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July 29 - August 2, 2013
UNC Asheville
Asheville, North Carolina 

The Trio of Sponsors!   

Special Thanks! We are getting extremely excited about the upcoming 2013 National PE Institute!  Special thanks to US Games ("Gold Sponsor"), SPARK and Flaghouse ("Silver Sponsors") for their support of this year's event.

Registration Information   

Reminder: June 30th is our pre-registration deadline.  If registered before this date, your fee is just $250.

Pre-Registration Link: Please click HERE to go directly to the National PE Institute website where you will be able to:
  • Download a copy of the registration flyer,  
  • Register as an individual using PayPal or credit card, and  
  • Learn more about the many amenities when staying at the Crowne Plaza Asheville Resort Hotel. Please mention that your are attending the National PE Institute (Group Code: NPE) for our special group discount pricing. 
"A premier experience both in depth and scope."
Joe Herzog, California

"The best event I have ever attended. The info was awesome. I loved every minute of it." 
Reginald Smith, Alabama

"The Best! It was inspirational, relevant and 'da bomb'."  
Margie McClure, Washington D.C.

"Absolutely awesome! I knew it would be good but my expectations were exceeded. THANK YOU! 
Brenda Byrd, Virginia
Five Days of "PE Bliss"


The "Best Five Days of PE!"  In addition to the 10 terrific Keynotes and 75+ breakout sessions, we have loads of fun "Networking Events" prepared for you as well. This includes:
  • US Games' "Early Evening Brew and Chew" Social (Wednesday Night),  
  • EKHO's "Early Bird Walkie-Talkie" Morning Energizer that includes a free pedometer to all participants,  
  • Flaghouse's "Minute-to-Win-It" and "Social Fitness Social,"  
  • Free Wednesday Lunch sponsored by US Games,
  • Free Thursday Lunch sponsored by SPARK,
  • Free Friday Lunch sponsored by Flaghouse.
  • Also, one fortunate attendee (must be present to win) will win a free Railyard Fitness Course that will be held at the close of the PE Institute on Friday!


Keynotes & Sessions


Taste the Excitement! 
Here's a quick overview of what you'll have in store when you attend this year's event:

Monday's Events:

Monday Morning Keynote 
Helena Baert, SUNY Cortland, New York 
"There is a PE App for That!"
This presentation will explore current uses of technology in PE with a focus on the enhancement of mobile technologies such as tablets, iPads, and mobile phones. However, while instructional technology can be a useful tool, it should always be viewed as a means, not the end. For example, how can technology be used to create developmentally appropriate skill progressions? How does technology
enhance learning and teaching? How can we ensure that technology addresses student learning?
Can the inclusion of technology actually diminish or hinder skill development?

Partial Listing of Monday's Breakout Sessions:

"Implementing Formative Assessments in Your Daily Physical Education Program" 
Would you like to be able to improve class behavior and attendance, make students responsible for their own learning and add peer, self and teacher assessments to your curriculum? The sport education model can be used to add assessments to your instruction.
Charla Parker, 2013 National High School PE TOY

"Assessing Your PE Students with Virtual PE Administrator
Through a Carol M. White PEP Grant, we have started a broad and comprehensive curriculum
restructuring for K-12 PE. One of the main points of this restructuring is the grading process. With
the use of the Virtual PE Administrator, the district has designed a new grading system that involves
power standards, grading standards and pre and post assessments. Leanr how they created the system, developed the standards, and mandated teacher assessments.
Nick Fitzgerald, South Glens Falls Central School District, NY

"Common Core Connections
Intern Mark Strazzer is a middle school physical education teacher with a keen interest in Common
Core Connections. As a part of his internship, he has compiled a national K-12 resource with sample
lessons, student worksheets, assessment ideas, and helpful web sites.
Mark Strazzer, Buncombe County Schools, NC

"THINK! - Teaching - Helping - Inspiring - and - Never giving up on Kids!"
This session will focus on assessment techniques and procedures while maximizing skill development
for your middle and high school students. Designed to be an educational experience that inspires
your students to be actively engaged in the learning process.
Melanie Champion, National Teacher of the Year

