To initiate, develop and accelerate the implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to live and work.
Two great events, one recognized leader...
Welcoming Heather Venhaus - Sept 8 & 9
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Heather Venhaus is the principal of Regenerative Environmental Design, a sustainable design-consulting firm in Austin, Texas that strives to connect natural and built systems in mutually beneficial ways. Venhaus facilitated and led the development of the Sustainable Sites Initiative Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks, worked with the U.S. Botanic Garden to develop the educational content and teaching materials for Landscape for Life, is a contributing author to the Sustainable Sites Handbook, and has held several leadership roles in the American Society of Landscape Architects and the U.S. Green Building Council at both the local and national level.
Venhaus will visit St. Louis as the featured presenter in the free September 8 evening program and the September 9 In-Depth seminar. More details are included below.
September 8 Evening Program (FREE Event!)
Upcycling Our Urban Ecosystems Building Landscapes for Biodiversity
Presented in partnership with ASLA, Missouri Botanical Garden, BiodiverseCity St. Louis and the Academy of Science - St. Louis
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Tuesday, September 8, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
In a world where 6 million people are added each month, every piece of land matters. However, in our quest for sustainability, we habitually neglect the full potential of built landscapes.
Urban areas are increasingly where we come into contact with the natural world - not just in parks and nature preserves, but in more familiar places like residential landscapes, restaurants, campuses, and even parking lots. Too often, these spaces are designed to serve a particular, and often limited, purpose.
Speaker Heather Venhaus will challenge attendees to think broadly about all outdoor spaces and recognize their untapped potential.
ASP Enterprises, DJM Ecological, Kozeny-Wagner, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, SWT Design
September 9 In-Depth Seminar
High Performance Urban Ecosystems
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Wednesday, September 9, 8:00 - 10:00 am
More than half of our planet's people now live in cities. As our urban areas expand, so does the need for high performance landscapes and regenerative design.
In this presentation, Heather Venhaus will discuss the interrelated nature between soils, plants, humans and ecosystem function. Site design and maintenance strategies that provide multiple ecosystem services and improve human health and well-being will be discussed, along with case studies illustrating project success and failures.
Don't miss our first Continuing Education Blitz
Building Materials, LEED, and Health - Oh My! Braving the new world of building material selection.
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Tuesday, September 29, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
On September 29, the USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter will host its inaugural full-day Continuing Education Blitz: Building Materials, LEED, and Health - Oh My! Braving the new world of building material selection.
Spend the day with national sustainability experts representing different product sectors, such as hardware, carpet, textiles, specialty metal fabricators, metal insulated panels, and structural masonry concrete block. Multiple presentation and discussion formats on an important and timely green building topic will contribute 7.0 continuing education units for LEED or AIA professional credentials. Registration fees include lunch and a continental breakfast. This is an event you won't want to miss! Learn more & register to attend the CE Blitz
Register for the Green Schools Quest School Registration Deadline is September 15
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 We are gearing up for the 2015-16 Green Schools Quest and we want YOU to get involved! The USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's Green Schools Quest challenges public and private schools within the Chapter's territory to devise and implement the most creative, effective and no or low cost sustainable practices for their schools.
A USGBC-MGC Green Mentor is assigned to each school Green Team to help with project ideas, implementation, documentation, and resources. School Green Teams and their mentors will work together throughout the 2015-2016 school year to engage in sustainability projects fitting the schools' unique needs and resources.
Call for Proposals: 2016 Educational Programs
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USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter is currently accepting proposals for educational programs to be offered in 2016.
Think outside of the box and support our efforts to offer a diverse selection of programs to educate our members and community on current and trending green building principles and practices! Proposals are due by Sunday, September 20 at 11:59 pm CST.
Comment Period Open for 2016 Board Nominees
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USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter has three board of director seats open beginning in 2016. We collected nominations through August 17 and are pleased to announce the following nominees being considered:
- Steve O'Rourke, NABCEP PVTS - Microgrid Energy
- Richard Schuessler - Huntleigh McGehee
- Thomas Taylor, LEED AP BD+C, GSAS-CGP - Vertegy
In place of elections, our Governance Committee is seeking constructive feedback from members of the Chapter. The Committee will collect your feedback and integrate it with the board eligibility requirements and a matrix of leadership needs to determine a slate to present to the board.
You can learn more about each candidate and share your input until Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
A Reception with Rob Bennett - Founding CEO of EcoDistricts
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Tuesday, September 15, 6:00 - 7:30 pm Please join U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation, Urban Strategies, Sustainable St. Louis, and USGBC Missouri Gateway Chapter for a reception with Rob Bennett, Founding CEO of EcoDistricts.
With the support of Rob's organization, nearly four dozen EcoDistricts across North America are redefining urban regeneration by incorporating environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic development into district-scale projects. Bennett will be visiting St. Louis to work with stakeholders of St. Louis's first EcoDistrict: the Near Northside Choice Neighborhood EcoDistrict, which aims to make substantial improvements in housing, human capital, and neighborhood infrastructure in the most distressed area of Downtown St. Louis.
The Business Case for Energy Efficiency & Clean Energy Presented in partnership with E2-Environmental Entrepreneurs, Missouri Energy Initiative, and the St. Louis High Performance Building Initiative
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Tuesday, September 22, 11:30 am - 1:00 pmFind out how increasing energy efficiency and clean energy use are good business and good for Missouri's economy. This discussion with energy efficiency, environmental, and energy policy experts will discuss the benefits of investing in high performing buildings. The event will also feature a presentation of the "Missouri Jobs Report," a recently published study from the Missouri Energy Initiative and E2 that examines the impact the energy efficiency and clean energy sector has on Missouri's economy. Featuring Ashok Gupta, Natural Resources Defense Council Director of Programs, Doug Sitton of Sitton Energy Solutions, Gail Parson of E2- Environmental Entrepreneurs, and Josh Campbell of Missouri Energy Initiative. A speaker from Ameren Missouri has been invited.
