the comparison of control (standard specification) and experimental (high-performance) buildings with the goal of improving building and occupant performance. Presenters Koster and Valko will explain the sustainable design strategies implemented, the procedures and tools used for monitoring, findings based upon the data that was collected, and policy implications for multi-family net zero energy building.
Learn More & Register to Attend
Benchmarking Jam | |
Thursday, February 25, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Energy benchmarking is the process of measuring how much energy your building consumes, and comparing your energy performance to similar buildings. Benchmarking is the first step toward saving energy and money!
Get hands-on assistance using the free, online ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool at the February 25 Benchmarking Jam. All buildings benefit from benchmarking: businesses, schools, congregations, non-profits, and local governments are encouraged to attend. In order for this event to be a success, each building representative should bring a laptop or tablet, a few basic building details, and 12 months of energy data for their building. Attendees that register by February 17 can receive assistance collecting this data from Ameren Missouri and Laclede Gas.
Note that the Benchmarking Jam has a new location: the Missouri Botanical Garden's Commerce Bank Center for Science Education, 4651 Shaw Blvd, St. Louis MO 63110.
Learn More & Register to Attend
Volunteer at the Benchmarking Jam | |
Benchmarking Jam Volunteers will support building representatives to use ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Experience with the free, online tour is required. Volunteers can self-report their participation for 2 GBCI CE hours in the volunteer category.
Select "Benchmarking Volunteer" when registering to participate.
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Tuesday, March 1, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
 Join the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter for a full-day Continuing Education Blitz focused on LEED v4!
LEED users have the option to register projects under the LEED 2009 rating system until October 31, 2016. Beginning November 1, 2016, all projects must be registered under LEED v4. Attending the March 1st Continuing Education Blitz is a great way to begin preparing for this shift!
LEED v4 raises the bar - as LEED was designed to do with every update, guiding the market towards more environmentally sustainable strategies and decisions, and responding to continuous advances in technology. But this time, the bar is a lot higher. LEED v4 changes the way project teams think, integrate, plan, execute, and operate their buildings.
Attendees will earn 7 LEED Specific (BD+C, O+M, ID+C) GBCI CE Hours and 7 AIA/CES LU/HSW.
Learn More & Register to Attend
Join us for the 2016 Growing Green Awards | |
Thursday, March 31, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
 Join us for the 8th annual Growing Green Awards! The USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter is proud to celebrate and recognize the individuals, groups and organizations actively transforming the built environment while sharing their knowledge of green building and sustainable practices.
Tickets include networking, beer & wine, buffet dinner, dessert, and free on-site parking. Early bird price of $75 available through Monday, March 21, 2016. Register Now!
Regional Environmental Internship Program supports Creve Coeur Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Climate Action Plan | |
The updated GHG inventory shows that the City of Creve Coeur's local government has reduced emissions in its own operations by 20%. Community-wide greenhouse gas emissions have remained static. Similar to the 2005 GHG inventory, commercial buildings remain the largest energy users with largest resulting greenhouse gas emissions. The blog Mogreenstats posted an interpretation and analysis of the City's GHG reduction progress.
The updated Climate Action Plan focuses on the wider Creve Coeur community and building collaboration and relationships with local residents and businesses. Strategies include an educational campaign, participation in the national benchmarking challenge, and developing financial incentives for commercial buildings. These updated reports continue Creve Coeur's dedication to leading the region in sustainable and energy efficient practices.
Learn more about the Regional Environmental Internship Program
Welcome New Chapter Members
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Thanks to the following Contributor Members
The Contributor level of membership allows individuals to provide additional support for our mission
Patrick Angevine, Compi Distributors, Inc.