"Teaching Throwing 101: The Basics and Associated Assessment Games" 
This session will simplify the basic skill of throwing. What are the key points? What are the general mistakes? What should we be looking for? How do we get students to throw with proper mechanics...but keep it simple enough to teach? What games can we use to assess this important skill?
Chip Candy, National NASPE Teacher of the Year

"Empowering Fitness with Developmental Activities that Integrate Technology" 
In this session, participants will explore a progressive approach to teaching health related fitness activities
using various technologies that benefit the learner. Participants will experience various activities as the presenter starts from K and works upward to high school with the common goals of helping students develop and maintain their own fitness plans.
Dr. Helena Baert, SUNY Cortland
Afternoon Keynote 
Judy LoBianco, New Jersey  
"Be a PE Advocate: What's Needed Now and Why"
Being an advocate is not someone else's responsibility. As a physical education teacher, we all must take on the much-needed role as an advocate. This means advocating to both those outside and
within our field. This session will give you the tools needed to step outside your gymnasium door and
become a champion of physical education. Whether speaking to your colleagues, principal, school
board or politician, this session will arm you with the resources you need to catapult our profession professional at a time. 

Tuesday's Events:

Tuesday Morning Keynote
Joey Feith,, Canada 
"How the Internet is Shaping The Future of PE"

With school districts facing a variety of fiscal restraints, the Internet appears to be a logical method for professional development, curriculum resources, and ongoing support for K-12 physical educators.
Learn more about the current and future possibilities for utilizing a web-based presence connecting 
the written, taught, and tested curriculum.

Partial Listing of Tuesday's Breakout Sessions:

"Kickin' It Up a Notch with Standards Based Activities" 
Numerous cost-effective, standards-based activities that allow large or small classes to be moderately
to vigorously physically active over 75 percent of the time. These activities also help develop coop-
erative teamwork and leadership skills, and can be shared with classroom teachers and after-school
Tammy Brant, 2011 National Middle School TOY

Functional Creative Fitness: Fresh and Fun 
The new "out of the box" functional fitness programs are popular across the country...Why? Random
workouts; multiple body parts; good form leading to better movement/function; fun; less equipment/
great results; high intensity/less time; fun! See how to use the "CrossFit model" in your classes.
Chip Candy, National NASPE Teacher of the Year

"Central Office H/PE Supervisors' Group"
Are you responsible for the district/state leadership for K-12 Health and Physical Education? This spe-
cial 2-hour block will be used for networking, problem-solving, curriculum sharing, and other assorted topics. This group will meet daily.
Dr. Kymm Ballard, SPARK

"PE Central: More Than Just Lesson Ideas" 
Come take a tour of the PE Central Web site with Mark Manross, the Executive Director of the site.
He will show you how to make the most of your time at the site and you will get to explore the wonder-
ful assessments that are published on PE Central. Learn more about the App Center, the Cooperative
Fitness Challenge, and how to get published on PE Central so you can earn PE equipment discounts.
Mark Manross, PE Central

In this professional development session, physical educators participate "hands-on" in lesson plan activities that incorporate safety instructions, golf motor skills, The First Tee Nine Core Values™ and Nine Healthy Habits™ using a fun, pedagogically sound teaching approach. The First Tee National School Program is adapted from and meets the national standards developed by the NASPE.
Benna Cawthorn, The First Tee

"Common Core and Physical Education: Physical Education's Role in the Common Core"
Why common core state standards? What role will your physical education department play in your
school to promote Literacy, Technology and Math skills? How can you promote common core and keep your students active at the same time?

Charla Parker, 2013 National High School PE TOY

Tuesday Afternoon Keynote   
Dr. Stevie Chepko, South Carolina 
The Skill Formula: "I (Instruction) x DP (Deliberate Practice) = SA (Skill Acquisition)"
The focus of this keynote will be on the role of deliberate practice in increasing student engagement, physical competency, and physical activity time. The key components of deliberate practice will be
presented and participants will experience practice tasks related to each component. Research from
motor learning will provide the framework for the development of deliberate practice tasks and the im-
pact of deliberate practice on student engagement and perceived competency will be explored. This is
a participation keynote so come prepared to move and gain insight on ways to improve your teaching
effectiveness and engage all students in the learning process. PS: A few common PE myths will be debunked!

