FEBRUARY 2015                                                                           www.minnesotagrown.com
CSA Speed DatingCSA
csa box
Photo courtesy of Loon Organics in Hutchinson, MN

It's that time of year, folks! Time to reach out and get to know yo
ur friendly local CSA farmer. While this may sound a little like speed dating, it's important to know that every CSA farm is a little bit different- and that's what's so beautiful about the Community Supported Agriculture model! Never participated in a Community Supported Agriculture program before? Not to worry! We have all you need to know in this article!
Member Feature: A Tour of Len Busch Rosesroses

As Valentine's Day approaches, keep Minnesota Grown flowers in mind as gifts for loved ones! Purchasing local flowers will ensure longer vase life and keep your dollars in the local economy. For and inside look at local flower production, we went to Minnesota Grown member Len Busch Roses in Plymouth.
Len Busch Roses

Enjoying Minnesota Grown Elkelk

Elk has been growing in popularity for 10 years due to its flavor, nutritional benefits, and more.

We spoke with Brenda Hartkoph, the executive secretary for Minnesota Elk Breeders Association, office manager for the North American Elk Breeders Association, and owner of Splendor Ridge Elk Farm in Howard Lake, MN about why incorporating elk into your next family meal is such a great idea. 
Locally Raised Fiberfiber
Basket of yarns
The wind continues to bite through the Minnesota winter and there is no better way to keep warm than with products made from locally raised fibers like wool, alpaca and mohair. In fact, using natural fibers like this have many benefits including retaining warmth when wet and being fire resistant! Just how do you get from fleece to sweater? We visited Minnesota Grown member Nancy Ellison and her Icelandic sheep farm to find out!

A Minnesota Grown Valentine's Dayvalentines
It's time to start thinking about gifts for your loved ones for Valentine's Day, and Minnesota Grown is here to help! Check out our gift guide and choose the item that "just right" for whomever you have in mind. It's easy to make your Valentine's Day fun and local!

Save the Date! dates 

calendar clip art
Minnesota Grown.com now has an interactive online calendar where you can find fun and local February events! We have lots of great events from cooking classes to harvest festivals!

Chicken Noodle Soup with Heart - Shaped Carrotsrecipe

The weather is still chilly and soup is an excellent warm meal to soothe the Midwesterner's soul. Chicken noodle soup is a well-known favorite and is easily updated for Valentine's Day with heart shaped carrots! Try this easy recipe, and don't forget to use local, Minnesota Grown ingredients!

Chicken noodle soup