Ponte Vedra High School
Shark Bytes
Ponte Vedra High School

August 17, 2013

Important Dates
  • August 19 - First Day of School.
  • September 2 - No School, Labor Day.
  • September 10 - Open House, 6:30 pm.
  • September 13 - No School, Teacher Inservice Day. 
  • September 18 - Interim Reports Available Online.
  • September 20 - Picture Day.
  • October 16 - PSAT Exam, 9 am.
  • October 25 - No School, Teacher Planning Day.
  • October 31 - Report Cards Issued.
School News and Announcements
First Day of School Procedures
 Monday, August 19th is the first day of school!  Students are to report directly to their homeroom class on both Monday and Tuesday.  Click here for the homeroom listing or go to the school website--homerooms are listed by grade and first letters of last name.  Staff will be available in the hallways and the cafeteria to direct students to the appropriate homeroom, and student ambassadors will help as well.  Signs will be posted throughout the school.  Campus maps are available in the media center and the front office.  Students should bring a notebook and pencil or pen--individual teachers will inform students of necessary school supplies on Monday.
Students who did not attend orientation MUST print and bring all completed forms to the media center before school.
Please click here to print the forms.
  • Book checkout will be available before and after school and during lunch at the book room window. 
  • Parking passes will be sold in the cafeteria during all lunches. 
  • Lockers will be assigned in the cafeteria during all lunches as well--please bring your $5 lock deposit.
  • Guidance counselors will be available in the media center before school for schedule change requests, and schedule change request forms are available in guidance throughout the day.
Student Medications
Prescription medications must be brought in BY PARENTS with the appropriate instructions and documentation, including the prescribing physician's signature--click here for the form.  Students may NOT bring in prescription medication.
Front Office Procedures
Parents, please make note of our front office procedures:
  • When checking out your student during the school day please produce a Florida Drivers License.  This procedure is in place for safety.  It is our top priority to keep everybody safe.
  • Students are not allowed to check out during the school day with other students (siblings may leave together).
  • If you send a friend or relative to pick up your child please make sure the individual is on your child's pick up/emergency contact list.  If you have an emergency and do not have time to add this person to your list a note is required with your signature and phone number.  The front office will contact you to verify and this will allow a smooth departure off campus.
  • If your student drives to school and needs to leave for an appointment, he or she must have something in writing from his/her Guardian.  The note must be delivered to the front office before the start of school which will allow the front office staff enough time to log and contact you for verification.  Your student will not be allowed to leave campus until we touch base with you.

If your child is out of school please send a note to the front office upon returning (phone calls are not necessary).  The note should be brought to the front office before school and an excused or unexcused slip will be issued to show all teachers.               


If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact our receptionist, Donna Adriano, via email at donna.adriano@stjohns.k12.fl.us or by calling the PVHS Main Office during office hours 8:00am - 4:30pm (904) 547-7350.


Attention Back-to-School Shoppers! 
The annual "Feed the Shark" Supply Drive is underway.  For every item or dollar donated, you'll receive a drawing entry for a $50 restaurant gift card.  Items needed include:

Hand sanitizer * Kleenex * Paper towels * Copy paper * Tape Dispenser refill * White Board/Dry Erase markers * Colored Copy Paper * Drawing paper (24x36) * Pens and pencils * Scissors * Sticky Notes * Cleaning  * wipes * Mousepads for the computers - put your company logo on them! * Ipads * iTune cards * The Logo Game * Monopoly Game * Highlighters * Red and black pens * Permanent markers * Dry Erase markers in red, blue and black * White board eraser * Patty Paper - geometry projects * Graph Paper - full page or 2-4 per page is good

Items will be collected now and through Open House.  Simply label your items with your name and phone number and drop off to the Shark in the Front Office.  Please contact Stacey O'Connor, 280-2259, with any questions.

PTO Update 
Corporate Matching Gifts
Do you work at Wells Fargo?  CSX? The PGA Tour? Pfizer?  Main Street American Group?  Coach?  JP Morgan?  Progressive?  Northwestern Mutual Life?  Or another company which offers corporate matching?  If so, please contact Cyndi Scully (or any name in membership you want) @ 993-2974 to take advantage of your company's corporate matching funds program.  Many companies offer this program, so please help us raise money for your child's school with one simple call to Cyndi.
Why join the PTO?
The Ponte Vedra High School Parent Teacher Organization provides funds for academic programs, technology purchases, and school improvements. The PTO seeks to fill the gap when state funding is not available for programs and resources. Every dollar donated to PTO goes to support the students and staff of Ponte Vedra High School. As parents, we need to give the same consideration to financially supporting our children's academics as we do to their other activities. For more information on the important services the PTO provides and for a membership form, please view the PTO pages in the orientation packet, or click here for a membership form.


The PVHS PTO offers several membership options. All members will receive two PTO discount cards and one copy of the PVHS Student Directory. (PTO membership is the only way to obtain a student directory.) The membership enrollment deadline is September 27, 2013.


Ladies' Night Out--Mark Your Calendar!

 October 3 at Pusser's $25 in advance and $35 at the door. Food and beverages, door prize fashion show and raffle ticket all included.

For more info contact Laura Rojahn at (904) 571-4998. 


Subscribe and Support Your PTO

 The Ponte Vedra Leader will give our Ponte Vedra High PTO $15 for every new one-year $32 subscription or $54 two-year renewal.

You can also subscribe online at http://beachesleader.com/subscribe/. All have to do is put "Ponte Vedra High School" in the "comments" box for our school to get credit.
Shark Sports 
Girls' Basketball Meeting
Attention all girls interested in playing basketball this year! Please attend our preseason meeting on Tuesday, August 27th starting at 6:00PM in room 585.  At this meeting we will discuss our Fall workout schedule, upcoming game schedule, and other important events before the basketball season starts. Mark this date and time on your calendar!  See you there!

Questions?  Contact Coach Jim Piggott at (904) 669-0765
In the Community
St. Johns County 4-H Youth Development Enrollment Kick Off 
The St. Johns County 4-H Youth Development Program is hosting a 4-H Enrollment Kick Off for youth ages 5-18, (age as of September 1, 2013) on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th from 4pm-6pm at the St. Johns County Extension Office at 3125 Agricultural Center Drive (near S.R. 16 and I 95). 4-H Club and Project information will be available for new and returning 4-H members. 4-H is a youth development program that enables youth to develop life skills, leadership and citizenship. Caring adult leaders are also being recruited. Please contact the 4-H Office at 904 209-0430 for more information. Youth can enroll in the St. Johns County 4-H program ONLINE AFTER August 24th by going to:  https://florida.4honline.com
In This Issue
School News and Announcements
PTO Update
Shark Sports
Article Headline
PVHS Links

Other Useful Links


Join Our Mailing List
Feel free to contact us with information that may interest the PVHS community.  All submissions are subject to approval by the PVHS administration, and must be received by Friday for inclusion in Monday's newsletter.  Please e-mail your information exactly as you would like it to appear to Pat Forsythe, forsytp@stjohns.k12.fl.us.