Wednesday's Events:

Wednesday Morning Keynote 
Jean Blaydes, Action Based Learning, Texas 
"Does PE Make You Smarter? What Does the Research Say?"

Does Physical Education make you smarter? Does PE raise test scores? Are physically-active kids 
smarter? These questions are answered in this interactive, informative keynote presented by internationally-known speaker, Jean Blaydes of Action Based Learning. Jean will discuss the most 
current neuroscience research that supports the link of exercise to learning. Come learn how to 
advocate for exercise and its link to improved cognitive performance. 

Partial Listing of Wednesday's Breakout Sessions: 

"Zig Zag Circuit Training & FitStep Pro Pedometer Assessment"
Turn your gymnasium into a high-octane fitness circuit that gives your entire class an incredible 
workout! This circuit gets up to 32 students exercising, running, and having fun at the same time with fitness circuits specifically designed for PE by a teacher who regularly uses them! And of course, our
FITstep Pro Uploadable Pedometers can be used in all of these activities to measure MVPA. 
Andy Tupy, Gopher Sport

"Think Outside the Ball!"
Ever heard of SandBells? They are the new M.V.P.A. (Most Valuable Play Accessory) for PE teachers. You will leave this workshop with a variety of unique games, fitness activities, and practical ideas you can implement immediately (yes, even if you don't have SandBells yet!). It doesn't matter if your class sizes
are 25-100 kids. Nor does it matter if you teach in a gym, a portable, or outside on the blacktop.
Jim Deline, Hyperwear

"PE Fit's GET FIT Online Program"
The PE Fit Online "GET FIT" Program provides a proven, comprehensive fitness and nutrition
curriculum that satisfies the NASPE Physical Education Standards. It is complete with weekly online lessons, quizzes and assignments, as well as, a gaming format to motivate students to participate. 
Betty Kern and Linda Nickson, PE Fit 
Wednesday Afternoon Keynote  
Brian Dauenhauer, University of Northern Colorado 
"Why Data Rocks: A Vision for Effective Data-Use in Physical Education"

Although teaching is certainly a blend of science and art, current educational policy makes it quite clear that key educational decisions should not be based upon hunches and intuition. Instead, decisions should be based upon the best available evidence. In physical education, that leads us to a number of important questions. What kinds of data should we be collecting about our students, teachers, and schools? How can we collect large volumes of data in an efficient and reliable manner? And most importantly, once we have all this data, how can we use it to drive our practice? This presentation will address these questions and present a vision for effective data-use in physical education.

Thursday's Events:

Thursday Morning Keynote 
 Michele Rusnak, Austin ISD, Texas
"3,650 Days to 10 Reflections: What Does It Take to Create a Quality PE Program?"

This keynote is designed to take a reflective approach toward creating long-term and lasting changes for K-12 Physical Education. Session goals include:
* Reinforcing the importance of working together,
* Sharing 10 reflections from a PE Supervisor's viewpoint, and
* Providing tools to make change possible within your school or district.

"Nothing will work unless you do"
John Wooden 


Partial Listing of Thursday's Breakout Sessions: 

"MORE....Tips & Tricks that MOTIVATE! NEW...Skills & Drills that THRILL!"
This all new K-8 activity oriented session will share techniques that maximize success and participation. It will be an educational experience that meets your students' physical, mental and social needs, brilliantly disguised as fun. Practical and adaptable! MVPA to the MAX!
John Thomson, US Games

"Movement Literacy Is For Everyone! How to Build It!" 
We all want to build stronger students and athletes that move well and are injury-resistant. This (somewhat) daunting task can be broken down into 12-minute modules that help you deliver a progressive, differentiated, and
comprehensive program that gets everyone "movement" strong. Using body weight and simple functional equipment, this program is effective, affordable and sustainable, and gets results!
John Ditter, Foundational Fitness

"POLAR GoFit App: The New Heart Rate Assessment for iPad and iPad Mini"
Tracking student heart rate in physical education just got easier: Why? There is an app for that. Introducing POLAR GoFit 2.0. View, assess and modify your students' heart rate data based on the live information on your device as they exercise.
Marv Alexander, New Jersey

Thursday Afternoon Keynote 
 Larry Satchwell, Georgia
"Is Your Program Teetering?" 
Creating an outstanding K-12 physical education program that addresses the needs and desires of
all students is not an easy task. How can begin to change a program that is unbalanced or teetering?
How do you know if your program needs to be adjusted to better meet the needs of all students? Find out if your school, in fact, does have the type of "balance" suggested by the new NASPE Standards.