Learn more & RSVP for this free event
Deadline extended for Photo Contest!
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The USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter's Marketing Committee has extended the deadline for the 4th Annual Photo Contest! Photographers are invited to share images around a theme - from recycling to upcycling. Submissions are due on September 30.
Two Free Home Performance Workshops ACCA Sizing Manuals & ASHRAE 62.2
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September 22, 3 - 7 pm, Helen Fitzgerald's or
September 23, 7:30 - 10:30 am, EarthWays Center
Two upcoming Home Performance with ENERGY STAR workshops will cover ACCA Manual J8e (loads), ACCA Manual S (sizing), ACCA Manual D (duct design), ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation, and Compliance documentation. The workshops offer 3.0 AIA HSW/SD LUs, 3.75 BPI CEUs, 3.0 GBCI CE hours, 3.0 NATE Class hours and 0.3 CEUs toward ICC certification renewal and are free to attend.
Chapter featured in USGBC+ Magazine
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The USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter and Missouri Interfaith Power and Light are featured in Gateway to Sustainability, an article in the latest issue of USGBC+ Magazine. The article describes MO-IPL and USGBC-MGC's partnership to support congregations as they work to green their houses of worship. In February of 2015, Chapter volunteers and congregational representatives participated in a PLANBuilder workshop, a pilot event for the national USGBC's ADVANCE program.
Upcoming Native Plant Events
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Shaw Wildflower Sale
Friday, September 11, 4:00 - 7:30 pm Shaw Nature Reserve
The Shaw Wildflower Market is geared for new and experienced gardeners and people looking for locally made products for a greener community, including Wildflowers from Missouri Wildflower Nursery, Wine, Bread, Meats, Art, Crafts and more. Native Plant Expo, Sale and Swap Saturday, September 26, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Schlafly Bottleworks Buy plants & trees for fall planting from Missouri Wildflower Nursery and Forrest Keeling Nursery. Bring your Missouri Native seeds or plants to share or swap. A portion of sales will benefit the St. Louis Audubon's Bring Conservation Home Program. Learn more
Maplewood Green Power Community Challenge Celebration
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Saturday, September 19, 12:00 - 5:00 pm Maplewood's Sutton Loop Park Join Mayor James White, an EPA representative, and members of the Maplewood Sustainability Committee to celebrate the City of Maplewood's success in the Green Power Community Challenge! This event is free and open to the public, coinciding with the brew-powered Zwanze Day Spillover Celebration. Don't miss a special ceremony at noon, music by Spin the Bottle from 1 - 4 pm, and a festive food, drink, and wares sale.
Nature-Rich Stormwater Management: Innovation & Inspiration with Keynote Fred Rozumalski
Thursday, September 17, 4:15 - 7:15 pm Join the Mary Institute and Country Day School (MICDS), Missouri Botanical Garden's EarthWays Center and Shaw Nature Reserve, and the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance for an upcoming Shaw Series Salon featuring a tour of the large bioretention feature outside the new McDonnell STEM facility. Following the tour, Keynote speaker Fred Rozumalski will share innovations in nature-rich, economically viable, low-maintenance landscapes that support animal and plant diversity while addressing community stormwater management needs.
Learn More & Register for this free event.
Thanks to our Annual Sponsors!
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Mueller Prost - NEW Silver
Schaeffer Marketing Group - NEW Green
The financial support of our sponsors is integral to ensuring that everyone can live, work and learn in smart and healthy buildings. Learn more about 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities! What Your Company Gains as a USGBC - MGC Sponsor:
EXPAND: Grow the knowledge of green building and sustainability in our community.
PARTICIPATE: Get involved in educational programs, special events and volunteer committees to showcase your company's leadership. EXPOSURE: As a Chapter Sponsor, your company will be: - Listed on our website which receives 5500 visitors and 39,000 page views per month.
- Included in our monthly e-newsletter with nearly 5,000 subscribers.
- Recognized at monthly programs, with an average attendance of 100.
LEARN: Keep up with the latest green building trends and technologies and earn continuing education hours. ALIGN: Differentiate your company as a leader in the sustainability movement in your community. USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter Sponsorships includes numerous benefits - from complimentary Chapter memberships and monthly program passes to exposure on the Chapter website, e-news and at events.
You can learn more by downloading our 2015 Sponsor Package or by contacting Emily Andrews at 314-577-0854.
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Thanks to our GOLD SPONSORS
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Ameren Missouri Pure Power
Bell Electric
BSI Constructors
Christner, Inc.
Custom Engineering
Dynamic Controls, Inc.
ECO Recycling, Inc.
Electrical Connection
Enterprise Holdings
Farnsworth Group
Hastings & Chivetta
Johnson Controls
KONE, Inc.
Lighting Associates, Inc.
Microgrid Solar
M3 Engineering Group Mueller Prost
National Design Build Services
Oates Associates
Ross & Baruzzini
Solutions AEC
Sunwheel Energy, a McCormack Baron Salazar company
Thompson Coburn, LLC
U.S. Bank
Thanks to our GREEN SPONSORS
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Azimuth Energy
FGM Architects
Green Street St. Louis
HBD Construction
HDR, Inc
KAI Design & Build
The Korte Company
Missouri American Water
Schaeffer Marketing Group
Parsons Brinckerhoff
PayneCrest Electric
Wm. B. Ittner, Inc