MAY 2015                                                                        

Attention Asparagus Aficionados! asparagus

We know asparagus as one of Minnesota's early season crops, and is among the first produce to arrive at the farmers markets. But asparagus is so much more than that - as many aficionados can attest! Once classified in the lily family like its cousins, onions and garlic, asparagus is native to Europe, northern Africa and Asia and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop. Nothing says spring like fresh asparagus from your local producer!

Read more here!


Spring Gardensspringplants

Spring is here and
it's time to be excited about your outdoor space! The great thing about Minnesota's annuals, perennials, and bedding plants is their variety and ability to suit any type of outdoor space. For more information on all your gardening possibilities, read on!

Read more!
Farmers Markets are Opening!

With each weekend, more and more farmers markets around the state open for their summer season! The 2015 Minnesota Grown Directory boasts 183 farmers markets throughout the state! By visiting our website, you can browse market listings to find out when markets open or search geographically by exploring our interactive map feature! Are you a summer traveler? Take a look at the Minnesota Grown farmers market interactive map and find a market near your summer cabin or camping spot! Minnesota farmers markets are a community gathering place and are a great family friendly activity. Some markets feature live music, children's programs, and at every market you're sure to find a diverse group of farmers and products available. 

Maple Grove is having a special event called the Spring Preview this weekend on May 7th! The Spring Preview is a chance for customers explore the market, stock up on favorite farmstead and specialty goods, and connect with friends and neighbors from the market community.  This annual sneak peek at the farmers market season will feature rhubarb, asparagus, early spring greens, and a variety of farmstead and specialty products. While the outdoor market (opening June 11) boasts 50 vendors, a select mix of new and returning vendors-over 20 in all-will offer sampling and sales of their wares on May 7. Enjoy live music, purchase a first-of-its kind Farmers Market coupon book, good for the full 2015 season, or find that perfect mother's day gift! For more information, visit  

Member Feature: Bailey Nurseriesbailey

Minnesota Grown member, Bailey Nurseries is one of the countries largest wholesale nurseries and a leading innovator of new s hrub, tree, and rose varieties in the horticulture industry. This producer sells only wholesale plants to retail locations (find one near you here) and is proud to be Minnesota Grown! You can find locally raised nursery plants, trees, and shrubs all across the state! This month we took a trip to their greenhouses to get the scoop on spring plants, and growing them by the thousands. Take a look!



The stalks are crazy sour, but put them in the right recipe and you've got a crazy good taste of spring. Yes, you've got it - we are talking rhubarb! When markets open in May rhubarb quickly fills the tables. Rhubarb grows best where it's cold and needs winter temperatures below 40 degrees to be reliably productive. That means Minnesota produces some excellent rhubarb!  



Learn something new about this early season crop - read more here!    

Grilled Salmon Asparagus Saladsalmon

Warm weather and longer days means Minnesotans are spending more time outdoors. This month, dust off your grill, Get Out & Go Local! Asparagus & arugula are some
of Minnesota's earliest crops and are starting to appear at farmers markets in May. Why not utilize them in this tasty recipe?

Save the Date! date 
calendar clip art
Mother's Day (Sunday, May 10th) isn't the only important date to remember this month, visit the Minnesota Grown events calendar for fun and local events in May and all year long! Check them out here!