Friday's Events:

Friday Morning Keynote 
Dr. Missy Parker, University of Limerick, Ireland
"Physical Literacy: New Content or New Packaging?" 
Physical literacy has become a recent buzzword in physical education circles. However, there are a
variety of questions surrounding what is meant by this term. For example:
* "What is it?"
* "Is it just new packaging for old ideas?"
* "Does it provide expanded and enhanced vision for the possibilities of physical education?"
This presentation will explore the potential and the complexity of physical literacy as an outcome of
physical education.

Partial Listing of Friday's Breakouts

"Designed for Success: Teaching Sport Skills for Multi-Ability Levels"
Jim Rich is a nationally-recognized expert in K-12 Adapted Physical Education. This activity session
will demostrate a variety of skill progressions designed to meet the unique needs of students with and without disabilities. Learn more about creating a "Success Oriented" climate in your gym.

Physical Education 2.0 - Bringing Technology into Your Gym
This tech-oriented activity session will provide participants with a wide variety of the "latest and greatest" for K-12 physical education.  
 Joey Feith, The

"Designing Deliberate Practice Tasks" 
During this session, attendees will participate in a series of deliberate practice tasks, design and
implement deliberate practice task sequences designed to meet National k-12 Grade Level outcomes, and explore ways to differentiate instruction in physical education. The development of deliberate practice tasks will be based on 10 guidelines presented during the session. This will be an active session so come prepared to improve your skill acquisition, create some new ways of practicing skills, and differentiate between closed- and open-loop skill acquisition. (Honest - the last part will become clear during the session!)
Dr. Stevie Chepko, South Carolina

Friday Closing Keynote 
Dr. Joanne Owens-Nauslar
GeoMotion Group

"Be a Possibilitarian... Re-Energizing the Professionals!"

The late Dr. LeRoy Walker said "a possibilitarian looks at every scenario, issue, and situation and looks at numerous ways to make something good happen." This session will focus on the Possibilities for the profession: Decide how to revitalize ourselves, beliefs, and passion; Explore how to put FUN back into everything we do; Get on the Energy Bus and drive it with purpose, passion, and mission; Find champions for our programs, products, and services; and Laugh, learn, and share as we wind down and hit the road. 

Outstanding PE Teachers of the Year!


Meet with the Elite!
We are also very pleased to have an outstanding cadre of elite National/District Physical Education Teachers of the Year who will also be presenting during our daily Breakout Sessions.  These individuals include: 
  • Chip Candy, National Middle School TOY 
  • John Smith, National Elementary School TOY
  • Erin Washkuhn, Midwest District TOY
  • Jim Ross, Eastern District TOY
  • John Thomson, National Elementary TOY
  • Melanie Champion, National Middle TOY  
  • Tammy Brant, National Middle TOY  
  • Charla Parker, 2013 National HS TOY
  • And More! 



Teacher Renewal Credit! Participants attending all 5 days of the PE Institute will receive a "Certificate of Completion" for 30 hours of physical education professional growth. This typically converts to 3.0 teacher renewal credits subject to acceptance by your school district's staff development policies. 



Grand Door Prize! Here's a picture of the cool Railyard Fitness Course that one of the PE Institute participants will win as our Grand Door Prize!  Free shipping is included (48 contiguous states) as well!

"The Railyard Fitness Course rocks. So many ways to configure the course and it is easily stored." 
Nancy Kelly, Kansas City, Missouri 

Great Activities Publishing
PO Box 51158
Durham, North Carolina 27717

The Carol M. White PEP Grant Newsletter ™ is published  

by the

Great Activities Publishing Company

PO Box 51158

Durham, North Carolina 27707


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