Coach's Clipboard


Issue #416
August 8, 2016
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Bible Teaching Resources
Donald Anderson
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Satisfied Contentment


"Keep your lives free from the lust for money: be content with what you have.  God has said: 
'I will in no wise fail thee, Neither will I in any wise forsake thee.'" 
Hebrews 13:5 (Phillips)

"It is peace of heart for those who live as a real profit, of course.  It is peace of heart for those who live as God would have them live.  We brought nothing with us when we entered this world and we can be sure we shall take nothing with us when we leave it."  
1 Timothy 6:6 - 8 (Phillips)

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."  
Psalm 23:1 - 3 (NIV)

"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.  Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:  ...Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes."  
Psalm 37:3 - 5, 7 (NIV)




Satisfied Contentment



"Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance.  I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need" Phil. 4:11 - 12





There is a bit of a generation gap between our three older children and our two younger ones.  Here's an example.  When they were growing up, our three oldest children would ask at dinnertime, "Is there any butter for the baked potatoes?"  Our younger children always took the butter for granted and asked "Is there any sour cream?"


The apostle Paul lived in times of prosperity and in times of humble means.  When I reflect over our years in ministry, I recall the same: seasons of prosperity and times of humble means.  I would not trade the years of God's supplying our needs day to day for anything!  I have seen the faithful hand of God provide for His work and His servants.  Past experience has increased my present faith and trust.  I have also been blessed by the times when we did not have stressful financial concerns.  Some years, God has supplied funds in advance to allow us to concentrate our effort in other areas.


The apostle Paul says twice he has "learned" contentment in his circumstances.  Having contentment in whatever circumstances envelope us is not a natural response.  IT IS LEARNED.  How are your lessons going on contentment these days?  Have you learned them well?  Are you at peace with your present provision from God?  If not, what must occur that you might be saying, along with Paul, "I have learned to be content."  Trust the Lord to provide what you need.


Today's extravagance becomes tomorrow's necessity.




            A February 2009 article in the
Los Angeles Times was titled, "For the lonely: 150 songs for sobbing on Valentine's Day."  In the introduction, the author promised "150 of the saddest songs in the world, subjectively selected and specially arranged for maximum depressive potential.
            Why are so many love songs and love stories sad?
            They're sad because we pin our fondest hopes and dreams on a romantic relationship, but life hardly ever falls together the way we had hoped or imagined.  We might "wish upon a star," along with Jiminy Cricket, but wishes are generally wispy, tenuous things that don't hold up to the rough-and-tumble of real life.

            Love songs reawaken that soul-deep desire within us for a shining, transcendent experience of romantic love.  Through that experience, we hope to escape the disappointments of a broken and mostly cynical world.  But then the dream ends, the hope slips away-and we have to return to a shades-of-gray world that seems ordinary lonely, and just a little bleak.

pp. 12-13 



             Later that evening, after Ken helped Joni into bed, he found himself thinking about Montana and what he was missing.  The guys were probably sitting around after dinner and reflecting on the day's fishing.  Ken looked at his watch.  It was late, but he decided to take a few minutes before bed to jot and e-mail to his good friend Chris Leech, who was one of the leaders of the fly-fishing trip.

            "Chris..."Ken typed, "you're my brother in Christ, an outfitter, the quintessential mountain man.  You've literally gone face-to-face with grizzly bears in the wild.  You hunt with a longbow and can survive for weeks in the wilderness.  You're strong and tough, like a Navy Seal.  And I've always said, 'Chris, if I ever go to war, I want you in my foxhole.'  I say that because I know you are a warrior, that you are fearless, that you have skills with so many weapons, and that no matter what, I'd be able to count on you and you would have my back.

            "But over the last year, going through this cancer journey with Joni, I've changed my mind about who I would want in my foxhole.  As I've watched Joni and how she has carried herself, I've been so inspired, so impressed.  When it comes to cancer, we've gone to war against it, together.  And just recently it dawned on me.  Yeah, Chris Leech is tough.  As tough as they come.  But Joni is the real warrior.  Her courage.  The way she has modeled Christ through the worst of it, going through things that ever super-strong able-bodied men couldn't handle.

            "So I'm sorry to tell you, buddy, but you are now second in my book.  If I'm in a war, I want Joni in my foxhole.  I want Joni fighting beside me.  I want Joni watching my back.  You may go one-on-one with grizzlies, but I've never seen anyone with courage like Joni.  She is the quintessential warrior.  I'm so very, very proud of her."
pp. 153 -154 
Joni & Ken An Untold Love Story by Ken & Joni Eareckson Tada


Where grace is improved to a considerable height, it will work a soul to sit down satisfied with the naked enjoyment of God without other things.

p. 139
Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Books: Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings from that renowned Puritan, Thomas Brooks by C.H. Spurgeon

Have you had the incredible good fortune to spend time in the company of a spiritually mature woman?  Her presence, emanating from her gracious and fully open heart, simultaneously soothes and inspires.  People of both sexes long to be near her.  She is warm, intuitive, and radiates the peace of a person comfortable in her own skin.

            Her level of comfort with herself is disarming, allowing everyone around her to relax and be fully themselves, fully present in the moment.  She is not constantly reaching, doing, or wielding her power.  She doesn't need to.  She is awesomely at rest in the embodiment of herself.

            My grandmother Millie G. is this kind of woman.  When I spend time with her, I see the way I want to age, the direction I want to grow, the way I want to blossom spiritually, and the way I want to nurture those around me.

            She is complete in Christ.  She lacks nothing.  Her contentment is contagious, her peace palpable, and her influence divine.

p. 68

Happily Ever After: Walking with Peace and Courage Through a Year of Divorce by Kristin Armstrong

Read Ecclesiastes 3:9-22

            "That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil-this is the gift of God."

Ecclesiastes 3:13


When the well-known British Methodist preacher William Sangster learned that he had progressive muscular atrophy and could not get well, he made four resolutions and kept them to the end: (1) I will never complain; (2) I will keep the home bright; (3) I will count my blessings; (4) I will try to turn it to gain.  This is the approach to life that Solomon wants us to take.

p. 235

Pause for Power: A 365-Day Journey Through the Scriptures by Warren W. Wiersbe


Prayer Requests
  & Praises


1. Praise: "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)

2. Praise: "We are hard-pressed on all sides, but we are never frustrated; we are puzzled, but never in despair.  We are persecuted, but are never deserted: we may be knocked down but we are never knocked out!" 2 Corinthians 4:8 - 9 (Phillips)

3. Praise: "My God will supply all my needs from his glorious resources in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 (Phillips)

4. Praise: "For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield." Psalm 5:12 (NIV)

5. Praise: "May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."  Psalm 20:4 (NIV)

6. Pray: For the comfort and strength for Pearl.

7. Pray: For future of BTR.

8.Pray: Philippines radio and broadcast.  

Prayer: Lord, Your word tells me that the fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
Joyfully serving,


Bible Teaching Resources


Jer. 29:11