Shannon White, CI Select
And a big welcome to all of the members who joined between August 2015 and February 2016
Nichole Banks, Chrysler Group FCA Jake Banton, Mackey Mitchell Architects John Biggs, Missouri Botanical Garden Becky Clegg, World Wide Technology, Inc. Craig Dixson, Federal Reserve Bank Paul Duell, Washington University in St. Louis Robert Eck, Brauer Supply Co. Martin Fox, Professional Office Environments Susannah Fuchs, American Lung Association in Missouri Bryan Goodwin, Brauer Supply Company Michael Grandy, SIUEdwardsville Diane Grimsley, Tarlton Cassandra Hage, Washington University in St. Louis Tracy Hart, Tarlton Jim Hearing, Laclede Gas Company Ed Hoganson, Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 Erica Howard, RGA Reinsurance Company Wei-Min Hung, KWK ARCHITECTS Rene Johns Goodenough, Ridefinders Beatriz Juan Miranzo, Hellmuth + Bicknese Architects Mark Koenig, Halcyon Shades Caroline Kotowski, Washington University Marcia Lochmann, Sitton Energy Solutions Monica Miller, ThyssenKrupp Elevator Keith Mills, McCarthy Padrick Mulligan, Sitton Energy Solutions Darryl Nance, Horizon Engineering Chris Pelton, Siemens Industry, Inc. Andrew Petty, Cannon Design Yusef Rahaman, Earthways Jacob Rose, KRJ Architects Christopher Ruth, Automation Solutions Group Simon Sandler, University of Missouri / ESSAG John Schwaninger, Etegra, Inc. Emily Spindler, FGM Architects Kristina Steiger, Schaeffer Marketing Group Lauren Talley, Cushman & Wakefield James Truesdell, Brauer Supply Paul Turner, SST Architects LLC Esther Walker, Aramark Dana Wynn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville A comprehensive list of all USGBC-MGC members is available online via our searchable Member Directory.
#GreenBuildingsAreBetter featured on Earthworms Podcast | |
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Executive Director Emily Andrews and Board Chair Elect Nick Bristow recently joined Jean Ponzi on the Earthworms podcast for a discussion of the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's 15 year anniversary and the Green Buildings are Better campaign! Tune in to hear their reflections on the Chapter's accomplishments over the past 15 years, how green buildings are better for living, working, learning, and playing, and all that is planned for this milestone year!
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Tuesday, February 23, 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Join Women in Solar Energy (WISE) for their 2nd Annual Multi-City Round Table to advance women in every local market.
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Friday, February 26, 7:30 am - 12:00 pm
The Grow Native! Southwestern Illinois Event Committee presents a rock star lineup of speakers, including a Keynote by Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens. Speakers will present information on concepts surrounding the value of native plants in our landscapes. Deadline to register is February 12, 2016.
Learn More & Register to Attend
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Thursday, March 17, 7:30 - 9:00 am
Join the Heartlands Conservancy for breakfast and a discussion on sustainable and prosperous community development. Community leaders, elected officials, and involved citizens are invited to learn about regional and national innovations in economic development, green infrastructure, and neighborhood improvement. This event will present ideas and advocate for solutions that will work in the context of Southwestern Illinois.
Oklahoma City-based developer Richard McKown of Green Earth Land Design will provide a developer's perspective on the use of green infrastructure and sustainable construction in subdivisions. McKown's company developed a subdivision with one half using green stormwater infrastructure and the other half using traditional infrastructure. Meridith McAvoy Perkins, of Davey Resource Group, will also discuss the benefits of urban forestry.
Thanks to our Annual Sponsors!
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Ameren Pure Power - RENEWING Silver
Cannon - RENEWING Gold
Clayco - RENEWING Gold
Electrical Connection - RENEWING Silver
HOK Group - NEW Green15
Johnson Controls - RENEWING Silver
Laclede Gas Company - RENEWING Platinum
Paric - RENEWING Gold
Washington University in St. Louis - NEW Platinum
The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings. Learn more about 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities!
What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - MGC Sponsor:
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and community projects to showcase your company's leadership.
EXPOSURE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be:
- Listed on our website which receives 6,500 visitors and 60,000 page views per month.
- Included in our monthly e-newsletter with over 5,000 subscribers.
- Recognized at monthly programs, with an average attendance of 100.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours.
ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community.
USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorships includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.
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Thanks to our GOLD SPONSORS
Thanks to our GREEN15 SPONSORS
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Ameren Missouri Pure Power
Bell Electric
BSI Constructors
Christner, Inc.
Custom Engineering
Dynamic Controls, Inc.
ECO Recycling, Inc.
Electrical Connection
Enterprise Holdings
Express Scripts
Farnsworth Group
Hastings & Chivetta
Johnson Controls
KONE, Inc.
Lighting Associates, Inc.
Microgrid Solar
M3 Engineering Group
Mueller Prost
National Design Build Services
Oates Associates
Ross & Baruzzini
Solutions AEC
Sunwheel Energy, a McCormack Baron Salazar Company
Thompson Coburn, LLC
Thanks to our GREEN SPONSORS
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Azimuth Energy
FGM Architects
Green Street St. Louis
HBD Construction
HDR, Inc
KAI Design & Build
The Korte Company
Missouri American Water
Schaeffer Marketing Group
Parsons Brinckerhoff
PayneCrest Electric
Wm. B. Ittner, Inc